Then a few minutes later.

We were able to come back to Lacana safely.

Apparently, the material can be redeemed in the Adventurer Guild, and they taught me how to do it one way.

Selling all the Living Mail armor I took out of the phase turned out to be a lot of money.

I suggested I give him half, but Lloyd shook his head to the side.

"Save it. You'll need the money now."

Then I laugh and say.

"Besides, I don't think you're getting any luck as a senior adventurer."

If that's the case, I decided to thank you.

In fact, I want the money for real.

"So here's what you're going to do..."

Lloyd says with a serious look.

"Why don't you all come into my party, if you like?

That was not particularly surprising.

When I was talking to Cyrus, he said he could invite us to a party.

There's just something I need to check before I think about whether or not I'm going to take this story.

"How many people are at your party?

Amu said the same question before I said anything.

Lloyd answers, without a wind that cares particularly about the busy tone.

"More than a hundred people recently."

…… What do you mean? What do we do with so many more members? "

"I'm not very familiar with the adventurer's circumstances… but I do know that an ordinary party is organized for four to six people. Before you go in, could you explain to me what kind of party your" Lian Tree Alliance "is?

"Yes, you are."

Lloyd nodded.


We came to a tavern in the Adventurer's Guild because of what we were talking about.

Of course there can't be any complaints, as it means they treat us to a little early dinner.

Lloyd opens his mouth before the food he ordered is brought in.

"What image did you have of an adventurer when you were young?


Everyone clasps their mouths.

In my case, I had memories of a previous life, so I thought it was a similar, in short, non-Rokuro profession to the martial artists in the stream. Even Amu and Mabel would not have had dreams of adventurers apart from their birth or their circumstances.


"I thought it was such a profession to be free and... appreciated by everyone"

Lloyd nods to Efa, who mouths the most common answer.

"Oh, I thought so too. When I was a kid. But now, as you all know, adventurers are not so glorious a profession."

Wait for the food that has been carried to be put down, and Lloyd continues.

"Freedom means you're not protected by anything. No one can help me, even if I'm weak. No one bothers to give us the information we need to survive. If you have a body that you can't go on an adventure, the rest of your life sitting on the street awaits you. Any first-rate adventurer, that doesn't change."

Lloyd grins powerlessly in front of the food.

"I was the first party I put together, and I'm the only surviving member."

That must be a common story.

No, there are just surviving members, should I say better?

"It's not a tragedy or anything, this is what adventurers normally do. But... I want to do something about it. I thought desperately with a head without learning. So the conclusion that came out was to create a supermassive party called the Lian Tree Alliance."


"Even the adventurers with no stopovers only help one another. I wanted to widen that circle."

"In short,"

I say.

"Is your party, as a matter of fact, like a mutual aid organization of adventurers?

"No, you're not."

Lloyd shakes his head to the side.

"It's not that loose a connection. It's a literal“ party ”. Newcomers have educators with the same job title to teach them to stand around and skill. Share and watch out for information on danger zones and imminent party breakdowns. So, even if it's a combination of rapid construction, everyone can show strength. This is the first party I've had today, but I think I could have gone to a dungeon with Adamant Mail and Mithril Mail."

"... I see"

I say, think about it for a second.

"Does that mean organizing the whole party like an army to increase survival and adventure efficiency?"

"Adventure is only on a small scale, and the combination is free for members... right. I don't mind that kind of understanding."

"So what we're aiming for is homogenisation of each person?

This allegation seemed unexpected, and Lloyd opened his eyes slightly.

"... regardless, the primary purpose is only to improve survival... will that happen as a result"

"I guess."

The military, or every major organization, does not expect anything vague, such as individuality.

Operate determined educated personnel with determined rules to obtain the desired results.

That's the organization.

I keep asking.

"More party members from here will soon exceed the limits you can manage on your own. What would you do if it did?

"I'm going to split the party into several units and leave each to a trusted subordinate. I'm already getting ready for that."

"Excellent. That's an exemplary organizational operation."

To me in the face, Lloyd has an obvious affectionate laugh.

"It was worth studying when you told me that you were born a nobleman. So, what do you think?

Lloyd goes on to say.

"My" Lian Tree Alliance "is quasi-first in guild ratings. It's the second-largest party in Lacana. Even if we look at the whole empire, we'll just have to count more parties than we do. Adequate assistance can be provided to members, including arranging equipment and sharing information. I am also prepared to make loans when I get injured or to mediate in other positions if there are any. I don't force the combination either. If you guys are gonna dive into the dungeon alone, that's fine. We may ask for some cooperation in terms of power and money, but let's promise it will be more beneficial than that. So... why don't you join our party?

