Strongest Onmyouji's Isekai Adventure ~ The Monsters are too weak compared to my Youkai Servant

Episode 134 Forming a New Party with the Strongest Yin Yang Master

"... high?"

I glanced at the number written on the parchment handed over and unexpectedly murmured. [M]

After that, we came back to the shop, and Elman told us to wait a little while to make a quote, so we decided to wait quietly in the lobby.

So it finally came to light just before sundown.I'm the only one going to the reception room, and the rest of them are waiting in the lobby.

"Eh, expensive? Well, that's..."

Didn't you think it was expensive, Elman sitting in front of you looked a little impatient

"I'm still going to study this... but if I lower the price a little bit..."

After sighing, I raise my face and say to Elman. [M]

"Well, it took a long time to make this."

"Well, that's... no, I'm sorry."

Elman, who was able to swim for a moment, said with an unfortunate smile.

"It's been a long time since I've dealt with the Devil's slaves... I've been calculating the price for each of them in consultation with the deputy representatives..."

Talk to him?

I frown. [M]

"Does it make sense to do that?"

"Yes, yes... of course.We are a business association set up by two people, Neg and Waxy. "

That's what Elman said, with his love and laughter.

With a loud smile... the sound sounded sincere somewhere.

I remember that annoying resentment. [M]There were no shards to be a merchant, and no matter what you think, it seemed like a mere cautionary stick... so, surprisingly, would you be good at calculating?

A little surprised, I say. [M]

"Well, why were you worried about the selling price even now?If you're a merchant, how much are you going to sell when you pay the purchase price? "

"No... I'm embarrassed. I was going to auction it from the beginning and I don't think about pricing at all, yes"

"Still, there will be a market.You said you would treat it for a long time, but couldn't you refer to the previous selling price? "

"It's like these special slaves don't have a price.In addition, the product that I only dealt with once in the past was the divine devil of a mature man, and I can't even say the same amount..... "

"... hmm. Sort of."

That said, I stand with my parchment. [M]

Se, Seika?

Elman slightly stepped forward and shouted upset.

"Um, as I mentioned earlier, if the budget seems tight, I could even lower the price a little bit...."


I say looking down at the slaver. [M]

"When will Luglock's doctor arrive?"


By the time we got back to the inn, the sun had set completely. [M]


By the way, the atmosphere in the room is also sinking.

We also brought Rurum and Nozlo to discuss the future, but no one spoke while there were five of them.

Perhaps because all my slaves were much more expensive than I expected, they are all halfway there.

"... what are you going to do?"

Amu opens his mouth severely.

"We can't have that kind of money."

Everyone returned to silence.

Fifteen people for more than the usual slave price.Such a large sum of money is not usually available.

Effa says she's afraid.

"But... if we all borrow from the guild, maybe..."

"Yes, if we have a stampede credit, or a sum like this, we might be able to use it."

But I tell him to throw it away.

"But ----there's no reason to do that.We have a life, too.I have no reason to go out of my way to help the Devil until I have paid enough debt to lose credibility. "


Effa closed her eyes.

She would have known for herself that anything was impossible.

"... yes, that's enough"

At that time Rurum quietly opened his mouth.

"Originally, this is our problem.I can't let you do this and get the money out. "

"Yes, that's what we need to think about."

Nozzle takes over.

"I've been taking care of you a long time.Thank you, but... no more worries. "

"I can't thank you very much, but please accept the gems you brought home.I'm sure it'll be worth something..... "

That's what I say to Rurum, who fished his nose. [M]

"That's fine, but what are you going to do now?Will you give up on your fellow countrymen who are being enslaved? "

Rurum stopped his hand.

I say it again.

"I don't suppose you're thinking of recapturing it with all your might."


"The location and structure of the warehouse and the location of the sentry made it a lot easier, but that's not what I did to the slavers."

"... then what should I do?"

Rurum said with a contemplative expression without looking at me.

"You're telling me to... abandon a fellow who's caught like that in such a place?"


"The man we were looking for wasn't in there.I didn't know anyone.I'm sure those who are caught on top are God's devils who have nothing to do with us.But... I can't leave you alone.Hey, what if it was you? If you come to the demonic realm and treat humans like that, will you be okay? "


"... it's just a story that people from my hometown help people who have been kidnapped by people."

