That night.

When dinner was ready and the lights on the mansion began to fall. I was kind of thirsty and when I went outside to head to the well...... I saw Glai waving his sword in the garden under the moonlight.

Are you auditioning? He looks serious, and there's no sign of him noticing me.

"You're enthusiastic, Brother Glee."

"Ah...? What can I do for you, Seika?"

I had trouble with Glay, who looked depressed as he wiped his sweat.

Because I wasn't sure why I talked to him, even myself.

"... nothing. Yeah, I'll deal with you. I still remember a little bit about swordsmanship."

"Don't be silly. It's not even your sword. It's not your archery."

I guess, I guess.

At one point in his previous life, he had studied the genre of machetes with a well-known samurai, dating a disciple who was lacking in curse (serious) talent.

I was taught some moves and it became quite... but in the end it wasn't far to my master, and my apprentice quickly overtook me. I had no sword. [M]

Not now that my arms are rusty...... no. Even me back then, I'm sure I wouldn't have been Glai's opponent.

"Brother Glai had a sword genius, didn't he?"

"What, you? You're disgusting."

"Aren't you praising me? Whatever it is, I've been chosen as the Holy Knight of the Empress."

"... Ha"

That's what Grye says and drinks the water from the water bottle he kept beside him.

Holy knights are magical swordsmen who refrain by Fiona.

The essence is just an escort, less than ten in number, but its strength is immense. He has taken over numerous assassins and mighty monsters… and is sung to the bards.

The fold in which Fiona visited the Oriental garrison during the inspection. It was written in a letter from Luft that he chose Glai as his new saint at first glance.

However, it seems that formal appointments will be made in court, and in order to do so, we need to return to the Imperial City.

It is a great honor for the Holy Knight to be chosen from his own legion...... so it took a voice from General Petrus, the head of the legion, that Glai led his platoon to escort him to the Imperial City.

Now along the way, the rest of the soldiers and Fiona are staying in Lamplog territory where their parents are... is what Luft told me about this series.

After a brief silence, Gly opens his mouth.

"Do you know why his escort is called the Holy Knight?"

…… Come on. "

"He spread the word himself. A name that is comfortable in the ears of the people and easily sung by the poet. The point is, it's part of political public relations."

"... just on the outside, you mean it's not accompanied by the contents?

"You're not."

Say, Gli takes another sip of water.

"Their strength is real. What a bottom line I am. Two of his samurai, you're welcome. Those are the guys who stopped Fiona this morning. In the middle of the march, they beat me up when they said they were archaic or something. That's the bottom of the sequence, so I don't know how horrible they are."

"Heh, I thought you left them all in Empire, but they weren't. To the samurai..."

Speaking of which, I also feel like I was behaving like one.

"Yeah...... so, I mean, what are you trying to say?

"It's probably not strength that I was chosen for. He's... he's got some thoughts. He's a politician."

"... Politicians"

I rebuke Glai's words.

"Not really, it doesn't look like it."

"I just don't see it. Do you think it's just a coincidence that he sometime took his house arrest life off and his presence spread to the public and his name came up on the subject of succession to the throne?

"... all, that's what she meant?

"That's right. Including the name of the Holy Empress and the impression of the common people. He was explaining himself."

"... if you've accomplished that at that age, it's not normal."

I say quietly.

"If I told you I had a gift for politics, I might have..."

"That's not all. I'm beyond talented and manageable. Especially when it comes to gathering all those saints and knights."

"... if you're not talented, say something."

Gli says, exhaling one thing.

"Do you know the witch of the trust, Seika"

"... no? Are you even in the central temple of the Empire?

"No, a clan that had nothing to do with the cathedral. Once every hundred years...... prophesies the birth of the brave and the demon king"


"His mother was his descendant. The Holy Empress has the blood of a pronounced witch."

Grye says.

"He sees the future."


"The future...?


Gli keeps asking me questions.

"It's coming to my mind. At one point, a place, a scene, the sights and memories I see. You've got buildings falling down in the city during the day. Now that I think about it, he must have been watching that scene. I don't know what that meant, but that's why I bothered trying to get to a place like that. And... the day you got back, the sight of me losing, probably."

"... that didn't happen. Brother Glai suddenly told me to stop..."

"You also said the future would change. It might be obvious if you think about it."

I often spin my thoughts and open my mouth.

"I said a clan that predicts the birth of a brave man and a demon king... but that's about a witch told in that fairy tale?

"Oh, it wasn't a fairy tale."

"Then it's weird. There shouldn't have been any power of futuristic vision on the witch that comes out of that story. It must have been enough to see the birth of a brave man and a demon king just before that."

"I don't know. The royal family is blessed with magical talent. Coupled with your blood, it didn't work out."

"Is everything you've heard from the Crown Princess herself now?

"Oh, yes, I am."

Grye says.

"No one knew that his mother was a descendant of the Trusteeship clan. I'm just gonna give birth to him. Exactly then... he said he prophesied. The birth of a brave man and a demon king."