"I refuse"

Lloyd didn't seem particularly surprised when he asked me back for my instant answer without changing his face.

"Right. May I ask why?

"You can imagine, but this one's a lot of things."

I'm in a position where I might have a chaser.

It's not good for each other, such as belonging to some party.

It would be wise to keep your distance from outsiders.

Lloyd says plainly.

"The untranslated are less in this city. I don't care... you won't listen to me."


"Then tell me one more thing. Assuming you guys didn't have any troublesome circumstances, did you want to come into my party?

I closed my eyes for a moment and shook my head quietly beside me.


"Again... After all, for those who already have the strength, the Alliance of Trees is scarce in charm."

"It would be compared to a rush out, but isn't that up to people? Not in my case… I just don't share that philosophy."

I say.

"Humans, there are a lot of people. Same teachings, not all grow up as well. I don't think it's going to be that easy to educate adventurers who have both one and two habits. There will be plenty of people out there who don't have the right policies."

My disciples had a lot of kids.

Despite teaching as well, those who got good at fortune, those who got good at spells… or those who got good at calculating, those who got good at arguing, and those who went down the sword path.

Teaching people something is harder than you think.

After decades of thinking about it, until the end of the day, I remained unsure.

Lloyd says as if he had eaten.

"That would be... right. But if you try them, it's much better than not teaching them anything. I think how many new adventurers die because they just didn't know the signs of a simple crisis that every veteran would know"

"Yeah, you're right. So this is simply a matter of my likes and dislikes."


"But that's not necessarily a good idea in the long run."

I say.

"If you get used to the environment you are given, people lose their desperation. If your party gets much bigger, it could weaken the adventurers and hence the whole city."

Even my apprentice grew up much better with a child competing with him.

Before I taught it, I had worked out my own books and created a new curse.

An environment without competition dulls people.

"You say that too..."

Lloyd groans bitterly about someone pointing it out before.

"I guess I can say that... because you're someone who's already strong and gets everything. Put yourself in the shoes of those who do not. He is thrown out into the dungeon, not knowing his right or left, desperately to live, and if he falls out of the army, he makes him compete to die. What do you want in a world like that? What would you say if someone close to you was suddenly dropped into that position?"

"It would be ideal for everyone to live in serenity, whether without competition or otherwise. Perhaps this world is still too immature to ask for it"

"I don't think so. The wealth of the dungeon is enormous. I'm sure you can make it happen, even in situations close to ideals."

That said, Lloyd takes a seat.

"It's time to go. You've made me take time. I'll make the payment, so you guys take your time."

"Really? Sorry for making such a big deal out of you after a treat."

Lloyd grins lightly and shakes his neck to the side.

"Fine. I got an interesting opinion. That's a lot to say no to. It's just... from now on, you'll be the only ones diving into the dungeon, but be careful."

Lloyd says.

"As I said in the woods, there are changes here in the number and type of monsters that emerge in the dungeons. Even in the wandering woods, there were many monsters called in by traps. Old information may not help, so proceed with caution."

"Yeah, I will. Thank you kindly."


That's what I said, Lloyd left.

Dropping off my hindsight, I turn back to the plate and whisk up the salty noodles with a meat fork.

Speaking of which, I wasn't really getting my hands on the food because it was all talk.

Lloyd didn't eat that much either.

"... what a surprise."

Amu, who has been silent for a long time, says as he spoons the soup.

"Seika, you seemed to agree with that way of thinking"


"Yeah. Seika-kun, 'cause if anyone's in trouble, I think I'm gonna help"

I stopped the hand of the meal and laughed as if Efa had no choice.

I look back at the food and answer. [M]

"Nothing, not really"

It's none of my business how a wild adventurer who's not even an acquaintance died.

It's just... I understand Lloyd's thoughts, too.

There must have been a lot to feel about dying of the adventurer you saw.

The idea of a super big party is probably working. Concerns like what I said would be minor.

Or now that I think back, I just had some experience raising some disciples in my previous life, and I just accidentally wanted to say a novel. There's no reason for me to disagree with the way the man did, if you think about it.

I just wouldn't have affirmed it on that occasion, even if I was aware of it......

"But I'm glad I said no"

Says Mabel, chopping bread.

"I don't want to bother a kind person"

Yes, in the end.

That's why I kept that man away.

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