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“Cangtian is dead, Huang Tian is standing! Year-old in Jiazi, the world is lucky!”

a thousand gold Seeing Ye Chen and Samsara Legion rushing towards him, Jin Lishi stopped all the steps, then pulled 3 pieces of talisman paper from his waist, moved towards and put a stick on his body.

A piece of yellow light instantly lit up, and the original shirtless a thousand gold shinner turned into a golden light gleaming instantly.

Powerful Talisman, Thick Earth Talisman, Vajra Talisman…

Ye Chen recognized the origin of the talisman at the moment the golden towel master took out the talisman.

These will greatly enhance the strength and defense of the golden towel warrior, and will give birth to a protective cover on the body, known as “impervious to sword and spear.”

Looking at the golden light shining golden scarf warrior, Ye Chen couldn’t help but curl his mouth.

Not bad, not bad, the best is used, the items that burst out like this are of higher grade…

Ye Chen just thought about it, and he came to the front of the golden towel warrior, and his right hand God Slaying Spear without the slightest hesitation swung out.

“Yah, ah, ah, ah”

Several sounds came.

The heads of 5 golden scarves flew up instantly.

The golden light guards they are proud of, as well as the incomparable defenses, have not won them even a second of time.

“Pēng pēng pēng”

5 sounds of body cracking sounded instantly.

Samsara Legion was killed, Hundred Refinements steel essence and guns all shook.

“Hey, hey”

The sky-shaking buzzing sounded instantly.

The steel and spear in the hands of the Samsara Legion soldiers instantly lit up with white light, and then moved towards the golden towel stab.

“Pu chi, pu chi, pu chi “

Countless sounds came.

The golden turban warrior was instantly stabbed by the soldiers of Hua Samsara Legion, and then lifted and flew.

“hong long long”

Samsara Legion rushed past, and the a thousand gold champions were all beheaded on the spot without exception.

far away.

Deng Mao ran wildly with a 4000 gold scarves man, while observing the results behind him.

In his opinion, although a thousand gold can’t kill Ye Chen, nor can it cause much damage to Samsara Legion, they can persist for a while.

He had personally seen the formidable power of those 3 talisman papers. Although he didn’t have Zhang Jiao to cast the spell himself, the perverted state that came is also the existence of blades and swords find it difficult to cut.

As long as the 3 talisman papers are used, unless it is a King Grade general, don’t even think about breaking the defense of the Golden Turban Warrior.

Therefore, Samsara Legion wants to kill the Golden Scarf Warrior, it’s impossible.

In this way, he has enough time to escape.

However, in the next second, Deng Mao suddenly dropped his jaw.

In his eyes, the incomparable golden turban warrior was easily beheaded on the spot just like paper.

“What is the strength of this Great General White Steed Ye Chen… Is this… an Emperor Grade general or Saint Grade general…” Deng Mao shouted in horror.

In the next second, Deng Mao’s 2 eyes instantly stared at the boss, and then he shouted in horror:

“King… King Grade general! How can he be? Why are Ye Chen’s soldiers all King Grade generals!”

Even if Ye Chen is strong, this has scared Deng Mao.

What can be called Deng Mao didn’t expect is that Samsara Legion is not only a perverted mount, but also themselves.

All of them are King Grade generals.

Otherwise, it is impossible to stab the Golden Scarf Warrior so easily.

“Damn it!” Deng Mao roared in horror, not even think, directly urging the horse crazy.

He wanted to escape immediately, the farther he could escape, the better.

He is just a Sovereign Grade general. Facing a group of Samsara Legion who are all King Grade generals, he simply has no chance of winning, let alone a powerful Ye Chen who makes him desperate.

Ye Chen is not only powerful, but also extremely brutal and domineering.

The person killed by Ye Chen, even if it pierces the body, the body will explode all split up and in pieces, die without a whole corpse.

Just thinking about it, Deng Mao shuddered.

“hong long long”

10000 cattle galloped, and the earthquake trembled.

Ye Chen took Samsara Legion moved towards Deng Mao hurriedly pursued.

Whether it is Heavenly Horse Xiaojin or Wild Rhino, the speed is extremely fast.

The horse Deng Mao sat down was just a fine horse, not a famous horse horse, how could he have run past Ye Chen and Samsara Legion.

Deng Mao couldn’t even run, let alone the golden turban champion who followed him.

After a few breaths, Ye Chen took Samsara Legion to catch up with the Golden Turban Warrior, and then killed the 4000 Golden Turban Warrior Ruthless on the spot.

When Deng Mao saw a few breaths, he was killed by a golden turban strongman, and he was frightened.

He urged the horse desperately, however, it was useless.

Not long after he ran, a golden light flashed arrived.

“Ye…Ye Chen…I…I vote…” Deng Mao shrank his eyes shrank after seeing Ye Chen who came next to him, and then screamed.

However, before he could finish his words, Ye Chen cut his neck with a shot, and his round head flew up instantly.

“Zi zi, zi zi.”

Blood began to squirt wildly, splashing down to the ground with the running horse.

After a breath, a “bang” came.

Deng Mao’s body exploded to pieces, blood and internal organs were splashed everywhere.

“Ding, congratulations to player Ye Chen for beheading 3 Liuli Historical General, Deng Mao.”

Hearing the system’s prompt, Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

didn’t expect Deng Mao…

Although it’s still rubbish, there should be a lot of military exploits…

Ye Chen just thought about it, and the world announcement sounded instantly because Ye Chen quit the attack state.

“Ding, congratulations to player Ye Chen, first beheading the Golden Turban 3 to the Historical General, Cheng Yuanzhi, special reward player Ye Chen fighting 1000000.”

“Ding, congratulations to the player Ye Chen, the second place to kill the Golden Turban 2 in the Historical General, Deng Mao, specially rewards the player Ye Chen for his exploits of 3.”

The world announcement, three times in a row, instantly detonated the world channel.

“Fuck! Fuck! It’s Ye Chen again, fuck, it’s not over? Just before we took Cheng Pu and Tian Chou, how long did this fuck take to kill Cheng Yuanzhi and Deng Mao?”

“It doesn’t matter who you kill, but the fucking merits are given to Mao so much, I rely on! Ye Chen’s combat merits are now rising in sou sou, it has reached an astronomical number, the special is up to 2,000,000 combat merits, my special merit is only 1000 What a feat.”

“Hahaha, Ye Chen’s boss is awesome. If you don’t accept it, you have to accept it. Ye Chen boss, the younger brother is willing to go to You Prefecture to mix with Ye Chen boss, Ye Chen boss can 10000000. Don’t refuse, I will play the golden scarf and play Monster Race, too It’s difficult, it’s safer to follow Boss Ye Chen, but the younger brother swears that he will never steal anything from Boss Ye Chen, nor will he disturb Boss Ye Chen’s military exploits and merits. The younger brother only seeks to be stable and clean.”

“Boss Ye Chen, so am I! I begged Boss Ye Chen for permission!”

“Same request!”

The world channel is very lively, Ye Chen glanced at it and chose to ignore it, and then looked towards the distance.

There, there are also a group of shirtless golden turban men.

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