Having delivered fifty Aluminum Horns and received the Achievement Rewards, we have decided to receive the next request.

That's how I came to this valley, close to a village.


Almost simultaneously with the voice of Amu, a giant pig with a snort of anger in front of it - the fugebore - kicked the ground.

I look at it flat.

But it was huge. It was like a mountain.It's close to the Elderneut I met at the Ramprog house, but I feel more intimidated by my height.

A request from a nearby village was the crusade against this fugebore.

Apparently, there has been a surge of porcine monsters around here in the last few years, causing trouble for hunters and woodcutters entering the mountains.

Probably because of the appearance of the boss, it was initially thought to be about Large Boar... In fact, the testimony of the escaped adventurer revealed that he had decided to send a request to the Keltz and Rakana branches.

Fusebore is undoubtedly the top monster.

The order conditions of the request are Grade 4 or higher.Never an easy opponent.

But... I wasn't so worried.

Stay back.

At that time, the nozzle walked forward.

Looking straight at the fusion bore as it bounces the rock in the direction of travel like a pebble.

This god-demon fighter who has kicked down several Medium Monster Savage Boars along the way... how do you plan to deal with this giant beast?

The nozzle pulled one leg and dropped its center of gravity, lowering its fist.

The fugebore that kicks and accelerates like it's crushing the earth... probably didn't notice.

A powerful flow of power through this demon tribe.

And when the two finally collide -


Towards the nose of a giant pig - a mid-stage poke like a crossbow gun was fired.

The earth surrounding the nozzle steps up in concentric circles due to a great impact.


The fusebore raised the groan of a heavy bass.

The momentum of the rush is completely killed and staggered.

But not yet.

The fugebore shakes his head - and then spreads anger in his eyes, turning his sharp teeth toward the dwarf demons.

But on the verge of shaking it, the movement stopped.

I was distracted.In the shadow of Mabel, he gently kicked the shoulders of a large nozzle and jumped over his head.

The girl had already raised her battle axe.

The fusebore is probably lost.

The weight of the object can be predicted somehow from its appearance without touching it directly.

Size and movement. Mabel, who was able to jump high without the pedaled nozzle moving slightly, was clearly light... that is, he should have looked like he was missing something.

That's why I didn't try to avoid the shaken battle axe.


The sound of a dull shock echoed through the valley.

Mabel takes his hand off the handle of a battle axe that stands deep enough to bury him.

The axe, which had become gravitational magic and derailed, seemed to have completely shattered the thick skull of the fusion bore.

A giant pig-shaped monster leans slowly and eventually falls sideways.

By the time the giant rocked the ground, Mabel had already kicked the carcass and stood down on the grass.

"... uhh"

Mabel exhales as if she had finished a job.

Although the expression didn't change much, it was somewhat satisfactory.

"I don't know how I learned it... but it's a big deal."

The warrior of the approaching demon looked down at the small girl and said.

Mabel shook the nozzle and said with a small smile.

You, too.

We are just watching. [M]

Somehow, it was over.

"I haven't done anything yet...."

"Wow, me too...."

Amu and Effa murmured with a subtle expression.

Rurum also laughs bitterly.

"Nozzle can be defeated by just one fusebore... but I'm sure Mabel is too."

Then you'll look happy.

Anyway, now that you've done your job again.


Having delivered the fusebore fangs and received the achievement reward, we soon decided to receive the next request again.

That's how we came to this forest close to the big farm.

"Yes, what is it..."

Effa sounded creepy.

In front of us is Trent, a representative species of botanical monsters.

However, it is not an ordinary torrent.

The fact that the trees are moving their roots and walking around doesn't change... they look a lot creepy.The trunk was slightly purple black.There are many twisted branches stretching like vines, dripping with a thick, fungal liquid everywhere.The sinusoidal mouth and eyes also look much more evil than the ordinary trent.

It was a superior species and a monster named Evil Trent who used dark attribute magic.


The mouth of the hole raised the voice of intimidation.

Or perhaps it was a joyous voice about what happened to the prey a long time ago.

Either way is fine. This monster is the target of this crusade.

The client is the owner of a nearby large farm.

According to a report from Mori Nun, who just happened to meet him, he knows that this monster exists.

It's not like there's been any damage, but I'm still worried if there's a scary monster nearby.I should have asked the Alliance to take down the Enemy at once.

Because the farm is lucrative, the rewards are much higher. Thank goodness.

Evil Trent, of course, is a superior monster. Orders must be at least Grade 4.

These requests are not always accomplished quickly, even if the rewards are high.It seems that some parties have failed so far and have not returned.

Nevertheless, I am not so worried this time.


Evil Trent stretches the branches like tentacles.

Like a tree, it was an unexpectedly agile move.


The amu gently trimmed and cut off the branches in a flowing motion.

In addition, an ice spear penetrates the branch that bypasses the head and extends to the rear.The branches intercepted from the left and right are cut off with the blade of the wind, and the rock shells crush the chase branch.

There is no sword or magic.

Amu was doing an avant-garde job that was supposed to be done by a few people alone.

A single Girl Swordsman prevents all attacks from the top monsters that will overtake any beast.

"Ahahah, that's so tough!"

That said, there is no way to ask the same avant-garde Mabel or Nozzlo for help. Looks like we can still afford it.

