One room on the top floor of the City Hall.

A big man with a beard in front of us said fluttering back into a three-seater bench.

"Nevertheless, I really don't know if you're just a kid"

I answer with my face drawn.

"Really? I'm an adult this year."

"Hmm, not fifteen nasty kids, what is it? It's only for small parties."

"... well, I guess it would be if I took it from you. Speaker Cyrus"

The big man with the mustache I heard - Cyrus flashes his face.

Lacana is a free city, that is, a city without a ruling lord.

Developed from the camp of adventurers attacking the dungeons, Lacana here has long maintained its freedom from the feudal system due to its composition and the temperament of its inhabitants - that is, the special nature of the desolates who hunt monsters with all their alignments.

The city was run by a parliament named the Lacana Free Citizens' Council, where Cyrus was the chairman and at the same time the head of the administration.

I mean - - Fiona's collaborator, the chief, is the bearded man in front of me.

"Why don't you stop being that chancellor? It's so frivolous. You can't call me that, except for the senator on the floor."

"Then what do I call it?

"Anything unless you're the chancellor. My dad, my husband, the mayor. I don't have that position."

"So... in the mayor"

Probably what more or less people call it.

Cyrus snorts and says.

"So? Is that a fact? What kind of national bandit have you been flashly destroying the Empire and running so far?"

Amu sitting next to him strengthens himself as if nervously.

Apparently Fiona was telling you about us without any particular hiding.

Maybe before Amu gets caught.

I whisper and tell.

"Of course, there is no such fact... only Imperial Castle has been destroyed. Besides, I've been running away since I got it right back."


Suddenly, Cyrus opened her mouth and laughed.

"Funny kid! The princess sent a terrible one too. Oh, maybe we should stick it out to the Imperial Army before they do something about it in Lacana! There, with the brave lady."

The amu I heard nodded slightly.

I say quietly.

"I don't recommend much...... if you don't want to be made a city here in Lacana that is told only in history"

"Cuckoo! Spit out loud!

"And I want you to refrain from jokes that make me less anxious"

"Hmm... take me? Isn't it a mistake for you?

I take a sigh of sight of Cyrus. [M]

I don't like this kind of arrangement.

"Right. Then let's be frank. Do you really belong to Fiona's faction... and are you willing to hide us?

"Hmm, what's that? No, I don't think so."

That's what Cyrus says, loosens the cigar.

"First of all, neither Washi nor this Lacana belong to any of these factions. This is a city of adventurers who love freedom. We decide everything about ourselves. Don't let some thoughts shake you up. That princess and I are just using each other."


"Well, kid. You know what this means?

"I want you to stop saying things like trying. There's no reason to know that... if you don't mind. Only the Holy Empress (...), does not (...) desire Lacana (...). Is that the reason around it"

"Cuckoo! Satiric, kid! Exactly."

Cyrus says.

"All the royal children nowadays see this city and drool. If there is no war and no new land is available, we naturally also have trouble rewarding our supporters. But in order to maintain the faction, we must promise in return for controlling the imperial battle."


"This Lacana, which belongs to no one, would be great in return. Every prince has promised his supporters the emperor of this city. Naturally, so is the distribution of wealth produced by dungeons. But... only the princess, things are different. It's a very simple story, because that holy princess has gold. I'm not in any trouble in return."

Again, I think.

With the power of futuristic vision, every investment works. At least gold would have been a must to build up without a back shield.

I haven't talked about that in Ichii, but I could imagine having considerable assets.

In addition, for Fiona, who sees the power of the people above all else, feudalism should only be a system that goes against its mechanics.

She lacks a reason to go out of her way to get Lacana.

"It's just that we have a loose partnership under those circumstances. Thanks to the princess connecting her face to the distant Chamber of Commerce, the resources of the dungeon can be sold at a good value. If the Chamber of Commerce under the umbrella moisturizes over there, it will help to recover the capital contribution. That means we're good for each other. If there's any inconvenience, it's not strange when we betray each other."

"... Really?"

It seemed more of a profitable connection than I had imagined.

But... I might be glad to hear that.

If Cyrus had been like a follower of Fiona, the inside of it would have been very unreadable.

Politics sometimes involves love and honor. The same was true of the controversy over the throne that was involved at the end of the previous life.

That stuff is so out of hand.

If it's just a relationship connected by profit, then the omen of the end should still be easy to understand.

Cyrus peels off his eyes and laughs and goes on to say:

"What do you say, kid? Are you satisfied with this stupid honest answer?

"Yeah. Whether you're really stupid honest or not, I'll decide to take the back later though. But......"

I try to fight back a little bit here.

"You're not very anxious as far as this one goes if you get such an answer. As it is - threatening the council by ending you, and if you don't have control of this city, you're unlikely to be able to sleep in peace."


When Cyrus spits out the cigar, he embarks on me. [M]

"Ooh. Try it. No, kid."


"But this city won't be as easy as you think."

... You can't. He doesn't seem to be a shaky person with this degree of threat.

Real exchangers sometimes incorporate even their own lives and deaths into part of their policies. I guess this man is one of those, unusual people.

As for the rushing opponent, I really don't have a good minute.

When I shut up, Cyrus pulled his torso as if nothing had happened and brought it to the back of his bench.

