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At the moment when the scarlet flower bone flower appeared, 36 lotus leaves on the black and white lotus stand suddenly lit up with three rays of light, and then the lotus leaves turned directly into green.

At the same time, 36 Yin-Yang Symbol patterns appeared on 36 lotus leaves out of thin air.

In the next second, 36 Yin-Yang Symbol patterns will be automatically rotated.

At this moment, the Sound of Great Dao reached its peak, and the mysterious and inexplicable breath of stocks broke out on the lotus platform.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

“Ding, congratulations to player Ye Chen, Heavenly Dao Immortal Platform, Da Ri Honglian Immortal Platform, successfully advanced to Dao Immortal Platform, Tai Chi Honglian Immortal Platform.”

As soon as the system’s prompt sound ended, Ye Chen’s perception and Primordial Spirit rose sharply. At the same time, Ye Chen, who had already been in the Transcending Tribulation period, was already in the Perfection Realm, and suddenly felt a sense of continuing to improve.

Ye Chen who noticed this, the excited expression on his face just appeared, suddenly became stiff, and then his eyes shrank sharply.

Motherfucker, let alone, this Immortal Platform must force Laozi to advance…

Ye Chen just thought of this, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

“Ding, player Ye Chen has been in the Transcending Tribulation period Great Perfection, will you continue to improve?”

As soon as the system’s prompt sound ended, Ye Chen chose to refuse without the slightest hesitation.

What’s so special, I’m improving, I’m just the last step to complete the goal of the newbie zone in the Three Kingdoms, how could it be so easy to give up!

In the Transcending Tribulation period, Great Perfection, if you continue to improve, you will become immortal. If Ye Chen chooses yes, it will inevitably usher in the ascension.

If Ye Chen can’t survive the Ascension Tribulation, he will be killed by the Ascension Tribulation. If he does, he will become immortal right away.

That doesn’t mean that Ye Chen is afraid of the ascension, or that he is not sure about the ascension, and so on.

The formidable power of Ascension Tribulation is indeed very strong. Ye Chen, who was born again, has survived the ascension Tribulation in his previous life and knows its formidable power.

But that was a past life. In this life, the Ascension Tribulation is a piece of cake for Ye Chen.

Moreover, this was before Ye Chen got Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow Exquisite Pagoda. As for now, Ye Chen wants to survive the flying robbery. Innate Supreme Treasure Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow Exquisite Pagoda is there, just follow along. The same, it’s simple and easy.

But even so, Ye Chen doesn’t want to do Transcending Tribulation now.

Otherwise, Ye Chen will be 100% immortal.

In this way, Ye Chen will not want to stay in the novice zone.

If you can’t stay in the novice zone, how can Ye Chen’s idea of ​​”dominate the world, bring all the world Good Fortune, and soar to the Great Desolate”.

It is precisely for this reason that Ye Chen will refuse the slightest hesitation.

In fact, Ye Chen has accumulated a lot of experience and a lot of attribute points. If you want Transcending Tribulation to become a fairy, you can do it at any time, you don’t need to rely on Heavenly Dao Immortal Platform to advance. The energy of heaven and earth.

Ye Chen’s decision, the huge energy of heaven and earth dissipated immediately, Ye Chen who noticed this, exhaled for a long time.

Yes, fortunately this is not mandatory…

Otherwise, the plan that Lao Tzu made since his rebirth at first would have fallen short…

Ye Chen just thought of this, and the world announcement sounded instantly.

“Ding, congratulations to player Ye Chen, for successfully casting Avenue Immortal Platform, Tai Chi Red Lotus Immortal Platform, because of its particularity, player Ye Chen is specially rewarded, Innate attribute points X30000.”


The world announcement was repeated three times, and the entire world channel was instantly detonated.

“Fuck! Fuck! What’s the situation, the Avenue Immortal Platform is awesome? How did King of You get 30,000 Innate attribute points all at once?”

“Damn, if you don’t know, others will know. Besides, there is no need to tell you if you know it.”

“Thirty thousand Innate attribute points, I have to go. If this is given to me, I will be so strong.”

“Dreams, you think you are Ye King of You.”

“Hehe, anyway, Ye King of You made some big news about heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, buddies are not shocked, because I am used to it.”

