Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

658  A Low Lander Scum Like You Isn’t Even Qualified To Lick My Feet [Part 2]

"Is that him?" Prince Cyrus asked Malcolm who was standing on his right side.

"Yes, Your Highness," Malcolm replied. "That is Lux Von Kaizer."

The Second Prince of the Vahan Empire eyed Lux from head to foot as if gauging how strong he was.

"He doesn't look that strong," Prince Cyrus commented. "Are you sure that he is the reason why the three gates have been conquered?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"I see."

Aside from Prince Cyrus, all the teenagers, who would be participating in the dungeon expedition, locked their eyes on the Half-Elf.

"Is that him, Jasper?" one of the representatives of the Xynnar War Pact asked their temporary leader. "He's the one that beat you?"

"I can't remember," Jasper replied. "All I know is that I tried to backstab him in the past, but I couldn't recall what happened after that."

"You can't remember? He might have knocked you unconscious before you could even deliver the killing blow."

"Maybe you're right."

Jasper, who had been mercilessly gangbanged by the Skeleton Gang Bangers had his memory erased, in order to prevent him from developing trauma due to the horrifying experience that he had been through.

As one of the Top Prodigies from the Xynnar War Pact, they couldn't allow his future to be destroyed just because of the one mistake that he had unknowingly committed.

Even so, Jasper's sixth sense was telling him that no matter what happened, Lux was someone that he shouldn't try to cross again no matter what.

Aside from Jasper, someone else was also paying close attention to the red-headed teenager.

Nero, who had fought Lux in the past, narrowed his eyes when he vaguely sensed that the Half-Elf had grown a lot stronger since the last time they met.

This could easily be seen in the way Lux walked, which carried an air of confidence that could only be obtained after surviving many hard battles.

Now that all the representatives from the different Factions had gathered inside the Tavern, it was time to delegate the leaders of the expedition.

Prince Cyrus, Jasper, Lux, and the black-robed figure guarded by the Four Saints had all gathered in front of the Gate of the Fallen to discuss who would be leading the expedition.

"I've heard many things about you, Lux Von Kaizer," Prince Cyrus said with a fearless smile on his face. "But I don't know if those stories are true or not. Looking at you today, I can say with certainty that those rumors were greatly exaggerated."

Lux ignored Prince Cyrus' taunts and decided to speak what was on his mind.

"I have my own way of doing things, so I'll only take my people with me," Lux stated. "Of course, if any of you want to join my team, you are welcome to do so. But, you must follow my orders without fail."

"Heh~ look at you talking like a big shot," Prince Cyrus snorted. "Are you sure you don't want to join our team instead?"


"Your loss."

Jasper, who had been listening for a while lightly cleared his throat and voiced out his thoughts.

"The representatives of the Xynnar War Pact will accompany Lux Von Kaizer in this expedition," Jasper stated before raising his hand for a handshake. "This is the decree given to us by our Kings, so that is what we will do. I look forward to working with you, Lux."

"I look forward to working with you as well," Lux replied before shaking Jasper's hand.

Truth be told, he was slightly feeling guilty about what happened to Jasper in the past.

Although they were enemies, getting gangbanged by his Skeleton Gangbangers wasn't the best thing a young man in his early twenties should experience.

'Fortunately, we are on the same side now,' Lux thought. 'He will not have to suffer from PTSD again.'

Suddenly, and without any warning, Prince Cyrus moved and tried to grab the Baby Slime that was perched on top of Lux's head.

He had heard that the Half-Elf cared deeply for the Baby Blue Slime, so he wanted to see how the latter would react if he took Eiko as hostage.

Suddenly, a loud rumbling sound echoed in the surroundings as the Second Prince of the Vahan Empire spat a mouthful of blood after his body crashed towards the walls of the Cavern.

Aaron, who was Emperor Andreas' right-hand man, immediately went to check how serious Prince Cyrus' injuries were.

He had known long before that Prince Cyrus had been wanting to test Lux to see how strong he really was ever since he had heard his name.

The Prince of the Vahan Empire was an arrogant and violent person. He had developed a very big ego because he always got away with anything he did due to his family's background.

He believed that he was practically untouchable until the delegation of the black-robed individuals arrived in their capital city.

Even if their Empire was strong, they only had one Saint to look after their kingdom's interests.

Their visitors, on the other hand, had four Saints who served as bodyguards to the black-robed person that Emperor Andreas recognized as their faction's leader.

Because of this, Prince Cyrus didn't dare to act arrogant in front of them. Since then, he had been waiting for a long time to vent his frustrations on the red-headed Necromancer whom he heard many things about.

"So, that's your true color," Prince Cyrus said as he wiped the blood that flowed from the corner of his lips. "I guess there is some truth to the rumors after all."

The Prince of the Vahan Empire looked at the five-meter-tall Corpse God that enclosed the Half-Elf in a protective stance

The Unholy Apparition had eight arms, and seven of those arms were holding a weapon.

The last arm held a shield, which it had used to bash Prince Cyrus' body, and sent him flying toward the wall of the cavern.

Overall, the Corpse God was quite a sight, making one of the Saints wearing a black robe mutter the words "Memento Mori" the moment he saw it.

Of course, no one was paying attention to the Saint because they were all busy looking at the Half-Elf, who had dealt first blood to the Second Prince of the Vahan Empire.

"The next time you try to hurt those who are important to me, I will kill you," Lux said with a hint of killing intent.

"Kill me?" Prince Cyrus laughed as he propped himself up from the ground. "You sure are cocky. Is it because your father is a Saint that you can spout such nonsense?"

The Rankers of the Vahan Empire all moved in unison and stood in front of their Prince, waiting for his order to teach the Half-Elf a lesson.

However, before Prince Cyrus could even give an order, an arrogant and contemptuous tone reached everyone's ears.

"Stand down, Low Landers."

Cethus took a step forward and threw away the black robe that was covering his body, revealing his battle regalia, which was the trademark of the Royal Guards of the Dragon Kingdom, Karshvar Draconis.

"I am Cethus, one of the Royal Guards of the Dragon King," Cethus declared in a tone filled with arrogance. "Lux Von Kaizer is under my supervision. Anyone who dares to harm him will have to go through me first."

The Dragon Born, who didn't want to reveal his identity at the beginning, stood between Lux and Prince Cyrus with his arms crossed over his chest with his draconic wings spread wide.

"If you don't want your entire Empire to be wiped off from the face of the world, kneel and apologize like the maggot you are," Cethus stated. "A Low Lander scum like you isn't even qualified to lick my feet."

Lux and Gerhart who had beaten the crap out of Cethus in the past couldn't help but give the arrogant Dragon Born a thumbs up in their hearts.

Although they had beaten Cethus black and blue in the past, the shameless Dragon Born was still as domineering as ever, making them wonder where his confidence was coming from.

However, since they were all on the same side, they kept silent and simply watched Cethus stare down on the Rankers of the Vahan Empire as if they were mere bugs that he could trample under his feet.

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