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“Yes! Lord!” Guo Yi and Guan Yu bowed before hearing this.

Ye Chen slightly smiled, then turned on his horse, pinched the belly of the horse with his feet, and then moved towards Zhuojun and rushed away.

Guo Yi, Guan Yu, follow closely from behind, and after that, 10000 fully armed Samsara Legion.

“hong long long !”

10000 cattle galloped, and the earthquake trembled.

Before long, Ye Chen disappeared from the players’ sight with Samsara Legion.

The players who came here after seeing this, 99% of the people immediately rushed to the battlefield to pick up the equipment that Ye Chen didn’t want.

They followed Ye Chen just to make some profit.

There are still many equipment that Ye Chen doesn’t want on the battlefield, how could they ignore this?

And the remaining small part of the players, but no one picks up equipment, each and everyone you look at me, I look at you, most of them showed a hesitant expression.

Obviously, they are hesitating whether to go to Zhuojun now and not to use the equipment on the battlefield.

At this time, a player in his 20s took a look at everyone, and then said:

“Ye Chen has gone to Zhuo County. You can’t stay here for long, you must rush to Zhuo County as soon as possible.”

“Xiao Ming, are you sure that going to Zhuo County is good? It is even more beneficial than picking up equipment here?” one person asked with some confusion.

“Yeah, we went to Zhuojun. We didn’t get any benefits. Guan Yu was taken by Ye Chen. We are all individual players. If you go there, you can’t take Zhang Fei, even more how, even Zhang Fei doesn’t follow Imperial Uncle Liu, so Ye Chen is also chosen, he won’t choose us.”

“Why don’t we pick up some equipment first, and then go to Zhuo County?”

When the players in their 20s heard this, their brows suddenly frowned, looked at the players who hadn’t picked up the equipment, and then said:

“Now that the game has developed, I have figured out a rule. Basically, once something in history occurs, there will be some tasks. Zhuojun is the place where Peach Garden 3 ends, and there should be related The task appears.”

“No, Guan Yu was taken by Ye Chen. Where did Peach Garden 3 come from?”

“Yeah, without Guan Yu, is it still the end of Peach Garden 3?”

The player in his 20s heard this, was silent for a moment, and then said:

“This time can be used as an experiment. If Peach Garden 3 ends and still appears, then it can prove one thing. This game world will automatically correct history, and historical events that should have occurred will still occur.”

“You are right, but historically, this You Prefecture should belong to Gongsun Zan, but now, You Prefecture has become Ye Chen’s.” One person frowned.

“Yes, Cai Meier in history also married Wei Zhongdao. As a result, she didn’t marry at all and was caught by Ye Chen the early bird catches the worm.”

“More than that, Diao Chan was the key to the death of Dong Da in history. Later, he followed Abe. Huang Wan’er was with Liang Fulong in history, and Mi Zhén was with Imperial Uncle Liu. But the result is not yet I followed Ye Chen.”

The 20-something player frowned, and then said:

“No, you don’t understand what I mean. I mean, as long as the key person is still there, the major event in history, what should happen, will still happen, and the conclusion of Peach Garden is neither too big nor too small. event.

Moreover, this time is also a verification. If it is true, then we can make targeted preparations for the historical plot that will appear later, so that we can maximize the benefits. “

“Ye Chen is leading everywhere, is it because of this? He knows the history, so he made plans for each history, and finally he was very successful. Now, he has directly become Human Race Number One Person…” When a player heard this, he suddenly realized.

“It’s really possible, but I think Ye Chen can succeed, not just because he knows history, he must also know some other secrets.”

“This is generally recognized as good or not. If Ye Chen doesn’t know the secret of the game, it’s impossible to mix so well. Unfortunately, Human Race is righteous, and the survival of mankind can’t make Ye Chen feel soft, otherwise we would be so miserable.”

The player in his 20s frowned again when he heard this, and then said solemnly:

“If you don’t want to go, then forget it, I will go first.”

“No, we finally reached an agreement to kill the Golden Turban, kill Monster Race, and take advantage of it. Isn’t it just some junk equipment? Just stop it. Let’s go to Zhuo County and verify Xiao Ming’s inference. As long as it is true Yes, after that, how can we get a lot of benefits.”

“That is, let’s go to Zhuojun!”

Players who didn’t pick up the equipment, after you finish saying a word, then moved towards Zhuojun and ran.

If Ye Chen were here, he would immediately recognize the player in his 20s.

In his previous life, Wang Xiaoming, who was known as Zhiduoxing, of course, also had a nickname, Blood Demon.

He is each and everyone player, or casual player, but resourceful, has done a lot of major events, and they are all successful.

It didn’t take long for him to get the title of Zhiduoxing given by players, and many individual players regarded him as a god.

Because following Wang Xiaoming, you can get a lot of benefits.

But this is not the key. The key is that Wang Xiaoming, who seems to be a good man, actually played a very big game.

Until one day, Wang Xiaoming revealed his original face, dead 1000000 players, using 1000000 players’ blood and soul, cultivation Blood God Scripture.

Of course, the place where it happened is in reality, not the game.

On that day, 1000000 humans, following the call of Wang Xiaoming, went to a certain place to plot a major event.

However, 1000000 human beings, without exception, were all taken away by Wang Xiaoming’s blood and soul, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

It wasn’t until someone looked for the missing relatives that Wang Xiaoming’s despicable behavior was discovered and then made public.

At first no one knew why Wang Xiaoming’s cultivation technique was so insidious and vicious, but the players didn’t know until the secret of the game warehouse was revealed.

The reason why Wang Xiaoming became the Blood God Scripture was because he watched Pangu opening heavens and obtained the Innate cultivation technique at the beginning of the game.

It was also from that moment that players’ snatching of the game warehouse reached the craziest point.

Everyone wants to try it out and see if they can watch Pangu opening heavens again.

Unfortunately, this is basically impossible.


“hong long long”

10000 cattle galloped, and the earthquake trembled.

The huge leaf-shaped banner is waving in the wind.

Ye Chen took Samsara Legion all the way to here.

Looking at the closed Zhuojun city gate, Ye Chen couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

Guan Yu, I accept, Zhang Fei, this guy, seems to have a bad temper…

Ye Chen just finished thinking about it, the defender General on the city wall of Zhuojun hurriedly stood up, then bowed and said:

“Dare to ask, the city is Great General White Steed Ye Chen, Ye You Prefecture?”

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