Originally, Lux just wanted to take it easy after they reached Abingdon Town.

However after checking the map, he was surprised to know that the number of Tetramorium Ant far exceeded his expectations.

There was no safe place, and the only thing they could do was to continue to fly high in the sky to prevent themselves from getting sniped by the underground colony, whose numbers were enough to make Lux very wary of them.

Finally after a few hours they finally arrived at their destination.

"Halt! And state your business!" the Guard Captain that stood up on the town walls shouted. All of them had aimed their crossbows at the Griffins who were hovering two hundred meters away from them.

"We are travelers that have come from the Forest of Beginnings," Lux replied. "The Forest Folk asked us to come here to meet with your Mayor. They said that you guys are having some kind of problem and are in need of assistance?"

The Guards looked at their Captain, whose eyes locked in on the Half-Elf who answered his question.

The Guard Captain replied right away as if he was having an internal battle inside his head. Five minutes passed before he finally opened his mouth to give his reply.

"All of you may enter, but you guys will dismount and enter through the gate," the Guard Captain replied before telling one of his men to go to the Mayor to inform them of the visitors that had come to help them with their current circumstance.

After gaining permission to enter the Town, Lux and the others entered through the Towns Gate, and what they saw made the red-headed teenager frown.

There was no one on the streets, and people peeked through the windows of their houses to look at them. It was as if they were scared of something, and they only felt safe inside their homes.

Laura and Livia, who hadn't visited other towns outside of the Kingdom of Gweliven, held onto Grandma Annie's hand as they looked around their surroundings. Clearly, the two little girls also felt that something was terribly wrong, and it made them feel anxious.

"Grandma, why are all the people inside their homes?" Laura asked. "Are they scared of something?"

"I'm not really sure," Grandma Annie. "We'll probably find out the reason once we meet with the Mayor."

However, just as Lux and the others reached the Plaza, the sound of bells ringing reverberated in the surroundings.

All the people watching them from the windows all disappeared as if they went somewhere to hide.

A moment later, the sound of buzzing reached their ears, which made all of them turn around to see where it was coming from.

It was at that moment when they saw over a dozen Red Giant Hornets headed towards the town.

"Peak Rank 5 Monsters," Cethus frowned after seeing the Hornets that were approaching them.

Peak Rank 5 Monsters, would require a party of Initiates to fight. Even the Dragon Born who prided himself of his fighting ability wouldn't attack such dangerous opponents alone.

Lux, who knew the danger they were in, immediately summoned his Doppelgangers. He then summoned his Named Creatures, as well as his Undead Army to give them time to find a safe place to hide.

Even from a distance away, they could see the Guards desperately firing their crossbows at their targets.

Although some of their crossbow bolts landed on the Giant Hornet's bodies, it seemed that the damage the flying insects received was very minimal, and not enough to deter them from targeting the Guards as their food supply.

Screams of pain, desperation, anger, and fear spread throughout the surroundings as the Giant Hornets claimed their first victims.

While some feasted on the guards, the others flew past the town walls and headed straight to the town, looking for juicy morsels to eat.

"""Dragon's Breath!"""

Suddenly, seven beams of blazing red light collided with one of the Giant Hornets, making it screech in pain before crashing towards the ground.

A moment later, hundreds of Skeleton Gang Bangers swarmed over it like ants, preventing it from making a comeback.

Seeing that one of their comrades had fallen, Six of the Giant Red Hornets emitted a resounding screech before flying in Lux's and his party's direction.

The Half-Elf, Eiko, and their clones, both activated their skills, Skeleton Make, at the same time in order to intercept the flying insects which threatened their safety.

"Skeleton Make... Skeleton Titan!"

With a mighty roar of defiance, a Giant Skeleton that was over fifteen meters tall, appeared in front of Lux's party and smashed its skeletal fist at the lead Giant Hornet, sending it flying in the opposite direction.

At the same time the Skeleton TItan was summoned, the Archlich, Asmodeus, raised his hand into the air.

"Ithaqua!" he yelled, summoning the Creature of the Cold White Silence, which created a blizzard as soon as he appeared behind him on the battlefield.

Asmodeus' newest summon intensified the power of the blizzard, turning the visibility to zero.

Lux and his party members weren't affected by the sheer cold that buffeted the surroundings because Ithaqua had created a dome that was unaffected by the power of his blizzard, allowing the others to see their enemies, without being seen.