"Besides, as you, I don't want to turn that princess against the enemy. With the addition of the Holy Knights to the chaser, how much will the load weigh on you?"

"Damn... is that right? No, that's right."

I opened my eyes only for a moment and struck a short rapprochement.

I see.

Does this man think me to that extent? [M]

I can't even think about it.

I wouldn't expect a child who hasn't even grown up yet to be able to land this city overnight, etc.

That would be convenient.

If you think it can be suppressed to the point of the Holy Knight, so be it.

Being fearless is above all gratifying to me.

"... Yes, of course"

I nod and say.

"Even for me...... I don't want to be hostile to His Highness Fiona. Let's promise we're making it big. So, what are we gonna do in this city?

"Hmm, like that. You don't have to be grown up about anything."

Cyrus turns the cigar again.

"I don't want to hide you, but nobody in this city can reject you. But no matter what, except criminals. If your pursuers and their men work in this city, they will pull and capture them like any other criminal, take away the golden-eyed objects, and throw them outside the walls. Naturally, if you're past it, you're a slave."


"So you can stay as residents of this city. Nobody will stand in the way of that freedom."


I see.

The fact that this man is a collaborator seems to have been true in the end.

Perhaps purposefully speaking in such a roundabout way is his admiration as the chief of a free city, that he does not imitate anything to the advantage of the imperial power.

I'll just say that.

"Uh, I was actually kind of hoping you could take care of your life..."

"Sweetness, see for ourselves as much trouble as we do! I didn't get that from that princess either. Well, I don't pretend to be expected out of the blue, but... I don't know. If you need money, blame yourself for being heartless with the princess. Otherwise, it's about making money. Whether it's a merchant's small use, a blacksmith's apprentice, an adventurer or whatever."


Well, isn't that a good story?

To the extent that it feeds us, it won't be a huge expense for this man... but maybe he still can't personally forgive the imitation of entertaining a nobleman.

Besides... in a way, it's on schedule.

I exhale small, I say.

"Then because of this, let's say you'll be an adventurer too"

"Whoa. That's good."

Cyrus says with a big laugh.

"I thought if he was powerful, he would still say so. If you have the strength to destroy Imperial Castle, you can earn enough to surround the three women."

"Don't be silly"

That's when Mabel opened her mouth.

I say looking straight at Cyrus.

"As much as I feed myself, I can make my own money"


As Cyrus was impressed, look to Mabel.

"Don't have good eyes, daughter. That battle axe is apparently not a decoration either... Speaking of which, some brave men did. What do you say, miss? Can you fight?

"... I first defeated a monster when I was ten years old"

Amu looks up and stares at Cyrus with his young grassy eyes.

"I don't know how many times I've been in the dungeon or in the woods. Even the Lesser Demon and the Dungeon Boss Black Naga were defeated. I've been an adventurer long before I came to this city."

"Cuckoo! It's okay!

Cyrus laughs with a big mouth open.

"You guys are going to be good residents! Encourage and earn money at best. This city only moisturizes with desire and violence"

Nevertheless, there Cyrus loosens his tone.

"You still don't know anything about the dungeons around here. I don't know... I hear that some dungeons have become more difficult lately. I don't care if he dies early. I'll give you some convenience at first."


"I should be calling..."

and that's when I heard knocking on the door of the room.

"I'm here at a good time. No!"

The door opens and a shadow enters the room.

He was a tall, somewhere with a sensible face.

Skinny, but probably well worked out. Looks like an adventurer to see the outfit and the sword you raised.

"Ooh, Lloyd. I've waited."

"Sorry I'm late, Mayor. So what can I do for you..."

"This is him."

So Cyrus slapped me on the shoulder.

Because of the strong momentum, my body rocks.

"These are the kids who are supposed to live in this city today because of their handouts. He's going to be an adventurer, so teach him lightly about guilds and dungeons."

"That's another much steeper story..."

"What, I don't like it"

"No way, that's not true. By the way, with the mayor's handout, may I solicit them to my party?

"Whatever, it's your freedom. Because I like it."

"Happy then"

And an adventurer called Lloyd comes to me.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lloyd. He's the leader of a party called The Alliance of Trees. Erm..."

"... it's Seika Lamplog. Hi."

I hold that hand back. [M]

"Lamplog...... but was it a distant Count's house"

"Yeah, well."

"Let's not ask about the details. That's the manners of this city. I want you to remember this when you have the chance to be close to other adventurers."

So Lloyd smiles softly.

Not really, it was an adventurous grin.

Cyrus says out loud.

"It's Seika Lamplog. To live in this city is above all to be accepted by this city."

"... does that mean that when you go into town, you follow the town?

"No, you don't have to obey. You can change this city. That's how Lacana's been going on."


"Sooner or later, I'll remember what that means. If there's anything else you don't know, ask him. You'll be happy to tell me everything. Tips on how to strip the material, half-kill the pickpockets, and a nice whorehouse. Kakka!"

"Don't make that joke in front of my wife."

To the exchange between the two, I sigh small and open my mouth.

"Then I'd like to ask you one quick question."

Because of this, let me take this opportunity to tell you.

"Don't you know where the good lodging is?

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