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Zhang Fei was stunned when he heard this.

But didn’t expect Ye Chen to choose to compete on the street.

Although no one dares to come here, there are quite a few old 100 surnames from a distance.

If Ye Chen loses, it will lose face.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fei couldn’t help but looked towards Ye Chen. Seeing that Ye Chen was not afraid or worried at all, he immediately gave up his previous worries, and then nodded and said, “Okay!”

After Zhang Fei finished speaking, he opened his posture.

“You can make moves.” Ye Chen looked at Zhang Fei’s posture, couldn’t help but smiled, and then spoke.

After Zhang Fei heard Ye Chen’s casual tone, a black face was suddenly angry.

This is too improper to take this contest.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fei without the slightest hesitation shouted: “Okay! I’m here! Take the move!”

After Zhang Fei finished speaking, his feet slammed on the ground.

There was a “bang”.

The ground instantly cracked, and then Zhang Fei was seen rushing towards Ye Chen incomparably quickly. Halfway through, he made a fist with his right hand and fiercely’s hammer hit Ye Chen.

At the moment Zhang Fei’s fist was thrown, a series of air blasts sounded in the air.

Obviously, Zhang Fei’s punch was extremely powerful and extremely fast, otherwise there would be no explosive sound of air.

Guan Yu on one side saw this, his face suddenly changed, and he was about to take a shot, but the laughed Guo Yi grabbed his arm.

“Chief Yun don’t worry, just watch it quietly.”

Guan Yu was taken aback when he heard this.

At this moment, Ye Chen raised his right hand and then grabbed it.

There was a loud “bang”.

Zhang Fei’s violent punch was instantly caught by Ye Chen casually.

Guan Yu, who was stunned by Guo Yi’s persuasion, saw this place and he was stunned.

He didn’t expect that his lord, Ye Chen, was so tough.

What kind of military force is Zhang Fei? How could Guan Yu not feel it? It’s not much worse than him.

But the situation at this moment is that Zhang Fei’s attack was casually caught by Ye Chen.

There is only one explanation for this situation.

That is, Ye Chen’s military force is so tyrannical that neither he nor Zhang Fei can compare with it.

When Guan Yu was shocked, Zhang Fei also opened his eyes wide, looking towards Ye Chen with a look of disbelief.

Ye Chen took his fist, which could not shock Zhang Fei.

But what Zhang Fei couldn’t think of was that he wanted to withdraw his fist, but couldn’t do it.

No matter how hard he tried, his fist was still grasped by Ye Chen, completely motionless.

At this moment, Ye Chen kicked out and hit the shocked Zhang Fei instantly.

There was a loud “bang”.

Zhang Fei was instantly arched by Ye Kick, and then flew out.

Taking a look at in midair, his face was shocked, and Zhang Fei was puzzled, Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, his right foot slammed on the ground.

There was a loud noise of “hong”.

The slab-paved ground was instantly stepped out of a big hole by Ye Chen.

At this moment, Ye Chen’s body brought out a series of afterimages and directly caught up with Zhang Fei who was still flying backwards.

Peering with his right hand, he grabbed Zhang Fei’s ankle.

“Don’t! Don’t fall! Fly, take it! Take it!” Zhang Fei hurriedly shouted when he saw this.

At this moment, Zhang Fei’s mood is called a tangle.

Originally, he thought well, came to Ye Chen to show off a military force, and then became a general.

Because he saw the recruitment bulletin posted by Ye Chen, he wanted to give it a try and see if Ye Chen is the same as the rumors said.

Whoever thinks about it, Ye Chen will be abused by Ye Chen in this face-to-face encounter. If he continues, he should lose his face.

Moreover, according to the position that Ye Chen is holding now, if he falls like this, he must face the ground.

Zhang Fei convinced Ye Chen from the bottom of his heart at the moment, and he didn’t feel embarrassed when he shouted this out.

But it would be a shame if the face was smashed.

On the far street, there are many 100 surnames in Zhuojun watching.

Hearing Zhang Fei’s begging for mercy, Ye Chen couldn’t help but cocked his mouth, and then used his skill to throw Zhang Fei to the ground.

After Zhang Fei landed, he took a deep breath, and after a long exhalation, he knelt on one knee without the slightest hesitation.

After the “bang” came out, Zhang Fei cup one fist in the other hand prayed: “You Prefecture, Zhang Fei Zhang Yide, I implore the lord to take it in.”

“Ding, SSR Historical General, Zhang Fei, Zhang Yide, do you want to accept you as the master?”

The system prompt sounded instantly in Ye Chen’s mind.

fuck, do you need to ask?


“Ding, congratulations to the player Ye Chen for his superb military commander, Zhang Fei Zhang Yide’s allegiance.”

Ye Chen couldn’t help but smile after hearing the system’s prompt, and then quickly stepped forward and helped Zhang Fei up.

Taking a look at Zhang Fei who was convinced, Ye Chen laughed and said, “If you have winged virtue to help, why not worry about the great cause!”

Zhang Fei was stunned when he heard this.

He was repaired by Ye Chen and began to doubt his life. He thought he was a frog in well who didn’t know the immensity of heaven and earth, but he was better than others. Ye Chen is the true powerhouse.

He had originally planned to be a soldier obediently and honestly, but what Ye Chen meant in his words was obviously not to treat him as a soldier.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fei bowed ashamed and said, “Master, fly, I am willing to start with a soldier.”

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard this.

But Ye Chen didn’t expect Zhang Fei to start as a soldier.

But right away, Ye Chen reacted, why did Zhang Fei say so.

This is a life of doubt…

Thinking of this, Ye Chen glared at Zhang Fei, and then said:

“Don’t doubt yourself, you are a tiger, you must be correct, but…”

Ye Chen said this, and immediately used within the body True Qi.

At this moment, layers of golden light full of rune appeared on Ye Chen’s body.

Seeing this, Zhang Fei was stunned, and then shouted in surprise: “Seal!”

Guan Yu on one side also widened his eyes, and then looked towards Ye Chen with a shocked face.

They all know what the seal represents, and Ye Chen now has a seal. It is obvious that Ye Chen’s strength is beyond the extreme of the mortal world, otherwise it will not be imposed on the body.

Ye Chen laughed the nodded, then looked towards Zhang Fei, and asked, “Yide, do you still doubt life?”

When Zhang Fei heard this, the imposing manner that had just been languid just now returned instantly, and then he knelt down on one knee with a “bang”, and said loudly:

“Fly, swear to follow the lord, if you break this oath, the heaven will die!”

“Ding, Zhang Fei’s loyalty is +10, advanced to die loyal.”

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows involuntarily after hearing the system’s prompt, and then said:

“Very well, from now on, you are the 7th General in Samsara City, but there are 2 points you should keep in mind!”

Ye Chen said this, paused for a moment, and then shouted:

“Remember, you must not beat up soldiers for no reason, you must love your soldiers as a child, and you must not drink alcohol during the march. If you dare to commit any of them, you should use 100 sticks for the first time and direct expulsion twice!”

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