
You can search for “Great Desolate: The Strongest Player: Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

As soon as Ye Chen’s words landed, the three hidden members of the parasitic soul host, their faces were all stern, and then they bowed to Ye Chen’s location.

“Yes! Master!”

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing the reply from the three slaves, and then looked straight towards Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and others, shouted:

“Departure, target, a giant city on the border of the Southeastern Continent!”

“Yes! Lord!” Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals heard this, their faces were all together, and then bowed and said loudly.

Ye Chen heard this, nodded, and then directly turned into a black light, flying straight to the Samsara immortal island floating in the sky.

Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Li Yuanba and other generals saw here, turned around and looked towards the side of the soldier, shouted:

“The order! The whole army set off, the goal, the giant city on the border of the Southeastern Continent!”

“Yes! General!” When a group of soldiers heard this, they bowed in prayer, and then waved the flag in their hands.

The next second, the dull and long horn sounded suddenly.


At this moment, the soldiers of the Samsara Immortal City army turned their horses together, and then aimed at the giant city on the border of the Southeast Continent Empire, the giant city of Givert.

Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong and other generals, when they saw this, they glanced at each other, and then all turned on their horses.

The next second, the horses neighed and the horses hoof jumped up, and then you saw Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals, taking the lead, moving straight towards the direction of the giant border city of the Southeastern Empire. Go on horseback.

The soldiers of the Samsara Immortal City army saw this place, with their feet together and their horse belly, followed by Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu and other generals, moved towards the front, and hurried.

“hong long long, hong long long……”

Thousand horses are galloping and the earth roars.

The army of Samsara Immortal City soon started the fast-moving mode.

At this moment, the sand was rolling and the horses’ hoofs shook the sky.

In the distance, I have been watching the army of Eastern players on the side of the Samsara Immortal City army. When I see this, my eyes are all bright.

“Ye King of You has set off! You can pick up equipment!”

“Your uncle, you know how to pick up equipment, don’t you see Ye King of You’s army, how spectacular the marching scene is?”

“What’s so special about you, what does this have to do with picking up equipment?”

“It’s okay, just tell you, brother, go one step first.”

“Ciao, you Fucking Dog, you fooled me and delayed my time to pick up equipment!”

“No special ink, follow Ye King of You, equipment, cultivation technique and so on, it’s indispensable.”

“That is, hurry up. After picking up this place, hurry to the border giant city of the Southeast Continent Empire. The good things there are definitely indispensable.”


Oriental players, what you say to me is a buzz, and then I saw that, like a tide, the Eastern players flocked to the battlefield where the Samsara Immortal City army annihilated the Southeastern Empire player army.

There were scarlet all over the place, dead bodies on the ground, and the anger was so angry, but even so, it did not affect the Eastern players at all.

For Eastern players, picking up equipment and picking up cultivation techniques are the most important things at this moment.

If they can find a good one, they can directly “update the equipment” and “update the cultivation technique”. If they can’t find it, they can sell it for money.

After all, the acquisition of equipment in the Three Kingdoms Novice Zone also has a cultivation technique, not only the players, but also the natives of the Three Kingdoms Novice Zone.

Players can sell the unnecessary equipment, cultivation technique, to Great Influence in the novice zone of the Three Kingdoms.

In fact, it is precisely because of this behavior of the players that the update speed of the trio of indigenous forces in the novice area of ​​the Three Kingdoms, regardless of equipment or cultivation technique, has been increasing.

And this also led to a result, the strength of the major indigenous forces in the novice area of ​​the Three Kingdoms is rapidly expanding.

Because of the equipment, but also because of the cultivation technique.

Ye Chen, who created all of this with one hand, know this?

Naturally know, but Ye Chen will not take this taking seriously.

Know that Ye Chen’s army has already penetrated the Shedding Mortality on a large scale, and will not be affected by the seal of Heavenly Dao in the novice area of ​​the Three Kingdoms at all, and can use 100% of its abilities.

This alone is enough for Ye Chen to crush all the indigenous forces in the Three Kingdoms Novice Zone, not to mention Ye Chen, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, etc. who are about to reach the Purple Mansion state. Super first-class generals, first-class generals.

If they make a move, the indigenous forces in the newbie area of ​​the Three Kingdoms will not even want to block the edge of the Samsara Immortal City army.

This is just the result of Ye Chen’s subordinates. If you count Ye Chen, the “overlord” of the great perfection in the Transcending Tribulation period, those in the novice zone of the Three Kingdoms, the natives who will become princes according to historical trends, For example, Cao Cao, Sun Quan, Yuan Shaozhi and others, want to blow up their hair? Thinking too much!

Ye Chen will teach them in minutes, what is domineering, what is despair, and what is cruel!

And don’t forget, the indigenous people in the Novice Zone of the Three Kingdoms cannot break through Shedding Mortality.

What does it mean to Ye Chen that the indigenous forces in the novice area of ​​the Three Kingdoms that cannot break through Shedding Mortality?

It’s very simple, the ants are not threatening at all.

So, Ye Chen is basically impossible to take this seriously.

“hong long long, hong long long…”

Thousand horses are galloping and the earth roars.

The Samsara Immortal City army went further and further, and soon disappeared from the players’ sight.

Givert giant city.


Anxious, elongated tones, from far to near, and then I saw a messenger who ran up in front of the General defender of the giant city of Givert, and then one-knee kneels, loudly shouted:

“General! The army of foreigners in our country going to the border has all been destroyed. The defense organization of the Great Han Empire, King of You, is now moving towards Givert!

Givert Giant City Defender General’s face suddenly paled when he heard this.

Obviously, he was scared, otherwise, it wouldn’t be like this.

On the city wall, the soldiers of the Southeast Continent empire staying around the guarding General, look at me and you one by one at this time, and then there is an uproar.

“Listen… I heard that the Great Han King of You eats people without spitting out bones. Wherever you go, completely barren…”

“I… what I heard is… Great Han King of You kills and kills, not leaving one…”

“This…what can I do? The Great Han King of You is the Great Han War God. He has already destroyed the Eastern Kingdom, the Three Kingdoms, the Polar Bear Empire, and the Silla Kingdom, and it’s only one day. , We…we can’t stop it…”

“I…we…definitely can’t stop the Great Han King of You…”



The soldiers of the Southeast Continent on the city wall of Givert immediately fell into a panic when they heard the news of the coming of the Samsara Immortal City army. They said nothing about fighting intents, and gave birth to a strong retreat.

At this moment, the morale of the garrison of the giant city of Givert dropped sharply, but after a few breaths, it dropped to a freezing point.

The defender General who originally had his face deathly pale, his face suddenly became even more ugly when he saw this.

At this moment, the defending lieutenant who was also in a panic because of the messenger’s words suddenly thought of something, then looked towards the messenger and asked harshly:

“Your flying eagle, did you read it wrong? There are gods from our inkpad family on the border. Ye King of You from the Great Han Empire, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to be as simple as passing through our inkpad. The land of the gods!”

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