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“Yes! Lord!” Dian Wei After listening to Ye Chen’s instructions, Nodded, and then worshiped, finished, then went to the door, and then tapped a few big doors.

After a few breathing, some shabby wooden gate “嘎” opened a gap, and then saw the old lady who had a hundred years of old Lady has been cautious.

At this moment, Great Han since the yellow towel, although there is no great turmoil, but the security is not very good, and it is not so cautious about Old Lady.

plus the fierce appearance of Dian Wei, Old Lady is not cautious in iMPossible.

“Who are you looking for?”

Old lady’s inquiry, Dian Wei thought about it, and then looked Towards ye chen.

ye chen sees here, can’t help but laugh, and then rude to Old Lady.

“Senior, can Xu Yuxi is?”

“Are you?” Old Lady heard here, suddenly slammed, and the back trail is straight to Towards Ye Chen, asked.

ye chen heard here, Slightly Smile, is to open, Old Lady suddenly widened his eyes.

“… King of you Adult! You are king of you!”

old lady shocked inexplicable words, ye Chen is slightly smuggled, and then the nodding of laughd:

“is this king, I don’t know how Xu Yuan is at home?”

“in, in!” Old lady or Xu Wei’s Mother, heard here, hurriedly nodded, and then remembered that the door was only one-stop.

Next second, Xu Wei’s mother, hurriedly open the door completely, and then go out, squat:

“Women XU CLAN, see King of You, I didn’t know King of You, please ask King of You forgiveness.”

ye chen sees here, hurried forward, put Xu mother, just at this time, heard Xu Wei, who came out of the door, and came out of his face, and then worship Ye chen. Road:

“Grassimin, Xu Wei, Xu Yuan straight, see King of You”! “

Xu Wei is tangled, because he is just cleaned by the mother, but the butt egg is swollen, but Ye Chen is coming, he can’t see it.

Otherwise, how can Xu Wei?

ye chen heard here, look at Xu Wei, full of face, can’t help but smile, and then said:

“This king can go in a seat?”

“Ah, King of You, please please, please.” Xu mother heard that Xu Wei said, then he first grab a step, and he wore it. He finished inviting Ye Chen to enter the door.

ye chen sees here, laughd’s nodded, and then goes.

Xu Shu’s home is also an adobe house, and his family is slightly poor, but even so, Xu’s mother cleans up the house.

Coming to the hall, after Ye Chen sat down on the main seat, Xu Mu went straight to the kitchen, and four cups of low-quality tea came out from the back.

“Master King of You, the humble house is simple, and if the hospitality is not adequate, please invite Master King of You Haihan.”

Ye Chen heard this, and took the tea from Xu’s mother, taking a sip without the slightest hesitation.

“This king has risen in the end, and he has suffered from all kinds of hardships, but I don’t value these most.”

As soon as Ye Chen’s words fell, Xu’s mother immediately relaxed, and Xu Shu, who was standing on one side, could not help but brighten up in front of him.

At this moment, Xu’s mother bowed to Ye Chen and said:

“Sir King of You, the lady will retire first. If there is an order, even if she speaks, the lady will do her best.”

Ye Chen heard this, laughed nodded, Xu mother saw this, bowed again, and then exited the hall.

Ye Chen came here to find Xu Shu, Xu’s son. Naturally, Xu’s mother would not be a hindrance here. This is the most basic etiquette. How can Xu’s mother not be foolish.

Xu’s mother left, Xu Shu glanced at Ye Chen a little awkwardly, and then said:

“Master King of You, Shu, just got punished by my mother. I have some discomfort and rudeness. Please also Lord King of You, please bear with me.”

Xu Shu got hurt in his ass. It was impossible to sit. He had to stand, but it was a bit rude.

Xu’s mother was here just now, Xu Shu, dare not say, now Xu’s mother is out, Xu Shu naturally wants to explain, Ye Chen from the province misunderstood.

As soon as Xu Shu’s words fell, Ye Chen couldn’t help but smile, and then said:

“It’s okay.”

When Xu Shu heard this, he immediately relaxed. At this moment, Ye Chen waved his right hand, and a ball of Spiritual Qi flew towards Xu Shu in an instant, but in the blink of an eye, Xu Shu’s injury was restored as before.

When Xu Shu noticed this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly opened.


Ye Chen smiled slightly after hearing Xu Shu’s shocking words, and then said:

“Yuanzhi, do you know what the king is here?”

As soon as Ye Chen’s words fell, Xu Shu suddenly regained his senses, and then bowed to Ye Chen solemnly and said:

“Lord reporting to King of You, the grassroots knows.”

Ye Chen heard this, laughed nodded, and then asked:

“Then what do you think?”

“Master King of You, naturally 10,000 people are willing to follow you, but my mother is unwilling to leave their hometown, grass people…cao people…” Xu Shu heard this, sighed in a melancholy manner, and bowed his head.

This Xu Shu, as recorded in history, is notoriously filial…

Thinking of this, Ye Chen glanced at Xu Shu, and then said:

“How about this, call your mother and ask for one or two questions. If your mother doesn’t agree, then assume that the king has never been here.”

Ye Chen doesn’t know if Xu’s mother is willing to leave, but this is a hidden condition to subdue Xu Shu. If it can’t be resolved, Ye Chen really don’t want to subdue Xu Shu.

As soon as Ye Chen’s words fell, Xu Shu solemnly nodded. At this moment, Xu’s mother suddenly walked in from outside the door, and then bowed to Ye Chen and said:

“Sir King of You, the ladies are willing to leave here.”

As soon as Xu’s mother’s words fell, Xu Shu was taken aback, but it was Xu Shu, who had never thought that Xu’s mother would come in suddenly.

After a short daze, Xu Shu returned to his senses, and then hurriedly faced Ye Chen, bowing in prayer:

“Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi, would like to follow the lord, and be willing to ask the lord to take him in!”

As soon as Xu Shu’s words landed, the system prompt sounded.

“Ding, First-Class Calendar Historical Civil Court Official, Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi, if you want to recognize you as the master, do you accept it?”

As soon as the system sounded, Ye Chen made a choice without the slightest hesitation.


“Ding, congratulations to the player Ye Chen for successfully conquering, first-class historical Civil Court Official, Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi.”

As soon as the system’s prompt sound ended, Ye Chen got up and walked to Xu Shuxu’s mother in a few steps, and then lifted the two of them up.

“It is a great blessing for this king to be able to get Yuanzhi’s help.”

“Xu Shu, pay homage to the lord!” Xu Shu suddenly smiled when he heard this, then bowed respectfully.

As soon as Xu Shu’s words fell, the world announcement suddenly sounded.

“Ding, congratulations to player Ye Chen for successfully conquering the first-class calendar Historical Civil Court Official, Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi, special reward player Ye Chen, gold 10 million.”


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