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Ye Chen frowned when he heard this.

Evolving people still have this ability?

No, it can avoid the detection of Yelin Divine Consciousness. It should be the Innate Ability of the golden rat. The evolution family impossible each has this ability. If there is, the previous Golden Python was also impossible. I discovered Up…

Ye Chen had killed a Golden Python before, and got the Innate Supreme Treasure, Heavenly Book that can be used as the imperial decree.

If the evolution family, like the Golden Rat, has the ability to evade Divine Consciousness, then the Golden Python will also have it.

In this way, Ye Chen also impossible to discover Golden Python, and even more impossible to get Heavenly Book.

Ye Lin is only in the Purple Mansion realm, and Divine Consciousness is not strong. If I probe, can I find the mouse…

Ye Chen is now Divine Consciousness comparable to Earth Immortal, extremely abnormal, otherwise, Ye Chen would not think so.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen thought, and Divine Consciousness was released instantly, covering two million li in the blink of an eye.

As soon as the tea time passed, Ye Chen retracted Divine Consciousness, frowning immediately.

Yes, I can’t detect Divine Consciousness…

If you can’t find it, you can’t find it. As long as I still have the “Hate Mark” of the evolution clan, I will come over…

Thinking of this, Ye Chen looked towards Flame Tiger Ye Lin and said:

“If nothing goes wrong, the golden rat should still appear. Of course, it may also be the defense organization of the evolution family. When the time comes, remember to call me offline. If the number is not large, then Catch them all and wait for me to go offline before disposing of them.”

The golden rat is the spy of the evolution clan. It appears, the evolution clan reappears, and the chance of rushing to Samsara City to “revenge” will also increase.

If the evolving clan comes to many, or even all come, it happens that Ye Chen will solve it all at once. If there are few, Ye Chen asks Flame Tiger Ye Lin to catch the evolving clan, and it will be able to play the formidable power.

To be more precise, as long as the evolution clan comes and is caught by Flame Tiger Ye Lin, then Ye Chen can search for the souls of these evolution clan members.

In this way, Ye Chen can know the exact information of the evolution clan, and finally give the lair given by the evolution clan.

This is Ye Chen’s plan. It is simple and rude, but very practical.

As soon as Ye Chen’s words fell, Flame Tiger Ye Lin’s face suddenly became solemn, and then said seriously:

“Yes! Big brother!”

Ye Chen heard this and clicked nodded, then walked to the Diamond Grade game cabin and lay in.

There was a “creak”, and the door of the Diamond Grade game warehouse was closed. Ye Chen then closed his eyes.

Game world, Three Kingdoms Novice District, Fuchun County, Sunfu Hall, a Heavenspan beam of light, suddenly dropping from the sky, and then I saw Ye Chen appearing here.

As soon as Ye Chen opened his eyes, Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Guo Jia, Dian Wei, facing Ye Chen, bowed and said loudly:

“Meet the lord!”

Ye Chen heard this, clicked nodded, and then moved his mind. The Innate Spirit Treasure Fire Spirit Orb floating in the middle of the hall was flashed with red light, and then disappeared.

At this moment, Sun Shangxiang walked in from the door, and then he was taken aback.

But Sun Shangxiang didn’t expect Ye Chen to come back so soon.

After a short daze, Sun Shangxiang hurriedly bowed to Ye Chen and said:

“This Consort, I have seen the lord.”

Ye Chen couldn’t help but smile when he heard this, and then said:

“Soon, you will become one of the king’s wives, just call me Husband.”

As soon as Ye Chen’s words fell, Sun Jian and Sun Ce on the side lit up in front of them.

Ye Chen had already said that he wanted to marry Sun Shangxiang. Sun Jian agreed without the slightest hesitation at the time, but at that time, both Sun Jian and Sun Ce, who later learned about it, thought that Sun Shangxiang would eventually use the “concubine room.” I am married to Ye Chen.

Although they are more inclined to let Sun Shangxiang be the wife of the lord Ye Chen, they can’t do anything about it.

Be aware that Ye Chen’s marriage to Da Qiao has spread all over the world. Therefore, Sun Shangxiang is basically impossible to become Ye Chen’s wife and can only be a concubine.

But now, what did they hear? Their lord Ye Chen actually told Sun Shangxiang that she would become “one of the wives.”

What does this mean? There is no doubt that Sun Shangxiang will become Ye Chen’s wife, not a concubine.

And this, for Sun Jian and Sun Ce, is tantamount to a great happy event.

How could they be unhappy, how could they not be excited.

Just when Sun Jian and Sun Ce were full of surprises, Sun Shangxiang was first in a daze, and then he covered his mouth.

After seeing Sun Shangxiang in shock and inexplicable excitement, Ye Chen couldn’t help but smile, and then asked:

“Don’t believe it?”

“No, no, This Consort believes it, This Consort believes it!” Sun Shangxiang heard this and said hurriedly.

Ye Chen heard this, laughed and clicked nodded, then looked towards Sun Jian and said:

“Father-in-law, prepare, I will send you to Samsara Immortal City later.”

“Yes! Lord!” Sun Jian was taken aback when he heard this, then he hurriedly bowed and said loudly.

Ye Chen heard this and clicked nodded. At this moment, Sun Ce looked towards Ye Chen in a daze, and asked:

“Lord, Ce, have you heard wrong? The place the lord said is…Samsara Immortal City?”

Samsara Immortal City carried the word “immortal”, and it was precisely because of this word “immortal” that Sun Ce suddenly became a little daunted, and then asked Ye Chen.

No way, this is the mortal world, the existence related to immortal, no mortal can touch it.

Otherwise, Sun Ce wouldn’t be so dumbfounded and shocked.

Ye Chen couldn’t help smiling after hearing Sun Ce’s question, and then said:

“You heard it right, it’s Samsara Immortal City. Once you get there, you will know it.”

“Yes! Lord!” Sun Ce’s eyes widened when he heard this, and then he hurriedly bowed in prayer.

Ye Chen heard this, laughed nodded, and then said:

“Go and pack up and prepare. Just bring some soft gold and silver, and you don’t need to bring the others.”

“Yes! Lord!” Sun Jian, Sun Ce heard this, bowed in prayer, and left the hall after speaking.

I glanced at Sun Jian, Sun Ce, and Ye Chen who were leaving, looked towards Sun Shangxiang who also wanted to leave, and said:

“Shangxiang, you don’t need to prepare, the City Lord Mansion has everything.”

“Okay…Okay, Husband…” Sun Shangxiang was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then said with a shy expression of lowering his head.

Ye Chen couldn’t help but smile when he saw this, and then his mind moved, a Two Worlds Stone appeared in his hand instantly.

“This is Two Worlds Stone, you use it first, and later, I will take you to the world where I am.”

As soon as Ye Chen’s words fell, Sun Shangxiang’s eyes lit up, and then he said inexplicably excited:

“Okay, Husband.”

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