Nozzle barely says.

"It's a common rub in a human country.We'll go back to other people, and you'll just have to watch the usual rubbing. That's all. "


I answer that. [M]

"As long as it's a matter of human confusion... I'm not going to overlook in silence the obscenity of people working in the land of men."

If you abandon the beasts and demons that attack people, you will eventually be exhausted.

Unlike Raqana's stampede, I have no idea how to erase the two demons without anyone noticing.There was no reason to hesitate.

"Don't do that. If you don't want to deal with me."

The two demons held back with a painful look.

That's right, I think I know the difference in strength in the woods.

In addition, these two have the original purpose of searching for people.I shouldn't have risked it here.

But... emotions are different.

To the two of us who kept silent beyond help- - I said with a sigh.

I'm a first-class adventurer.


"I mean, how much reward would I get?"

I continued with a slight mouthfeel.

"As I said before, I try to help my acquaintance as much as I can.It is also one edge that we exchanged words in this way.That's why... you're so strong because you're god demons, right?I'll take any offer you want, so save up some money and buy your friends back. "


Rurum and Nozolo raised their faces in surprise.

I will explain with my eyes slightly down.

"It's going to take at least a month for Luglock's doctor to arrive.The transfer to the Imperial Capital will take place afterwards, so I will leave it there until then. "

I was willing to buy it, but when I told him that it would take time to prepare the money, Elman was comfortable.

It's a forehead enough for each person to play and live for the rest of their life.Gold coins can also be a considerable amount.Even the rich in the Imperial Capital is not something that can be prepared today or tomorrow.

"If you spend a month making expensive requests, you should be able to make some money.I'm not willing to lend you money... but I can help you with your request. "

"Well, why...?"

I do not answer Rurum's murmur, and I look at Mabel who was beside me.

Is that it, Mabel?

Mabel, whose eyes were round, was suddenly called by his name and nodded as if stunned.

"Uhh... yeah"

I see.

I relax and laugh. [M]

"At all... it's none of your business anymore, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Still... nobody wants to be like your brother anymore."

That's how I stroke Mabel's head with my eyes down, and the girl basically looks up.

"But, are you glad? Seika.I didn't really want to go deep, but.... "

"I wouldn't have done this if you hadn't asked me.Well, that's about it. It's up to these two. "

I look at Rum and Nozzlo, who are losing their words.

So, what do we do?

"... if I can help my countrymen, I don't want to."

It was the nozzle that opened its mouth.

The great man of the devil looks straight at me and says:

"I'd love to ask."

A small room boiled.

Amu and Effa also smiled and looked relieved.

"Seika, thank you."

Lulum thanked him with a strange face and then said to Mabel with a soft smile.

"And Mabel, too. I don't know what happened... but thanks to you, we're going to be able to help our people."


That said, Mabel shook her neck sideways, but her face looked happy.

Ehehe, well, let's all do our best!

"I'm going to the guild tomorrow morning.I'll choose a delicious request for you. "

"If you leave it to Amu, I'll choose another difficult request."

"It's okay this time!"

Looking at the squabbling women's team, Rurum suddenly approached.

He whispered to me with an unexpected suspicious face.

"Are you... much older than those kids?"

"... no, it's almost the same age, but why?"

Even though it happened for a moment, I asked him back flatly.

Rurum tells him to get lost in words.

"No... that's what it looks like."


Of course, I have never doubted my age since I was reincarnated.

There is no reason to be suspicious, because humans can guess their age by appearance.But perhaps... such common sense is not understood in demons with a long lifespan.It is possible that the appearance is the same and the age is very different.

They didn't see the reincarnation, it was just a cultural difference.

I answer as if I had left. [M]

You look so old, don't you get hurt?

"I'm talking about the contents, not the appearance...."

"The human contents are more fragmented than they seem.They are them.I'm just me. "

"Yeah... no, I'm sorry."

Rurum laughs to deceive.

"I think it was a mistake.Think of it as occasional among us. He's a little old and stinky. "

Excuse me.

Stop the smell of old people.

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