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As soon as Ye Chen’s words fell, Guo Jia stayed for a while, and then hurriedly bowed in prayer:

“The lord, Sun Jian has the heart of a prince, and he is even more capable. As long as the troubled times arise, he will definitely get a part of the Great Han Good Fortune, and then become a prince.

Although his daughter, Sun Shangxiang, is one of the best candidates for Mistress, the lord, absolutely must not give up the Great Han Good Fortune on Sun Jian because of Sun Shangxiang. I implore the lord to think twice! “

As soon as Liu Hong dies and the Dong Zhuo Rebellion begins, the Heaven and Earth Good Fortune of the Great Han Empire will be automatically distributed to the princes.

And Sun Jian is one of the princes set by the system.

If Ye Chen wants to obtain all the Heaven and Earth Good Fortune of the Great Han Empire, all the lords of all walks of life, Ye Chen must be destroyed, not one left.

Otherwise, Ye Chen’s plan to collect all Heaven and Earth Good Fortune will be affected.

And this is why Guo Jia hurried to advise.

He doesn’t want to see that his lord, Ye Chen, has given up on the great scene because of her female sex.

Ye Chen heard this, helplessly shook the head, and then said:

“Fengxiao misunderstood, you are the master of me, and you will not give up the Heaven and Earth Good Fortune of the Great Han Empire because of Sun Shangxiang.

However, for a while, your lord and I couldn’t find a suitable solution, so I asked you that.

To be precise, I want to know whether it is possible for Sun Jian to block his way of rising before he rises, let him acknowledge allegiance, and then break his heart of princes and break his princes the road. “

Ye Chen is walking on Good Fortune Huang Dao Road, it is impossible to give up a bit of Heaven and Earth Good Fortune,

Ye Chen wants Sun Shangxiang, not really coveting Sun Shangxiang’s beauty. Of course, Ye Chen does like Sun Shangxiang a bit, but the biggest reason Ye Chen wants Sun Shangxiang is to let the four major characteristics of Copperbird Stage, singing and dancing. Shengping, Zhige, War Hymn, Resurrection, all play out.

Although it is a bit selfish, this is true, and Ye Chen will not easily change this plan because of difficulties.

Be aware that the four major characteristics of Copperbird Stage are of great help to Ye Chen’s Samsara empire.

For example, the first feature, singing and dancing, will allow Ye Chen to establish the Samsara empire in the near future to maintain a high level of popular support at all times.

The second feature, Zhige, allows Ye Chen’s Samsara Empire to gain three days of invincibility when encountering danger after ascending to the Great Desolate world.

As for the third feature, the battle song, Ye Chen’s subordinates and his army can be used to increase the battle strength several times during the battle.

The last feature, resurrection, allows Ye Chen’s General or his soldiers to resurrect directly after death, even if the fleshy body is broken or even disappears.

And this is something that Dao Comprehending Tea or other resurrection props don’t have.

It can be said that Copperbird Stage is an extremely sky-defying building, which has a great effect on Ye Chen. How could Ye Chen not want to use these four features and use them all.

But if you want to take advantage of the four characteristics of Copperbird Stage, you must have enough beautiful women.

Sun Shangxiang is the historical Beauty recognized by the system, and it ranks among the best.

It is for this reason that Ye Chen listed Sun Shangxiang as a target.

It doesn’t matter whether it is selfish, self-interested, or lustful, Ye Chen planned that way. As long as he has the opportunity, Ye Chen will not let go of any historical beauty.

Of course, the premise is that this historical Beauty has to be a virgin, otherwise Ye Chen wouldn’t want it either.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that Sun Shangxiang is one of the historical historical beauty, and it is a super first-class historical historical beauty.

If you just want to subdue Sun Shangxiang, you have to contact Sun Jian, one of the future lords.

If you come into contact with Sun Jian and then subdue Sun Jian, Sun Shangxiang will basically become Ye Chen’s woman.

But in this way, Ye Chen can’t get the part of Heaven and Earth Good Fortune that the system automatically distributes to Sun Jian from Sun Jian.

After that, Ye Chen’s plan to search all Heaven and Earth Good Fortune in the Great Han Empire will be affected.

This is a deadlock. Otherwise, Ye Chen wouldn’t be here, and he wouldn’t go to Sun Shangxiang.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but it’s embarrassing. After all, Ye Chen can’t kill Sun Jian in front of Sun Shangxiang.

If Ye Chen really killed Sun Jian for Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, Sun Shangxiang would always be impossible to be conquered by Ye Chen.

Even if Ye Chen is strong, Sun Shangxiang will find a chance to commit suicide, or simply obey Ye Chen, and then stab Ye Chen’s Samsara empire a few times to avenge Ye Chen.

This situation is not what Ye Chen wants to see.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Chen asked Guo Jia if there is a way to block Sun Jian’s path to the princes and prevent him from becoming a prince.

In this way, Heaven and Earth Good Fortune of the Great Han Empire will not automatically flow to Sun Jian as the Dong Zhuo Rebellion begins.

And Sun Jian does not have Great Han’s Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, Ye Chen does not have to kill him or Sun Jian’s son.

In this way, Ye Chen can also get Sun Shangxiang smoothly.

As soon as Ye Chen’s words fell, Guo Jia immediately relaxed, and then bowed to Ye Chen and said:

“Lord, this matter is extremely difficult, but it is not impossible. The lord can try to start with Sun Shangxiang…”

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard this, then looked towards Guo Jia and asked:

“Sun Shangxiang?”

“Exactly, it is rumored that Sun Jian’s daughter, Sun Shangxiang, is deeply loved by Sun Jian’s wife. Sun Jian is the same. If the lord can persuade Sun Shangxiang, perhaps Sun Jian will give up the heart of the princes and return to the lord.”

Ye Chen’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he said:

“If this is the case, then do it!”

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, there was a lot of footsteps, but the Chen Gong family was walking towards the hall with luggage.

Ye Chen heard this, coughed a few times, and then looked towards the door.

Not long after, Chen Gong brought his family to the lobby. As soon as he entered the door, the Chen Gong family bowed to Ye Chen and said:

“Meet the lord!”

Ye Chen heard this, laughed nodded, and then waved his right hand, and the space on the side was instantly distorted.

Pointing to the distorted space, Ye Chen said:

“The public station, go directly in, you can reach Samsara Immortal City, then, go directly to Mi Zhu Mi Zizhong, and he will arrange your accommodation.”

“Yes! Lord!” Upon hearing this, Chen Gong suddenly recovered from the shock at the distorted space, and then bowed to Ye Chen and said loudly.

Ye Chen heard this, laughed nodded, Chen Gong’s family saw it, and hurried to Ye Chen, bowed again, and then followed Chen Gong, moved towards distorted space, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Ye Chen saw this, looked straight towards Guo Jia and Dian Wei, and said:

“The two of you are waiting here for a while.”

“Yes! Lord!” Dian Wei and Guo Jia smiled at each other when they heard this, and then all bowed in prayer.

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