“Who isn’t it? From the beginning of the game to the present, this world announcement has basically been taken over by Ye King of You. I can’t even get used to it.”

“Ye King of You is the most powerful, there is no one!”


“Congratulations, master, for successfully casting Avenue Immortal Platform!”

“Congratulations, master, for successfully casting the Avenue Immortal Platform!”


“Fuck, what’s the situation? Those who call Ye King of You are like Li Mengyao and Hu Xiaoyue from the Beauty League, and Little Luoli, who is called Mengmeng, and so on, there are people shouting Ye King of You. Master…”

“Fuck, these are the female players of the Beauty League, what’s the matter, why did they call the master Ye King of You?”

“I don’t know, but you can confirm one thing from the name, they seem to be accepted by Ye King of You…”

“Boss Ye Chen, I also want to be your servant, wu wu wu, accept me, but I wanted to be your follower early in the morning, you don’t accept it, now accept the servant, you can accept me Right…”

“Ye Chen big brother, I will be your slave, I will do everything, I am willing to do everything, no matter what Ye Chen big brother, let me do, I will not refuse!”

“I also want to be Ye Chen’s servant, sincerely, not a second word, I can swear!”

“Ye King of You, accept me, no matter what the request, no matter what the condition, I will agree!”


The world channel was boisterous, constantly refreshing the screen, Ye Chen couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows after taking a look.

I want to be a slave and a servant. I have a good idea, but unfortunately, it can only be an idea…

I was too lazy to waste. The book of ancient contracts has three thousand Great Principle Golden Immortal slaves…

The ancient contract book, you can sign a slave contract with any living creature. At first glance, this is pretty awesome.

Because Ye Chen can use the book of ancient contracts to collect all players who want to be servants and slaves as slaves, and then completely control the life and death of all players and unify the real world.

But in fact, it’s not like that.

Because of the book of ancient contracts, you can control at most three thousand Great Principle Golden Immortal slaves.

If Ye Chen uses the book of ancient contracts and collects all players as slaves, then players, within the time of the contract, dare not violate any orders of Ye Chen, this is correct.

But when the players are under Ye Chen’s “wings”, there are more than 3,000 Great Principle Golden Immortal, or when someone rises to a realm above Great Principle Golden Immortal, what will be the result?

There is no doubt that at that time, the slave contract signed by the Ancient Contract Book will be completely invalid!

Once the slave contract expires, all players who have been signed by Ye Chen will be free. What happens then?

It’s very simple, besiege Ye Chen!

At first glance, it is incomprehensible and illogical.

After all, these players are under the wings of Ye Chen to advance to the quasi-sage, or Great Principle Golden Immortal. They should be grateful to Ye Chen, rather than be against Ye Chen after obtaining a free identity.

Otherwise, it would be too shameless, too base and shameless.

But the fact is, now after the meteor fell, there is no conscience, base and shameless and so on, it is completely normal.

Yes, it is the normal state, because the player who pays attention to this and that pays attention to that, there is only one result, which is to be plotted against to death.

This point, Ye Chen, who was born again, has not seen it rarely in his previous life.

Otherwise, Ye Chen wouldn’t start from the game at first, so he never thought about accepting players as his subordinates.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that Ye Chen’s use of the Book of Ancient Contracts to subdue players is simply not desirable.

Because of this, it is easy to have a result, that is, Ye Chen will personally cultivate a group of powerful enemies.

Ye Chen would definitely not do such a stupid thing.

As for Ye Chen already preparing to sign a slave contract with the Meirenmeng, there is no such thing as going against this.

Be aware that Ye Chen didn’t use the Book of Ancient Contracts to subdue players because there are too many players.

With such a huge number, it is not difficult for three thousand Great Principle Golden Immortal to appear, or the existence of advanced quasi-sages.

The Beauty League is different. Their members are tens of thousands of people. These people, in the end, it’s good to have a few Great Principle Golden Immortal. As for the quasi-sages and even Saints, so far, they are Hu Xiaoyue. There is this potential.

As for others, at most it is a Golden Immortal.

Of course, if Ye Chen goes all out to cultivate the beauty league, it will be another result.

The problem is that Ye Chen’s acceptance of the Beauty League is already at the limit. It is basically impossible to cultivate the Beauty League with all his strength.

Ye Chen does not give himself a hobby of making enemies.

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