Darkness falls in the sky, just a few moments ahead.

Zolmnem looked up at the walls of Rodonea, which are now soaring.

This is just a city.

Just a little more humans learn magic, not even the adventurers hunting mighty monsters or the elites of the Imperial Army are permanently present.

Brave men, too, should still be children.

No one can be a threat to this party that brings together the strong.

So this fear is - probably due to heavy pressure.

Finally, the time has come to fulfill the purpose of the journey.

Zolmnem had long forgotten that he had such feelings too.

Hands should be, everyone already knows.

Drive students from all sides of the school and rendezvous near the main building in the center before continuing with further killing. If you find a brave man, at that point each person sends a signal with a special magic prop. Even if we can't find it, if there's a commotion, we'll be able to bring out those who excel in martial arts.

It's too uncertain an operation, but I can't help it. The brave man is not sitting on the throne in plain sight, unlike the former Demon King.

Zolmnem thinks that intelligence is a skill.

I understood the information was important, but I was unable to secure the necessary personnel.

Only the map of Rodney and the school made something trustworthy by catching and drawing several merchants in and out of it and matching them. Based on this, Gal Gunnis' transfer magic sends each of them to their intended location.

It can be said that merchants' loads and their own unplanned replenishment have been fortunate.

After that, just entrust success or failure to heavenly luck.

"I'm starting to feel like it's going to work."

Lo Ni broke the silence caused by the tension.

"Dee and Meade are motivated, and... we can't beat anyone."

"Well, that's a good feeling."

Mudelev follows the words of the Raptors.

"It is the heart that keeps it strong. It's what you need to do to exchange things. If my heart is brittle, everything won't work out, not just the martial arts."

"Munya... I've heard that six times..."

"We all know that now, sus."

Zolmnem had a small grin on his mouth.

I'm sure it will be accomplished. If this party...

"Let's go"

A man of the devil tells his people.

Then a few moments later.

The demons disappeared with the residual light of the magic formation.


Gal Gunnis, who moved to the western end of the School of Magic, learned two things.

One is that everyone, including myself, had a successful metastasis.

And the other is this unscheduled fog.

Even though there was no sign of it at all from outside the walls - the School of Magic was covered in dark fog.

Even Gal Ghanis, who is not bright enough for the weather, understood that the mist at dusk was an extremely auspicious (rare) phenomenon. Nor have I heard of such a thick fog in the narrow range that it is only in the walls.

So much so that I'm going to get lost.

But to this extent, I can't change my plans any more.


Gal Gunnis created countless flames in the air.

Only around it, the fog fades slightly.

If the temperature rises, the fog clears. But it was just water on the burning stone in a flame to such an extent that it was magically produced. Buildings are sparse around here, and I can't aim for an extended burn where it's on fire. The flames, at best, were only to the extent of light sources.

But still, it's better than not. At least I'll know what's going on around me.

Surprisingly, there were signs of humans nearby.

who walk on the road. Those who stop and engage in bickering.

Are you a student here? Nor does it look like it is moving into this fog. Is it a common phenomenon for them after all?

Gal Gunnis punches his tongue.

"Shit, you're gonna be so peaceful... don't feel bad"

I thought it was unscrupulous.

There's no way I don't feel bad about it. Who could not help but curse the fate of being killed suddenly and without any blame?

It's too sentimental now.

I was already ready to be resented when my brother decided to take on a mission he couldn't fulfill and defeat the brave men to save the future of the Demons.

Besides, this place... is the land of my beloved brother.

I have a reason for revenge myself.

Gal Gunnis targeted one girl student who bickered and transferred one of the flames.

It burns the lungs and the heart, scattering the firepowder from the mouth, taking its life in just a few moments - it was supposed to.


"Ah...? Oh, my God, this is"


It was at the southern end of the School of Magic that Lo Ni and Piris Laria transferred.

"Looks like you made it. But... that's a lot of fog."


The boy of the rabbit goes on and brightens up.

"I'm perfectly fine with this."

Lo Ni had an extremely excellent sense of orientation, as a beastman characteristic.

This degree of poor vision does not pose a problem.

"Lo Ni, you can count on me..."

"Piris, Laria? Are you awake?


Piris Laria nods with both eyes thinly open to Lo Ni, who looks back.

What was happening when she was nothing was unusual.

I'm sure we'll be back to Mamoru soon. Still, the fight does it right, so Lo Ni wonders what's going on.

"But what? I can't believe you praised me."

"Lo Ni, you are... stronger..."

"I...? What are you talking about?"

The young boy smiles bitterly.

"I haven't changed. It's Dee and Meade who are hanging in there, and I'm still the weakest of us all."

"Yeah... Lo Ni, you're stronger... I think you're stronger than me already..."

Lo Ni and Piris Laria were put together for a reason.

Lo Ni can handle numerous monsters, while enemies with more strength have no way to exchange them. The evil eye of Piris Laria is powerful, but also has many weaknesses due to its extreme abilities.