"I don't know if it's because of that, but his mother died right after that. He heard about it from his parents. So I learned, what is my power?"

Gli continues.

"At first, the mother's prophecy was also thought to be a delusion after the pain of giving birth to a child. But as a result of the Empire's intelligence, it turns out to be true. The same information was available on the Devil's side. But he doesn't seem to know the birth of the Demon King for some reason."


"I guess that's what happened when he was under house arrest for a while. Because the Empire is now the only clan that has any idea. The power of futuristic vision would be unexpected."

"... if that's true, it's too much. I don't think it's a coincidence. The Emperor only knew that Fiona's mother was a clan of trustees..."

"I wonder. If you think about it normally... it's no wonder the emperor did it all for you."

I ask a few questions. [M]

"The Empire and the Holy Princess, do you understand? Who are the brave ones and the demon kings?"

"There's no way I know that much."

Gly tells me to throw up.

"He was a baby when the brave man and the demon king were born. That's not why I would have received the original proclamation. It's just... he'll know. With the power of its futuristic vision"


"I thought it was odd that he wanted to see just a student so much... but I got the sword and figured it out. I guess that woman named Amu means a brave man.... What, you look scared. And you knew how that was going?

"... a lot going on"

Glai tells me to lay down my eyes.

"Don't stick your neck in too much, Seika. Brave men and demon kings."

"... Brother Glai will worry about you. Oh, my God, there's something strange going on"

"No, I'm not."

Glai glances at me and says:

"I mean, don't get in his way. He's looking to the future of the Empire."

"... the future of the Empire,"

You mean there are only politicians?

I exhale. [M]

"You talk a lot to me about telling me not to stick my neck in. Are you glad I even told you that?

"It doesn't matter. At any rate, he'll spread the word to the people. If you doubt it, you can ask the person... hey, but don't ever tell those samurai. I'm gonna get busted."

"Brother Glee, you've been thinking a lot, too. I'm surprised. I just thought you were floating in the service of beauty."

"Ha, crap!

Gli says abominably, waving his sword.

"Woman what a shit!


I'm confused.

I wonder what happened...... this guy is extreme too.

"Seika, you be careful, too. It just seems like I'm on my way to ruin. All that samurai..."

"Kee, I'll remember the liver... but then why did Brother Glai take the invitation of the Holy Knight? As far as I can tell, I think you should have stayed in the garrison."

"At first I thought it was glory. Can you predict that there are such difficult circumstances?"

"Heh... so what? Now you can still quit in time, right?

"There's no way you're gonna make it, bokeh! And... I don't know how to resign."

Gli says, turning his gaze to the other side.

"I'm worried about the future he sees."



Back in the room, Yuki, with her face out of her head, talks to me.

"Is it true about that one? He thought he had a grudge against Seika..."

"At least you didn't look like you were lying."

I can't even think of a reason to do that on purpose.

It's just...

"The power of Fiona is a little hard to believe,"

"Is it the power to see the future?

Yuki says strangely.

"What...? Isn't that what Seika does in fortune?"

"Divination and futuristic vision are different."

I'll explain.

"Only certain consequences for certain things can be guided by both life fortunes and fortunes fortunes. For example, seeing fate from the stars of birth, judging the edges from the way tortoise armor is broken, anticipating auspicious evil and bliss from the structure of houses and cities, etc."

"What's so different about looking at the future?

"We need information, tools and knowledge beforehand, and we're limited to knowing. A methodology has been established for that, and anyone can use it if they learn, and teach others. Futuristic view is completely different from this"

I go on.

"From where there is no information, no tools, no knowledge, all of a sudden we know the future. There's nothing methodological about it, and I can't even teach anyone. It's an extraordinary power, isolated from the magician's wisdom."

"Ha, is that... close to predicting a pipe fox"

"The prediction of a pipe fox is also technically a divination. Nearby is a prophet passed down to the West, or a demon."

"Are you…"

A human-speaking demon with a cow's body on a person's head.

Immediately after birth, he predicted a serious event and died, which he said would always hit.

"Although I listen to you, I've never seen Yuki either"

Actually, I have one.

"What!? How did you do that? That is, you should die as soon as you make a prophecy..."

"There was a prophecy about the birth. It was a village in Tangoku, so I stayed for a while, and every time a cow gave birth, I stuck around."

"You used to hang in there like that!?

"So, I was really born, so I sealed it right before I said anything. I'm sorry, but I can't show you. If we get him out of phase, he'll be dead."

"No, that's fine..."

Yuki says so in a frightened manner, then raises her head to the wind she has regained her mind.

"Whatever that is, what will you do? Could that princess be a threat to Seika..."

"No... you'll be fine"

I say.

"I don't think it's omnipotent to say futuristic. Neither the prophet nor the prophet can see the future freely. If I hadn't imitated my power in the first place, I wouldn't have had such a future. It's troublesome to be a politician, but, well..."

I laugh all the time.

"I guess I just hope I'm not deeply involved"

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