This way you can see the age of this child.


Evil Trent beats his surroundings with angry branches.

At that time, the mouth of the black hole was wide open.



Amu made his body shudder.

I hurriedly cut off the thin branch... but it's not as good as it used to be.Gradually retreat, as pushed by trouble.

It was Evil Trent's roar (Howl).

I've never heard of a Trent-like monster coming, but that's exactly what it does.Effa and Mabel, who stood beside her, also seemed to have their feet tucked away.

Evil Trent seemed to be getting better.Root-like legs are stupid, and a black tree body approaches us.

The big mouth opens again.


The amulets all stand back.

In the meantime ─ ─ Rurum said depressingly, pointing an arrow at the short bow.

"It's a very confusing tree."

Two small arrows are thrown along with a creepy sound.

It jumped straight into the mouth of the open hole - immediately afterwards a scarlet flame exploded from the inside.


Evil Trent screams.

It seemed like he didn't have the technique of extinguishing the flames that burn from the inside of himself, even though he shakes the branches so much.

The monster of the ugly tree eventually stops moving and slowly falls down into the forest soil with the sound of a twinkle.

The flames that were burning with monster carcasses gradually weakened the momentum.

It is clearly not a natural phenomenon.It seemed that such an effect had originally been applied to the fire prevention system.

Magic instruments can also have quite complex effects depending on the magician's skill.

As you can see from the fact that I took down the top monster, Evil Trent, in just one shot, I used a pretty fine hammer.

As a Granting Magician (Enchanter), Rurum would have such strength.

Rurum talks with a proud smile to Amu, who is staring at a series of things.

What do you think? Is this even plain?


Amu shook his neck sideways.

"Hey, you were moving normally earlier... but the roar of the devil (Howl) doesn't work?"

"It's not going to work, but I'm fine with that.You've been so scared. "

"Shh, don't help it!"

"Fufu, humans are so delicate.You are so good at swords and magic.If I hadn't played first, I'd have killed one of them myself. "

"Hmm... that's right. Maybe it's done.I've killed some of the top monsters before. "

Rurum was listening with a bitter smile as Amu nodded.

"It's over."

"Wow, I didn't do anything this time..."

Mabel and Effa murmured with an unspeakable expression.

"I don't mind. It's never too late."

Nozzlo stood up and said, peeling the bark of the burnt Evil Trent.



Having delivered the Evil Trent bark and received the achievement reward, we have decided to receive the next request again soon.

That's how we came to this steep, exposed mountain of rock.

"Ah, isn't that it?"

A huge cave with lots of holes near the top of the mountain.

Amu, who was looking at it, pointed his finger at it and said.

Beyond their gaze are plants shaking bright red leaves that stick to the rock skin.

Wow, it's really red.

Is that Zhu Jinxia?

Effa and Mabel peek into the hole as well.

Apparently, we have to pick it up.

The request we received this time was to collect a rare herb called Zhu Jinxia.

It's a plant I've never seen in my life, and it seems to be a raw material for magic potions.

When you incorporate cursed things into your body, such as monster meat and spiritual tree fruit, things usually happen.That's why in my previous life I avoided it as much as a knowledgeable human being... Apparently, in our world, it was used only for some monsters and plants, for food and medicine.I think I'll do it a lot.

Nevertheless, there is no danger in Zhu Jinxia itself.

That's why I thought it was a very expensive offer to be safe... but I figured out why.I can't go picking that one.

Besides, monsters appear on the road only at certain times of the year.It was also convincing that the pharmacist did not go to collect it himself and asked the Adventurer Guild to do so.

"The question is, how do we do it?"

Rurum sighs.

"Oh no, I should have at least brought a rope."

"We'll have to get off."

Nozzle lowers his luggage and says.

"It would be a waste of time to come back. There's no other way."

"Eh, why are we getting off here...?"

Amu peeks under the hole and says.

Deep in the cave is the darkness of the abyss, and I don't know how deep it is.No matter how many demons fall, they won't be saved first.

But the nozzle walks to the edge of the hole and says.

"I can do it alone. You stay here."

"Ah, um, wait."

At that time, Effa sandwiched her mouth.

"Maybe I'll be fine."


Effa passes next to the strange nozzle and sits at the edge of the hole.

Then he gently turned his right hand to the red herb that was lush on the distant rock skin.

With the magic of the Spirit, the blade of the wind flies.

It mowed several pieces of rocky vermilion grass together.

The grass scattered into the sky falls into the abyss.

But immediately afterwards, there was a whirlwind around it.The highly danced medicinal herb jumped out of the hole and fell over our heads and into the grass behind us.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

"Eh, eheheheh...."

"That's clever."

Rurum also asked with a gentle voice when the nozzle whispered to the illuminated Ephesians.

"Your magic... has changed.Could it be the same magic that Foresters use? "

"Um, yes, it seems that there was a forest man (elf) in my distant ancestors....."

Next door, Mabel and Amu are talking.

"Amu, can't you do that?"

"You can't do that, can you? If you just mow it, you can't retrieve it.Such magic, perhaps nobody knows. "

Say as if Effa had stretched out.

"Ehehe, let's pick more!"

and began collecting more and more rock wall herbs with the magic of the wind.

With this amount, it looks like the amount needed for delivery will be quickly accumulated.

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