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When Guo Yi heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly bowed and said, “Master, please quickly recall General Yunzheng, General Dian Wei, General Gao Shun, and General Zhao Meng, just in case!”

At this moment, Ye Chen only had 10000 Samsara Legion to follow. You Prefecture Monster Race gathered, the number must be beyond imagination, Guo Yi naturally did not want Ye Chen to be in danger.

Ye Chen glanced at Guo Yi who was extremely anxious, slightly smiled, and then said:

“Fengxiao, to confront Monster Race mixed soldiers head-on, you must be the elite of the elite. Samsara Legion is the elite of the elite. Although Yunzheng’s Baima Yi is also an elite, there are only 50000 veterans, and the rest are recruits.

The soldiers led by Dian Wei, Zhao Meng, and Gao Shun were also recruits. Although they had been training for a month, they were still far from the veterans who had been on the battlefield.

If you fight Monster Race hard at this time, although it can be successful, casualties are inevitable. It is with this consideration that I ordered Yun Zheng and the others to go to Liaodong to counter the rebellion, the purpose is to train troops and quickly improve the strength of the soldiers. “

Guo Yi was stunned when he heard this, then came back to his senses and hurriedly bowed and said:

“Lord, if Monster Race comes to commit the crime right away, isn’t the lord very dangerous?”

Ye Chen looked at Guo Yi anxiously and worried, and his heart warmed, and then he said:

“How can I not know what Fengxiao is worried about? However, this World, what can hurt you and me, does not exist. Monster Race, let alone 10000000, is 100000000 10000, what’s the problem! But just mixed soldiers, kill They are nothing more than a waste of time.”

When Guo Yi heard this, he immediately started, and then remembered Ye Chen’s super domineering strength.

Heaven Grade weapons can’t break Ye Chen’s defense, Monster Race really can’t help Ye Chen.

Thinking of this, Guo Yi immediately relaxed, then looked towards Ye Chen and bowed and said:

“Although the lord is matchless in the world, Jia still urges the lord not to go west easily, and wait for Yunzheng, Dian Wei, Gao Shun, Zhao Meng to return and then go west to fight the rebellion.”

Ye Chen heard this, haha ​​smiled, and then said:

“Fengxiao, if you don’t say it, I won’t just go west. It’s not difficult to kill Monster Race, but in this way, the alien lords in You Prefecture can keep a part of it. This is not for the future You Prefecture. Good thing.”

When Guo Yi heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, then he bowed and said:

“So that’s how it is, in this way, without the master’s action at all, the alien lords in You Prefecture will be to catch everything in one net…”

As soon as Guo Yi’s words came to this point, he stopped abruptly, and then frowned.

Ye Chen saw that Guo Yi’s expression was not right, and asked a little surprised: “Fengxiao, what’s wrong?”

Guo Yi hesitated after hearing Ye Chen’s question, then bowed and said:

“Lord, in You Prefecture, there are not only foreign lords, but also You Prefecture 100 surnames, this…”

Ye Chen sighed secretly when he heard this, and then said:

“Fengxiao only knows one of them and doesn’t know the other two. The Golden Turban rebelled. Monster Race is now alive. The 2 surnames who are still outside the major cities have long been dead, and fled into the city.

There will be no Great Han 100 surnames left outside the city. Those who stay outside the Great City are either Golden Scarf or Monster Race mixed soldiers, or foreigners.

In a short period of time, those 100 surnames in the city will not be harmed. Otherwise, how can I order Yun Zheng to go to Liaodong to quell their rebellion. “

When Guo Yi heard this, he was taken aback, and then asked in shock: “The lord means that the golden towels in You Prefecture and the number of Monster Races…”

Ye Chen was very sure nodded, and then said:

“The number of golden scarves alone is too much to say, let alone Monster Race. Monster Race also has lords. They have a huge army of birds and beasts in their hands. Even if I am willing to help those alien lords, time is too late. Save Not much.”

Ye Chen said here, his 2 eyes suddenly narrowed, and then said solemnly:

“Even more how, even if these alien lords survive by luck, I will clean them up in the future, why should I help them!”

“My lord, Jia, I have no intention of worrying about those alien lords. Please check it out!” Guo Yi was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly bowed in prayer.

Ye Chen saw Guo Yi’s anxious look, he was stunned for a moment, and then reacted. What he said just now, he somewhat questioned Guo Yi’s meaning.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen shook the head helplessly, then lifted Guo Yi up and sighed:

“Fengxiao, how can I know your loyalty? Don’t want to do this in the future. I just felt it. Those alien lords have already asked me for help through alien means. Don’t think about it.”

Hearing this, Guo Yi immediately relaxed, and then bowed and said, “The lord does not blame Sin Jia, Jia is relieved.”

When Ye Chen heard this, he couldn’t help but glared at Guo Yi, and then shouted, “What is to blame for this, don’t do that in the future!”

“Yes! Lord!” Guo Yi chuckled a few times, then bowed in response.

Ye Chen was nodded, then turned on his horse and glanced at the players who were constantly running, his eyebrows raised involuntarily.

These people are probably understood now. The General of Yangle County Guarding City is Yan Rou. I don’t know if the intestines are regretful…

Thinking of this, Ye Chen shouted: “Go! Liaoxi City!”

“Yes! Lord!”

Samsara Legion shouted in unison, and then followed Ye Chen moved towards Liaoxi quickly.

“hong long long”

10000 cattle galloping, the earthquake trembling, instantly rolled up dust filling the sky.

Ye Chen left, and the players who rushed over were stunned.

“Hey, Ye Chen is pretending to be forced? He left without waiting for us?”

“That’s it, it’s totally despising us.”

“Speaking of this is a hairy use, Ye Chen special is Human Race Number One Person, the lord of You Prefecture, is not at the same level as us, do you think Ye Chen needs to talk to us?”

“Ai, don’t pretend to be forced, recognize the reality, we are here, but we want to have some soup with Ye Chen, not to mention how awesome we are, we should be on the city wall just now.”

“Fuck, Lao Tzu really regrets it. Who really knows that the general in Yangle County is Yan Rou. If he knew it was him, Lao Tzu would be the first to go up.”

“I will go, too, is he? The good opportunity was missed, and finally Yan Rou was accepted by Ye Chen.”

“What’s so special, don’t make any noise, don’t you find that Ye Chen’s army is different? Everyone rides a rhino, and the special one is a long-scaly rhino. What the hell is that, who Can you tell me?”

“This should be a super rhino. It’s so big. In other words, what is the armor they are wearing? How can each and everyone shine?”

“Not only the rhinos are wearing shiny armor, but the soldiers also have armor, which is so shiny.”

“Fuck, what level of equipment is this?”

“It’s him, I seem to have seen it in a person, it seems to be…Diamond Grade, shit! That’s right, it is Diamond Grade!”

“Your uncle, Diamond Grade? Doesn’t this have to live anymore, I am a special piece of silver until now.”

“You continue to compare, I am chasing Ye Chen, and I have soup with Ye Chen, it is much better to fight alone.”

“I go too!”

Players, look at me, I look at you, and moved towards Ye Chen, chasing them in the direction they left.

Liaoxi City.

“Damn it, why are there so many golden scarves!” The lieutenant defending the city looked at the endless golden scarves army, and shouted at the complexion ashen.

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