It was this moment when Lux finally realized how impressive Ithaqua was in battle. Although he couldn't see the Red Giant Hornets, the Skeletons were very perceptive of body heat and any other signs of life within the blizzard.

This allowed them to pinpoint their target's location, even if there was nearly zero visibility around them.

The Red Giant Hornets that were caught inside the blizzard, hastily tried to flee, but since they lost their sense of direction, they didn't know where to go.

These insects thrived in both dry and humid environments like the plains. However, they would never survive in extremely cold temperatures.

While the Giant Hornets struggled to flee, the effect of the blizzard was starting to slow their movements, nearly paralyzing their bodies.

It didn't help that the Skeleton Archers, and Mages, were attacking them non-stop, making them suffer.

The Skeleton Titan, Ithaqua, Ishtar, Asmodeus, Lazarus, and Zagan, didn't hold back either and attacked their foes, using the blizzard to their advantage.

A few minutes later, the Giant Hornets could no longer continue flying, and fell on the ground. The Skeleton Gang Bangers, the Rock Golems, Diablo, Pazuzu, Orion, and Revon, didn't miss this opportunity to deal devastating blows to their targets.

Although they were much stronger than them, the Red Giant Hornets' movement, and attack speed had decreased significantly. They were completely outmatched by the Skeleton Army that swarmed them like ants, stabbing their eyes, their abdomens, and any other place that they could think of.

The Blizzard had also extended up to the Town's Wall, which pushed the other Giant Hornets back.

Seeing that they could no longer advance, the Giant Hornets retreated, carrying some of the guards they killed away as their prize.

Only when the last hornet had been dealt with did Ithaqua disperse his blizzard. Abingdon Town was covered in white snow, but the residents were protected from the cold that it brought due to Ithaqua's control over his ice domain.

"These are good specimens," Asmodeus said as he asked Lux for permission to take two of the Giant Hornets to add to his collections.

The Half-Elf readily agreed to his Archlich's request, because there were six more Hornets that they had killed in the battle that just ended.

Lux had a feeling that sooner or later, Asmodeus would create a Chimera made from the bodies of the different monsters he was collecting. Although he didn't know what diabolical creation his Archlich would create, a part of him was looking forward to the results of Asmodeus' experiments.

Just as the Half-Elf was collecting the dead bodies of the Giant Hornets, a group of people mounted on horses approached their location.

Just a glance was enough to tell Lux that the middle-aged man at the center of the guards' formation was the most important person in Abingdon Town, the Mayor whom they planned to meet.

"Friends that came from far away, I thank you for extending your hand to help our humble Town of Abingdon," the middle-aged man said. "My name is Pietro, and I am the Mayor of this town. Please, can I invite you all to my residence to talk? One of my men informed me that you planned to meet me, yes?"

Lux smiled before nodding his head.

"Well met, Sir Pietro," Lux replied. "We humbly accept your invitation."

Pietro returned Lux's smile as he made a gesture for the Half-Elf to follow him and his entourage back to their residence. After seeing how Lux dealt with the Red Giant Hornets in order to help save his Town, Pietro's first impression of them was extremely good.

Because of this, he planned to give them the VIP treatment during their stay in his territory.

Lux didn't know if the Forest Folk was referring to the Red Giant Hornets when they asked him, and his comrades, to go to Abingdon Town to see their Mayor.

However, something was telling him that the town had more troubling concerns than the recent attack they faced just now.

'I just hope that it's nothing too serious,' Lux thought as he rode his Thunder Warg King, Jed, to follow the Mayor back to his residence.

And Lux wasn't the one that was thinking that way.

Randolph, Grandma Annie, Gerhart, and Cethus were the same.

Although they had managed to drive off the Red Giant Hornets from the town, they weren't too keen in fighting against an entire nest.

Once that happened, although the Giant Hornets would be at a great disadvantage with Ithaqua's help, they were sure that those terrifying monsters would definitely fight them to the bitter end.

Besides, they had just fought Rank 5 Monsters.

It was highly possible that there were stronger hornets inside the nest that could take them by surprise.

Also, they had no doubt in their minds that the Queen, who stood above these flying terrors, was a Deimos-Ranked Beast that was way too dangerous for their current party to deal with.

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