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Ye Chen 2 suddenly opened his eyes when he found the abnormality, and then turned his head to look.

The moment he saw the red-faced man, Ye Chen recognized his origin.

Guan Yu!

Guan Yu is the SSR Historical General, because of its bravery and loyalty, heroism reaching to the clouds, it is remembered by the world.

Ye Chen knows this naturally, and Ye Chen also thought about conquering Guan Yu.

It’s just that Peach Garden 3’s small plot of the knot is about to open, and Ye Chen’s probability of conquering Guan Yu is greatly reduced.

But the current situation is that Guan Yu actually appeared here.

This is Ye Chen. How could it not be surprised, of course, it is more of a surprise.

Especially, I want to cut his beard, even if Guan Yu is unwilling to follow Laozi, he can’t be fooled away by the big-eared thief…

As soon as Ye Chen finished thinking about it, Guan Yu stepped forward and bowed in prayer:

“Hedong, Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang, meet Great General White Steed!”

Hearing this, Ye Chen “looked at” Guan Yu, then nodded, and asked: “Chief Yun is here, why is it?”

“Reporting to Great General White Steed, Guan Mou passed by here and heard the terrifying shouts of killing, so he came to watch 2-1, but he never thought that Great General White Steed was fighting the rebellion.” Guan Yu heard Ye Chen ask. Hurriedly bowed and said.

Ye Chen’s eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

That’s what happened …

I said, why did Guan Yu suddenly come here…

Thinking of this, Ye Chen haha ​​smiled, and then said:

“So that’s how it is, Chief Yun, I see you Kong Wu is powerful, presumably military force out of the ordinary, I wonder if Chief Yun is willing to follow me?”

Guan Yu was taken aback when he heard this, and then there was an expression of ecstasy on his face.

He could have left because there was no place for him to help on the battlefield, and the army of Samsara City was unstoppable.

However, after he discovered that the leader of the army was the Great General White Steed Ye Chen, who was well-known in the Great Han Empire, he immediately dispelled the idea of ​​leaving.

To know the fame of Ye Chen, it has already spread throughout the Great Han Empire at this moment. No one knows that it is known to everyone, and how can Guan Yu be an exception.

It is precisely because of knowing that Guan Yu admires Ye Chen, because Ye Chen is the strongest existence in the history of the Great Han Empire.

In that many years, no one can destroy Wuhuan, Ye Chen killed it as soon as he shot it, and it was destroyed in one day.

Guan Yu is very arrogant, but after hearing Ye Chen’s deeds, he involuntarily engraved the word “serve” in capital.

It was also at that time that Guan Yu had the idea of ​​following in his heart.

And now, Guan Yu met Ye Chen, the original idea inevitably appeared again, and then he had the act of seeing Ye Chen.

One is that he really wants to follow Ye Chen, and the other is that he also wants to see Ye Chen, is it worth following, is it the same as the rumors.

The result was unexpectedly good. Not only did Ye Chen not look down on him because of his status as a civilian with a surname of 100, but he valued him very much and wanted to recruit him.

For Guan Yu, who had followed his mind in his heart, how could he not be happy, how could he not be excited.

Thinking of this, Guan Yu took a deep breath and spit out a long time, then knelt on one knee and said loudly:

“Guan Yu Guan Yunchang, see the lord!”

“Ding, congratulations to player Ye Chen for gaining SSR Historical General, Guan Yu’s allegiance.”

Hearing the system’s prompt, Ye Chen’s eyes lit up, then he rolled over and got off his horse, and hurriedly helped Guan Yu up.

Pat Guan Yu on the shoulder, Ye Chen said with a smile:

“Okay! If you can get help from Chief Yun, why don’t you worry about the great cause! From now on, Chief Yun is the 5th General in Samsara City for me!”

Guan Yu was stunned when he heard this.

He didn’t expect anything, Ye Chen valued him to the point where he actually valued it, and he gave the general the power to the general.

Originally, he thought that he would start with a captain or general.

Whoever came up with it, came up as General.

On the battlefield, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Gao Shun, Zhao Meng, and Guan Yu have seen it with their own eyes. Everyone leads the hundreds of thousands.

And now, as soon as he followed Ye Chen, he was given this power.

If Ye Chen doesn’t value him and doesn’t trust him, this kind of result is impossible.

At the thought of this, Guan Yu shook involuntarily.

Because of excitement, because of gratitude.

The next second, Guan Yu knelt on one knee with a “bang”, and then said loudly:

“Finally, you will follow the lord to the death! If you break this oath, the heaven will die!”

“Ding, Guan Yu’s loyalty is +10, all are diehards.”

Ye Chen couldn’t help but tilt his mouth when he heard the system’s prompt.

Another loyal man…

Not bad……

Now Guan Yu has become my little brother, I am going to see this imperial thief Imperial Uncle Liu, how else to jump…

Ye Chen just thought about it, and the world announcement sounded instantly.

“Ding, congratulations to player Ye Chen for the third place in the SSR Historical General, Guan Yu’s allegiance, special reward to player Ye Chen, gold 3 10000000 .”

World announcements were made three times in a row, just like throwing a bomb into a pan, instantly detonating the entire world channel.

“Fuck! It’s irrational, fuck you want to play like this! He, Ye Chen already has 2 SSR Historical Generals, Dian Wei, Zhao Yun are right, each is awesome, he now has Guan Yu again , Do you want people to live!”

“Fuck! Ye Chen, a completely crazy and ridiculous bastard, no one cares, he’s, I’m not convinced! He can even accept Guan Yu for the mao! Peach Garden 3 is agreed!”

“Yeah, this fuck, Ye Chen accepted Guan Yu, Peach Garden 3 is not the end of the knot, it’s too bad, no, I want to report Ye Chen, he cheated, he cheated!”

“Hehe, I will ask you still refuse to accept, Ye Chen boss is the most awesome, what Peach Garden 3 end is all false, as long as you meet Ye Chen boss, all the awesome characters have to bow down!”

“Ye Chen Boss is invincible in the whole world, accept Dian Wei, Zhao Yun is positive, Zhao Yun is accepting Guan Yu, hahaha, SSR Historical General, take them away, don’t leave those bastard lords, let them envy Be jealous.”

“I just want to say that Ye Chen’s boss is the most awesome. You scumbags, there is no envy, jealousy is useless, hatred is also useless, as soon as possible, acknowledge allegiance!”

“Whatever they do, those who envy and hate are all lords. What does it have to do with individual players like us.”

“Yes, that is, I’m going to You Prefecture soon, hahaha, I feel very happy when I think of being able to mess with the boss Ye Chen.”

“The idiot 2 is black, why haven’t I spoken for so long? What about SSR Historical General in Human Race and so on? Very difficult to deal with?”

“Who really knows, is it slaughtered? Regardless of him, I remember the 2 black idiot said that the historical General recruited by Human Race are all Innate realm.”

“Hmph, what is there to worry about, what Dian Wei, what Zhao Yun, what Guan Yu, wait for Lao Tzu to spare time, and eat them all!”

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