
You can search for “Great Desolate: The Strongest Player: Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“That’s right, not to mention Ding Yuan died. You know, brother, originally planned to join the Dong Zhuo camp. After all, the princes challenged Dong and the princes failed.”

“What’s so special about you, I thought of going with Lao Tzu. With Lu Bu in the Dong Zhuo camp, Lao Tzu is relieved…”

“What’s so special about you, Dong Zhuo, what can you do with Lu Bu, don’t forget, and Ye King of You, if Ye King of You stand in the Dong Zhuo camp, Dong Zhuo will win, but Ye King of If You stand in the camp of the princes, even if Dong Zhuo has Lu Bu, it will be useless!”

“Do you want to join the princes camp? Add it, and when you add it, I will go **!”

“Fuck! I will be afraid of you? Come, you are my grandson if you don’t come!”

“Don’t be so noisy, a group of brainless idiots, if you want to benefit from this plot task, you must choose the right camp, and the key lies in Ye King of You!”

“What’s so special about you, tell the truth, but I feel it, Ye King of You It shouldn’t be involved, don’t forget, according to the strength of Ye King of You, if Ye King of You wants to participate If the princes talk to Dong, the 100% meeting will be announced in the world. Look at it. Did the world announcement mention Ye King of You?”

“Fuck! Your analysis makes sense…”

“If Ye King of You really doesn’t participate, it would be more cost-effective to join the Dong Zhuo camp.”

“If you don’t see it, don’t forget, it’s recorded in history that there are wins and losses for each other.”

“Don’t be nonsense, why don’t you say that there were Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei in history?”

“Hey, buddy, you reminded me that Liu Bei was killed by Ye King of You, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei became Ye King of You’s subordinates. If Ye King of You did not participate, Dong Zhuo would only have one Lu Bu, he can look down upon the heroes.”

“Hehe, that’s how it is, as long as Ye King of You doesn’t participate, join the Dong Zhuo camp, you can make a steady profit without losing money.”


The world channel was boisterous, constantly refreshing the screen, after Ye Chen glanced at it, the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but curl up.

Without Liu Guanzhang, Dong Zhuo could indeed rely on Lu Bu to do everything, but Lao Tzu would not have seen such a thing happen…

Thinking of this, Ye Chen moved his mind and instantly locked Dian Wei.

In the next second, Ye Chen directly sound transmission said:

“Dian Wei, choose a veteran from Samsara Legion, let him arrive at Hulao Pass from all quarters, when Lv Bu is unstoppable, give a lesson to Lu Bu, remember, don’t kill, Lu Bu will It’s kind of useful.”

As soon as Ye Chen’s words fell, Dian Wei, who was supervising the recruit training of Samsara Legion on the school ground, hurriedly faced the direction of Samsara Immortal City City Lord Mansion, bowed and said loudly:

“Yes! Lord!”

After Dian Wei finished speaking, he rubbed his head in a daze, and then looked straight towards the veteran of Samsara Legion.

After watching for a while, Dian Wei directly looked at the newly promoted school lieutenant, Zhang Daniu, and shouted:

“Zhang Daniel!”

“Commander, I am here!” Zhang Daniu, who heard Dian Wei’s call, hurriedly came to Dian Wei, and then bowed in prayer.

Dian Wei heard this, thought about it, and then said:

“Give you a mission, you go to the Hujao Pass and wait for the princes to gather at the Hujao Pass. After being abused by Lu Bu, you will take action and teach Lu Bu a bit. Remember, don’t kill him, just defeat him. “

“Commander, who is Lu Bu?” Zhang Daniu heard this, touched his head, and then asked in a daze.

Dian Wei glared at Zhang Daniu when he heard this, and then shouted:

“How do I know, you bastard, let you go, when the time comes, the kid will definitely sign up by himself, and you won’t know when he signs up.” [19459002 ]

“Okay! I’m going now!” When Zhang Daniu heard this, he touched his head in a naive manner, then bowed in prayer, and then went to the schoolyard appearance.

Dian Wei saw this and looked directly towards the veteran Samsara Legion who was full of envious gazes, shouted:

“Don’t be lazy, continue to practice, whoever does not practice today will not be allowed to eat!”

“Yes! Commander!” When the veterans of Samsara Legion heard this, they laughed together, and then shouted loudly. After speaking, they held stone locks weighing hundreds of kilograms, and practiced “Yang Ya, Ya Ya”. stand up.

Samsara Immortal City, the back home of City Lord Mansion, Ye Chen couldn’t help but smile when he heard the conversation between Dian Wei and Samsara Legion veterans on the school field.

Dian Wei, this fool, let him be the commander of the guards, it is really right…

Ye Chen just thought of this. Yu Ji, who was held by Ye Chen, looked towards Ye Chen with a puzzled look, and asked:

“Husband, but have important things to do?”

Ye Chen came to the back house with Yu Ji, because the world announcement still had an order. After a while, he stayed there, otherwise, Yu Ji wouldn’t ask.

After hearing Yu Ji’s question, Ye Chen bowed his head and kissed Yu Ji, and then said:

“It’s okay, it’s finished, the important thing now is to thank Madam well.”

“Husband…” When Yu Ji heard this, her face suddenly blushed, and then she buried her head in Ye Chen’s arms, not daring to look at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen saw this, haha ​​smiled, and then moved towards the house.

Before long, the beautiful melody sounded directly, and the sun in the sky that was heard directly was hidden among the white clouds.

Luoyang, the residence of Dong Zhuo.

“Cao Cao! Bastard! I want to pump your muscles and peel your skin!” After listening to Li Ru’s report, Dong Zhuo opened his eyes sharply, and then roared loudly.

Hearing this, Li Ru hurriedly bowed and said:

“Father-in-law, don’t get angry, you need a good training now.”

“Cultivation? How to cultivate, goddamn princes, how dare they unite against me!” Dong Zhuo shouted again when he heard this.

Hearing this, Li Ru glanced at Dong Zhuo secretly, then bowed and said:

“Father-in-law, don’t worry, my Xiliang army has been immediately garrisoned at all major levels, most of which are easy to defend and difficult to attack, and just now, another member will cast in the future. With him, father-in-law can sit back and relax!”

“Who? Where is it?” Dong Zhuo was taken aback when he heard this, then looked towards Li Ru and asked.

Li Ru heard this, slightly smiled, then bowed and said:

“Father-in-law, this person is surnamed Lu with the name Fengxian. General Huaxiong can’t do three moves in his hands! This is because Lu Fengxian doesn’t want to hurt Huaxiong General Hua. If it is a battlefield, I am afraid General Hua will directly ……”

Dong Zhuo suddenly opened his eyes when he heard this, then looked towards Li Ru and asked:

“Is it true?”

“Confucian, dare not deceive his father-in-law, General Hua Xiong really failed to make three moves in the hands of Lu Bu Lu Fengxian.” Li Ru heard this and hurriedly bowed in prayer.

Dong Zhuo heard these two, his eyes lit up suddenly, and then shouted:

“Quick! Bring this person to see me, I will accept him as a righteous son!”

As soon as Dong Zhuo’s words fell, Li Ru was taken aback, but Li Ru also didn’t expect that Dong Zhuo would make such a decision.

If it is someone else, forget it, but Lu Bu is not someone else. After being separated by him, he personally beheaded the existence of Adoptive Father Ding Yuan.

If Dong Zhuo accepts Lv Bu as his son, and the terrible Lv Bu turns around and kills Dong Zhuo, it will be so much fun.

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