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Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn’t help but curled his mouth, then looked towards the battlefield.

“hong long long”

Ten thousand horses galloping, the earthquake trembles.

The Samsara City army is still rushing to kill, domineering and ruthlessly harvesting the lives of the Golden Turban soldiers.

A little bit of time passed, and once 2.5 minutes of time passed, the battle came to an end.

Looking around, the corpses are everywhere, some are incomplete, some are broken and some are rotten into a mass of flesh.

Because of the cavalry charge, because the horse trampled.

The blood dyed the earth red, and Death Aura was mixed with a strong smell of blood, which kept drifting, then drifting again.

When the battle was over, the battlefield was quiet, and at this moment, the smell of blood reached its peak.

The wind blows wantonly, blowing away the smell of blood, but it can’t blow away the death on the ground.

This is the main theme of war. It is unavoidable and impossible to avoid.

What kindness brings is still death, but at that time, the dead will no longer be the enemy.

As soon as the tea time passed, the city wall of Yuyang County heard loud cheers.

“Champion Marquis! Champion Marquis! Champion Marquis!”

The guards were cheering for Ye Chen and for the army of Samsara City.

They were saved from death because of Ye Chen and because of the army of Samsara City.

They were excited because they were still alive, and excited because their family members were safe and sound.

The corpses on the ground are endless, like purgatory on earth.

However, no one is afraid, no one is afraid.

Because they are soldiers of You Prefecture, and soldiers of Ye Chen, the shepherd of You Prefecture.

At this moment, the victorious person is their master, Ye Chen!

Looking at the guarding soldiers on the Yuyang county seat, Ye Chen couldn’t help but smile.

In the face of such a large army of Golden Turbans, they can continue to fight till now…

The soldiers of You Prefecture, really brave…

Ye Chen just finished thinking about it, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Gao Shun, Zhao Meng, came here on horseback.

As soon as they arrived, the four of them were stunned, because of Guan Yu next to Ye Chen, but the four of them did not dare to delay. They hurriedly got off their horses and bowed to Ye Chen:

“Reporting to the lord, the Golden Turban army has been wiped out!”

Ye Chen laughed the nodded, and then said: “Very good, but some casualties?”

“Reporting to the lord, no casualties!” Zhao Yunzheng, Gao Shun, Dian Wei, Zhao Meng, they all smiled when they heard this, and then bowed in prayer.

The Samsara City army is all equipped with Diamond Grade equipment, and each of them is a good soldier among the elite soldiers. The soldiers of the Golden Scarf can’t break the defense of the soldiers of Samsara City. How can they kill the soldiers of Samsara City?

Ye Chen heard this, nodded satisfied, and then said: “Send orders, clean the battlefield!”

“Yes! Lord!” Zhao Yun Zheng, Zhao Meng, Dian Wei, Gao Shun all bowed in response, and then proceeded to convey Ye Chen’s order.

Before long, the Samsara City army began to clean the battlefield, and at this time, the players who followed Ye Chen arrived here.

Looking at the battlefield full of corpses, the players each and everyone the boss with open mouth.

“Ai, I knew I was coming soon, I didn’t get anything now…”

“No way, Ye Chen’s boss is very awesome. This is a golden scarf, not Monster Race. If it’s Monster Race, maybe we can save some.”

“Wait and continue to pick up some junk equipment in the eyes of boss Ye Chen, and sell some money, which is not unprofitable.”

“Hehe, too, if you save more, you can buy gold grade equipment, good luck, maybe you can buy a diamond grade equipment.”

“Hahaha, that’s also…”

When the players were discussing, Zhao Yun Zheng, Zhao Meng, Gao Shun, Dian Wei, and Guo Yi came to Ye Chen.

As soon as he arrived, Guan Yu took the initiative to cup one fist in the other hand paid respect and said:

“Hedong, Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang, met Guo Libation Chancellor, met General Yun Zheng, General Dian Wei, General Gao Shun, General Zhao Meng.”

Obviously, Guan Yu had heard the names of Guo Yi, Zhao Yunzheng, Zhao Meng, Dian Wei and Gao Shun, and recognized their identities at a glance.

“Yingchuan, Guo Yi, Guo Fengxiao, met Chief Yun brother.”

“Chang Shan, Zhao Yun is right, Zhao Yun is right, I have met Brother Chief Yun.”

“Chang Shan, Zhao Meng, Zhao Zifang, have met Chief Yun brother.”

“Chen Liu, Dian Wei, met Chief Yun brother.”

“Gao Shun, met Chief Yun brother.”

Guo Yi, Dian Wei, Zhao Yun Zheng, Zhao Meng, Gao Shun, each and everyone laughed in return.

Guan Yu was stunned when he heard this, but he immediately returned to normal, and hurriedly cup one fist in the other hand in return. His attitude was a kindness.

Guan Yu was stunned because Dian Wei had no words. Not only did Gao Shun have no words, he didn’t even say where his ancestry was.

There is no word to say that his birth is not good, and he doesn’t even know where his ancestry is. Obviously he has been an orphan since he was a child.

But Guan Yu didn’t show the slightest contempt because of this.

Because whether it is Dian Wei or Gao Shun, they are both generals in command of the hundred thousand army.

Moreover, the two of them followed Ye Chen before him, and their ability and military force are certainly not bad.

And now, Guan Yu has also begun to follow Ye Chen, how could he do anything to show off.

Ye Chen looked at Guan Yu’s performance, nodded with satisfaction.

He is harmonious and does not engage in factions. This is what Ye Chen likes to see most.

At this moment, Yuyang city gate opened with a creak.

The Defender General took 1000 soldiers from the city, then left the city and rushed towards Ye Chen.

Not long after, the General defending the city led the soldiers to Ye Chen, then knelt on one knee and said loudly:

“Zhang Liao, Zhang Wenyuan, see Master Zhou Mu!”

“Meet Master Zhou Mu!” The soldier who defended the city knelt on one knee and said loudly.

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard this.

Zhang Liao, Zhang Wenyuan…

Damn it! No way ……

Hasn’t Zhang Liao followed Ding Yuan…

Ye Chen just thought of this, Zhang Liao took off the long sword around his waist, then took off his armor, revealing a blood-stained cloth.

Seeing this, Ye Chen was even more puzzled.

What is this…

At this moment, Zhang Liao took the initiative to put his hands behind his back, and then said:

“The Caomin originally wanted to join the army. When passing by Yuyang, it coincided with the Golden Turban rebellion. However, all the civil and military officials in Yuyang fled. The Caomin could not bear the suffering of 100 surnames in the city. The adults arrived in time and Yuyang went up and down. No one was spared. However, the Caomin had violated the national law by arbitrarily making claims. The Master Zhoumu has been asked to punish the crime. The Caomin has no complaints.”

Ye Chen suddenly realized when he heard this.

I said why this Liao is so strange, it turned out to be so…

Ye Chen just thought about it, the soldiers who followed the Yuyang garrison, each and everyone immediately pleaded.

“Master Zhou Mu, there is no General Zhang in Yuyang, and he has long been trampled down by the Golden Turban army. The villain begs Master Zhou Mu to forgive General Zhang.”

“Yes, Master Zhou Mu, without General Zhang, Yuyang will inevitably blood flow into a river. Although General Zhang serves as the General Defender of the city privately, I have no objection. If Master Zhou Mu wants to punish the crime, the villain is willing To sacrifice his life, I also asked Master Zhou Mu to spare General Zhang.”

“The villain is willing to…”

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