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Innate God Forbidden is Innate Spirit Treasure and Innate Supreme Treasure, unique and powerful forbidden.

At the same time, it is also the root of Innate Spirit Treasure and Innate Supreme Treasure.

Whoever wants to play 100% of the formidable power of an Innate Spirit Treasure or Innate Supreme Treasure must be forbidden by Innate itself, and refining.

To be more precise, refining Innate Spirit Treasure or refining Innate Supreme Treasure is refining Innate God forbidden.

In Innate Spirit Treasure, Innate has 12 layers with the least forbidden gods, and the highest top grade Innate Spirit Treasure, with 36th-layer.

For example, the treasure money that Ye Chen got before is the top grade Innate Spirit Treasure, with 36th-layer Innate forbidden.

This is the case of Innate Spirit Treasure, and the same is true for Innate Supreme Treasure.

Among the Innate Supreme Treasure, Innate has 37th-layer the least forbidden and the highest is 81 layers.

For example, Ye Chen’s Innate Supreme Treasure God Slaying Spear, Innate Supreme Treasure Ten Grade 2 Black Lotus, Innate Supreme Treasure Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow Exquisite Pagoda, all have 81 layers of Innate forbidden.

As for the existence of Innate Supreme Treasure, which is Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure, it is different from Innate Spirit Treasure and Innate Supreme Treasure. What they have is that Primal Chaos is forbidden, which is more than Innate. Strong, but also perverted existence.

But this is not important. The important thing is that if you want to play 100% of the Innate Spirit Treasure or the formidable power of Innate Supreme Treasure, you must refining the Innate Spirit Treasure or Innate Supreme Treasure itself.

Otherwise, it can only be used as a powerful weapon.

For example, Ye Chen currently uses God Slaying Spear, which is in this state.

This is no way. You must know that although Ye Chen is the owner of God Slaying Spear, he has not formally refined God Slaying Spear.

Of course, even if Ye Chen is ready to refining God Slaying Spear, and God Slaying Spear is also very cooperative, Ye Chen should not think of easily refining God Slaying Spear’s 81 layers Innate God forbidden, and then fully play God Slaying Spear Innate Supreme Treasure The huge might.

Even if Ye Chen uses Dao Comprehension Stone to enter the refining God Slaying Spear mode.

Because, the realm of Ye Chen Transcending Tribulation period is here.

If you can quickly refining Innate Spirit Treasure and Innate Supreme Treasure in such a realm, there will not be that many players in the previous life who have got Innate Spirit Treasure, but they will soon be easily recognized by the powerhouse or Great Desolate World It’s taken away.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that Innate Supreme Treasure Ten Grade 2 Destroyed Black Lotus is a bit special. It is forced to recognize Master Ye Chen.

Under such circumstances, if Ye Chen wants to refining Ten Grade 2 Black Lotus, most likely will appear, Ten Grade 2 Black Lotus deliberately does not cooperate, not only does not weaken the Innate God forbidden by itself Refining difficulty, but secretly enhanced 81 Innate divine forbidden refining difficulty situations.

It is precisely for this reason that Ye Chen said this directly after the Black Lotus recognizing Master in Ten Grade 2 was destroyed.

After hearing Ye Chen’s simple and straightforward words, the Black Lotus of Ten Grade 2 Destroyed the World suddenly trembled, and then hurriedly moved towards Ye Chen to convey an idea.

Aware of the idea of ​​”Don’t dare to do this” in the Black Lotus of Ten Grade 2 Destroy the World, Ye Chen raised his eyebrows involuntarily, and then said:

“Follow me, there is no way to absorb negative energy, and it is only temporary. When I become a fairy in Transcending Tribulation, Dadao Immortal Platform will be integrated into the immortal spirit advanced by Primordial Spirit.

At that time, the characteristics of burning negative energy will turn into my Innate Divine Ability, which can be retracted and released freely.

Moreover, now you can’t absorb negative energy, and it’s not absolute.

Wait for the time of Great War, you can come out to absorb the resentment, fear, hatred, and negative energy such as Blood Fiendish Qi on the battlefield.

But you have to be fast, otherwise, these negative energies may be burned out. “

The Immortal Platform cast by Ye Chen is the Avenue Immortal Platform, Tai Chi Red Lotus Immortal Platform, which burns all negative energy within 10,000 kilometers around Ye Chen, and this range will continue as Ye Chen’s realm improves expand.

Such an attribute is a proper natural enemy for the Ten Grade 2 Black Lotus.

Otherwise, after seeing God Slaying Spear, the Black Lotus of Ten Grade 2 had already recognized Master Ye Chen directly, instead of being forced by Ye Chen to lower his head to recognize Master after being hypocritical.

Of course, it’s not important. What’s important is that Ye Chen took the Good Fortune route.

So, the battle on the battlefield is destined to be indispensable.

As soon as the war breaks out, various negative energies will also erupt.

Although all these negative energies will be burned because of Ye Chen, but this takes time and will not appear. As soon as the negative energies appear, they will all be burned.

Therefore, the Ten Grade 2 Black Lotus still has a chance to absorb negative energy, but the negative energy that the Ten Grade 2 Black Lotus can absorb is at least 90% less than normal.

No way, Ye Chen’s Immortal Platform and Tai Chi Red Lotus Immortal Platform’s attributes are really abnormal.

In fact, Ye Chen didn’t want to absorb any negative energy in Grade 2 Black Lotus.

After all, the Black Lotus of Ten Grade 2 Destroy the World relies on absorbing negative energy and exerting its formidable power.

Of course, for now, Ye Chen has no special good way to control the “burning negative energy” characteristic of Dadao Immortal Platform at this moment.

If must say yes, it can only be done when the whole country has soared to Great Desolate and Ye Chen Transcending Tribulation becomes immortal, Dadao Immortal Platform merges into the immortal spirit transformed by Primordial Spirit and automatically becomes Ye Chen’s Innate Divine Ability To.

Of course, if Ye Chen were not for the rebirth, I wouldn’t know that “Immortal Platform will merge into the immortal spirit transformed by Primordial Spirit when Transcending Tribulation becomes a fairy, and then gain Innate Divine Ability” .

But this is not important. What is important is that for Ye Chen, the Ten Grade 2 Black Lotus is not an Innate Supreme Treasure that can only be seen and cannot be used.

As soon as Ye Chen’s words landed, the Ten Grade 2 Black Lotus floating in the air shivered fiercely.

At this moment, a feeling of extreme excitement and a little bit of resentment appeared directly from the Black Lotus of Ten Grade 2 Destroying World, and then burst out in the underground space of the Changbai Mountains.

Ye Chen, who noticed this, couldn’t help but smiled, and then said:

“Don’t blame Lao Tzu, you attacked Lao Tzu at first. Lao Tzu didn’t directly seal you. It’s good enough. You want Lao Tzu to tell you something good?”

As soon as Ye Chen’s words fell, the Ten Grade 2 Black Lotus trembled again, and then hurriedly flew to Ye Chen’s side, and graciously rubbed Ye Chen’s arm.

That, no matter how you look at it, acting like a baby.

Ye Chen, who noticed this, couldn’t help but curl up his mouth, and then said:

“For the time being, just stay outside, don’t go to Purple Mansion, or you will definitely feel more uncomfortable.”

Ten Grade 2 Black Lotus, after hearing Ye Chen’s words, was shocked, and then flew straight to Ye Chen’s feet and dragged Ye Chen up.

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