
You can search for “Great Desolate: The Strongest Player: Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Just when the indigenous players were shocked and even kneeled, the world announcement suddenly sounded.

“Ding! Congratulations to player Ye Chen for successfully consolidating Good Fortune gold body! Innate attribute points X150000 points! Top grade Spirit Stone X30000 points! Innate merit X** points!”

As soon as this announcement came out, the whole world was in a huge uproar!

The players in the East are overjoyed.

“Damn, it turns out that this is a good Fortune golden body, I thought Ye King of You was going to ascend to Buddha…”

“Yes, yeah, the scene just now was so scary, but is Good Fortune’s golden body a slayer?…”

“You ask me and I ask who to go, it must be awesome anyway, otherwise it won’t make such a big noise…”

“It seems that we won’t be able to catch up with Ye King of You’s achievements in a few lifetimes. I hope we can follow him and make more profit…”

“Ye King of You, please do me a favour, just accept me. I am not very demanding. Just be a slave girl who serves tea and water…”

“Yeah, you don’t look in the mirror to see what your ghost looks like. There is a crowd of people who want to be the slaves of Ye King of You. Even the end of the world will not be your turn…”

“Smelly brat, don’t run, see if I won’t kill you…”


And the players from various countries lurking in all corners of the world, at this time, their noses are crooked.

“Damn it, the pervert called Ye Chen is getting stronger and stronger. If this continues, how can we get revenge?”

“It is too unrealistic to talk about revenge now. Let’s wait and see, maybe after Ye Chen’s ascension, the situation will get better…”

“Fak! When is this going to wait?…”

“According to my estimation, it should be soon…”


At this time, Ye Chen sits in the Good Fortune golden body that is able to support both heaven and earth, completely bathed in this extremely rich Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, and a sense of peace that has never been felt before , At the same time refreshing into the heart and spleen, the taste in it is simply wonderful.

After the end of the world announcement, this Good Fortune gold body, which is able to support both heaven and earth, quickly became smaller, but in the blink of an eye, it shrank to the same size as Ye Chen, and then fully integrated into Ye Chen’s body Among.

And the Nine Clawed Golden Dragon and Nine Clawed Golden Dragon also screamed loudly at the same time, and immediately turned into two streams of light, injected into Ye Chen’s right arm and then disappeared.

At this time, Ye Chen noticed that two Dragon Phoenix tattoos were suddenly added to the outer sides of his two arms. The left arm is the image of Nine Clawed Golden Dragon, and the right arm is the image of Nine-color Phoenix.

At this time, there was another game reminder in his ears.

“Ding! Congratulations to the player Ye Chen for taking full control of the Good Fortune golden body and being recognized by Dragon Phoenix! From now on, you can fight for you with summon Jiucai Phoenix and Nine Clawed Golden Dragon!”

Ye Chen also felt very surprised when he heard this prompt.

He only knew that plundering all the World Good Fortune would be of great benefit to him, but he didn’t know what the benefit was.

When Good Fortune’s golden body was condensed, he was actually very satisfied. Now, didn’t expect to be able to conquer a dragon and a phoenix for his own drive.

These nine-color Phoenix and Nine Clawed Golden Dragon, at first glance, are very rare, very rare beasts.

While happy, he also saw the specific introduction of this dragon and phoenix by the game world.

33 layer Tianwai Jiucai Phoenix

Strength: Great Principle Golden Immortal level.

bloodline: The descendants of Ancient Immortal Phoenix.

Introduction: Jiucai Phoenix, 33 layer is a rare fairy bird outside the sky, with strong strength, the fleshy body is beyond the three realms, not within Five Elements. Strong attack power, possessing skills: Phoenix Nirvana, Phoenix Dance of Nine Heavens, Burning Three Thousand World, Purgatory Fire Sea, Lingxi Refining Heaven Array and other ultimate divine abilities.

Phoenix Nirvana: After death, you can choose an appropriate time to resurrect Nirvana. After the resurrection, your strength will return to Peak.

Phoenix Dance of Nine Heavens: Phoenix Dance of Nine Heavens: The strongest divine ability of Nine Heavens, which can attack the target nine times in a row. The formidable power of each attack increases by nine times. The formidable power of each attack can be stacked, and the maximum can be increased to nine times Stacking 81 times attack power!

Burning Three Thousand World: This divine ability can emit a vast Heavenly Fire and at the same time burn Three Thousand Worlds. Because of the huge formidable power, it hurts the heavens and peace. Absolutely can’t be used easily. Don’t avoid it.

Purgatory fire sea: Jiucai Phoenix’s divine ability, no one can escape in the fire sea, and even the soul will be burned into nothingness.

Lingxi Refining Sky Formation: Open up a Raging Flames Space, refining everything in the world, whoever enters this formation, there is absolutely no possibility of survival, the divine ability of Jiuhuafengfeng’s housekeeping.

Primal Chaos Nine Clawed Golden Dragon

Strength: Great Principle Golden Immortal level.

bloodline: the descendant of Primal Chaos Golden Dragon.

Introduction: Born in Taikoo, traveling in Primal Chaos, surpassing life and death, without fear of Samsara. Born with Supreme Divine Ability such as Primal Chaos Azure Dragon Roar, Primal Chaos Azure Dragon Roar, Ten Thousand Realms Tour Dragon Scroll, Nine Dragon Suspension Array, and Kang Long Hui Shuo Bo.

Primordial Thunder Explosion: Nine Clawed Golden Dragon summon Primal Chaos Divine Lightning, a terrorist attack on the enemy, the Divine Soul is destroyed, forever unable to reincarnate.

Primal Chaos Azure Dragon roar: Under a roar, all enemies are destroyed, large-scale damage to the divine ability, and extremely high damage. Once deployed, the destructive power is extremely terrifying and cannot be used easily.

Dragon Scroll of Ten Thousand Worlds: Space divine ability, this divine ability can travel through the space at will, and come and go freely in any space.

Nine Dragons Suspension Array: Trapped the enemy in a dark space that has no time. Those who enter the array have never seen anyone surviving.

Kanglong Backshobo: Time backs the divine ability, critical moments, can make time flow back three seconds.

After truly understanding the abilities of the two beasts, even the experienced and knowledgeable Ye Chen couldn’t help but secretly smack his tongue.

These two pets are very awesome, any divine ability can kill the gods and destroy the Buddha…

Of course, power can’t do…

Until now, he really realized that the benefits of condensing Good Fortune golden body to him are so huge.

Ye Chen added two more killing moves to the next move to ascend to the Great Desolate World.

After all this was done, Ye Chen sat cross-legged in the sky and opened his eyes lightly.

Looking down, the aboriginals of the Great Han all knelt to the ground, casting incomparable admiring gazes in their direction like a pilgrimage.

Everything just now was so shocking, many people were still immersed in it and did not wake up.

Looking at the innumerable living beings below, Ye Chen’s heart suddenly and unconsciously raised a kind of compassion, as if all the people in this world are their own children and the objects of their own protection…

Ye Chen doesn’t know where this feeling comes from, maybe this is a kind of responsibility…

As an emperor who has collected the whole world Good Fortune, no matter how powerful he becomes, no matter how aloof and remote, his subjects are fundamental and cannot be ignored…

Because this is the rule, the foundation of Good Fortune Sovereign Dao, no matter when and where, it is always like this…

When Ye Chen wanted to understand this, when even in the air to the entire world, shouted:

“Tomorrow will be a good day, and I will ascend the throne and become the emperor!”


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