So we needed to make up for each other.

Compared to Gal Ghanis, who manipulates the magic of transition and flames with unusual precision, and Muderev, who has an overwhelming martial arts, and Zolmunem, who has the ultimate in magic and sword, the two were weak.

But still.

Piris Laria keeps whining.

"I'm better at using monsters... and my mind..."

"Haha, yeah? But my mind is somewhat better. I was the best user in the village. I thought no one would beat me. But I met the captain and Mudelev, and I went on a journey and things happened... and I felt like I was being slapped back on my sexual roots."

At first, I often ate Pilislaria without being admitted to it.

I remember that I used to burn enemies that I didn't just lose to her, that she was never the weakest party.

In the end, that was a mistake, too.

"Me too... so that I can feel confident..."

"You? Even you were the best user in your hometown, weren't you?

Piris Laria shook her head slowly.

"Such a power... in a peaceful place, to no avail... always asleep I... was annoying everyone..."


"But... today I can finally put my chest up, I feel... I want to tell your father and mother... that I defeated the brave man..."

"... right. Well... let's get this over with."

The shadow of Lo Ni spreads wide and a herd of shadow wolves emerges one after the other to the ground.

Right ahead, I knew there were signs of multiple people.

Probably a student of this school.

"Hey, guys!

Shadow Wolf got sick - hit by a shadow.

This monster struggles even with higher-ranking adventurers. I can't be very fat with amateurs.

This is the beginning. The wolf herd easily pushes itself, for example, into a group of people.

But - - Lo Ni, I felt uncomfortable.

I don't know what's going on because of the fog, but it's weird. I can't hear the screams that are supposed to go up.

The Shadow Wolves look confused too.

"What...? Go back!"

Eventually, the Shadow Wolves will be back.

When he saw what was in his mouth, Lo Ni glanced.

"Is this...?


Moving to the eastern edge of the School of Magic, Mudelev looked around at the surrounding scenery and whined first.

"Uhm, the fog is thick. But it will work out."

Behind your back are the vague words, and you are not lost in footsteps.

In the uncertainty about even the surrounding scenery, deciding where to go is just a thought.

But Mudelev took care of the warrior's account. From previous experience, it was trustworthy.

There's no sign of anyone nearby.

Mudelev's eastern end in charge was a lined section of the research building, but by his own account, it didn't seem like there were any humans in the building either. I wonder if this place is usually not used much.

"That's good... but you're in trouble"

Neither did Mudelev want to kill humans without darkness.

Strong, worthy to come to his full strength. Plus, just for what you eat yourself. I thought that was enough to put it in my hands. Unbeneficial killing should be avoided by both men and beasts.

Just now, I couldn't have said that either.

We need to make a scene and broil out the brave.

To do that, we had to get the humans to scream.

"But there's nothing I can do without you. This is the difference in the calculation of Zolmnem and…"

Stop talking to yourself, Muderev abruptly put up a stick.

Along with the sound of pounding an axe on a giant tree - two swords thrown, pierced by Mudelev's stick.


Muderev raised his admiration with his eyes on his stick.

This stick, carved from an ancient demon tree that was once cut down, has only ever counted as much as being damaged, whether by sword, spear or magic.

But I don't know. A tiny knife, only to the extent of Mudelev's fingers, is now slightly but pierced. It's called a shock from a stick, it's not an ordinary move. The fact that it was due to magic was immediately speculative.

"O steadfast man, come and be named."

Muderev smiles with joy at his mouth and calls on his opponent.

That was a small person.

A woman, a child. On his rare gray hair, he raises a large battle axe in his hand that does not resemble that little body.

The girl doesn't name it, she asks surprised.

"You, what"

"This is going to be a ghost (Auga), Mudelev. He who overthrows the Lord."

"... where did you get hired? There was no such thing as you in the Chamber of Commerce."

"Chamber of Commerce? Gahaha, I don't know what you're talking about!

"... whatever. From here on out, I won't let you go...... ugh!

A girl packs her time at once and waves an axe of war.

Mudelev expected a series of moves, but that was much faster than expected.

The battle axe to be swung down was received in a reinforced golden wheel section, embedded in a raised stick. A shock that echoes at the core of the body. Heavy treble sounds of metal meeting with each other.

If it had been received on the stripped wood floor, the blade must have eaten deep into it.

As the girl quickly pulls the battle axe, a blow is then waved like crawling through the land aimed at her leg.

Stand the stick on cobblestone and prevent it again. And his fist, which he unleashed as it was, was made to lie down.

The girl now waves the battle axe to jump up. Again, fast. Plus, there's no sign of flinching at all in the fists of ghosts (orgasms) crushing people's heads.

"Gahaha! You're on the defensive side!

Muderev laughs.

Squeezing the girl's onslaught, the Ghost Man (Auga) samurai thought calmly.

This move is impossible.

The blow is too heavy. On the other hand, my body is light and I don't see myself swinging by the weight of the weapon.

Muscle strength is made up for by magic, except for weight. The girl is too small. If I hadn't stuffed my body with lead, I wouldn't be able to achieve it. If normal.

A grin is deeply engraved on Mudelev's face.


The Ghostman (Auga) samurai wanted to fight the strong with such unusual moves.

A girl's battle axe is swung down diagonally.

Muderev, this time, took it - dare I, on the wooden part of the stick.


Missili, along with the sound, the battle axe blade eats into the stick.

It doesn't lead to amputation, but it's never shallow. Such depth.

The girl's expression was slightly distorted. And the weight I was feeling from the battle axe became slightly lighter.

Mudelev quickly - with every war axe he devoured, he shook his stick wide.


The battle axe is stripped from the girl's hand and flies across the fog.

Whether you took your hand off the pattern on purpose or not, that's not something you should think about right now.

In the hand of the girl, who bounced back and made a distance, a sword was held at some point. Flowing motion releases it.

A sword aimed precisely at his neck. - Mudelev took it with his left arm.

The blade has stopped without even reaching the meat of its thick arms.

The ghost man (Auga) says with a grin on his mouth, looking at the girl.

"Sweet! To this extent…"

"Sweet is you"

Countless shadows suddenly erupted from a sword standing against his left arm.

When the banded shadow wraps around Mudelev's entire body, it tightens and restrains him strongly.

The Ghostman (Auga) samurai muttered with a slightly troubled face.


"Me too, I can do this much. Grow up."

"No, I'm sorry..."

When Mudelev opened his arms forcefully - the shadow restraint flew away shadowy.

To the girl who opens her eyes wide, the ghost man (Auga) says.

"Where Zolmnem says, I seem to have the magic resistance of all attributes. Gahaha! Don't use your hands or anything, but come by force. With such moves, you can't even say you're not good at walking?

When the girl reaches for the leg storage, she grabs the sword and throws it.

Mudelev had already stepped in a great deal.

Swing to jump up the stick and strike down the sword of the universe.

And as I cut back, I shook the stick of Awesome Speed down to the girl's head.

To the girl who strengthens her expression, there is no movement. I don't have time for this anymore.

A thick stick fitted with a golden wheel smacks the girl's little head in the inevitable stream - it was supposed to.


The stick cut the sky.

The cobblestone ahead slamming the momentum flashly scattered.

There is no appearance of a girl.

It disappeared neglectfully.

I looked around to see if a counterattack was coming, but that's not how it looks either. I couldn't feel it from anywhere, like signs of people.

All that was left was one spell.

"Mmmm... hectic"

Muderev picks it up.

The spell - oddly enough, it was cut out to the shape of a person.


Zolmnem stopped and looked around.

There's no building around, it's a flickering place. This is not the planned rendezvous point.

We should have carefully checked the current location in the fog, but somehow we got to a place like this.

There are other strange things.

I expected to be there to some extent, I don't see any students or teachers.

Instead it was -,

"Mr. Zoll?

Looking back at the voices I was used to hearing, it was Gal Gannis who emerged from the fog.

The demonic youth says in a bewildered way.

"Here, near the main building... Bye. Isn't that right? For some reason, my legs have turned this way..."

"Oh, so am I."

"Huh, is that Zolmnem there?

"That, Captain?

"Suh... why...?

With his voice, a figure of Lo Ni, Piris Laria, appears in Mudelev.

Zolmnem deepens his suspicions.

"You, too."

"Is everyone here? This isn't where we're supposed to be, is it?

"Mmm, probably not so far apart..."

"Munya... more than that... there's something strange about humans..."

"... Again? Neither do I."

Zolmnem, saying so, took a piece of paper out of his sac.

It was a curse in the form of a man, cut in two.

"Even if I slaughter people, I don't have a single response. Instead, such a curse is just falling. It must be some kind of magic..."

"I'm the same. When I confronted the mighty and thought I had done something wrong, I was turning into this spell."

"Oh, that was us too!


Following Mudelev, Lo Ni and Gal Ghanis also took out curses pierced or burnt by their fangs.

Lo Ni says in an anxious voice.

"Captain, what do we do...? Something's not normal. This..."

Zolmnem patrols.

Something unusual is happening. That's for sure.

Probably... awaited. Someone.

If we don't fight the brave now, there's no next. It's impossible to wait for the next opportunity in an enemy country without supplies. This journey will end in failure.

But still - if you force the operation in this situation, it will surely be fatal.

That's what Zolmnem said.


It is dishonorable. If you go home, you might get a sleigh from your countrymen.

But I can't let my people's lives be scattered for no reason.

Zolmnem opened his mouth to tell everyone.

And -,

I heard voices.

"- Whoever comes to him is forbidden, and the child is out of his fangs, and the fire is wrapped around him."

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