A cold wind pierced through the window and swayed the candle back and forth. Under the flickering candlelight, a pair of complex eyes loomed.

How to describe it?

Because these eyes are full of a trace of helplessness, a trace of panic, a trace of helplessness, a trace of reluctance, a trace of anger, and a trace of surprise. All kinds of complex and changeable emotions are concentrated in a pair of eyes at this time, which is enough to explain the inner complexity of Chu Zhongtian, the owner of these eyes.

"Hoo!" Take a deep breath, and then slowly spit it out. Chu Zhongtian stretched out his left hand and looked at the white, tender and slender fingers, but his thumb and index finger were covered with calluses. He looked bitter and shook his head.

"Alas! I never thought that the crossing accident in the online novel would happen to me. Is this lucky or unlucky?"

Spit out the turbid air from his chest, Chu Zhongtian forced himself to cheer up, stood up, opened the window of the attic, let the cold wind blow across his face, looked lonely into the distance, and couldn't help but return to before crossing.

In his previous life, he was a programmer who developed program software for a living. Programmer's work is more depressed, life is more homely, and there is not much ideal.

For him, the ideal of life is very simple and realistic. That is to strive to buy his own house in the capital before the age of 32 through his own efforts, even if the house is only more than 70 square meters. Marry a gentle, kind and fair looking woman as a wife, have a lovely son or daughter, then take the elderly parents to the capital to be filial, and finally spend their life in a flat and light way.

The wish is very realistic, but the reality is very cruel.

After more than 30 years of reform and opening up, longshuo's economy has developed rapidly, and prices have also risen rapidly. In addition, some people deliberately coax high house prices in order to obtain huge benefits, resulting in the bizarre high house prices in the capital.

Ordinary office workers work hard all their life and can't afford a house or even a bathroom in the house. Fortunately, he has outstanding ability, tenacious character, can also bear hardships, and is willing to work hard to realize his wishes.

Through six years of efforts, the number on his passbook has reached seven figures, and he can fully pay the down payment for an 80 square meter house. But he worked hard for a long time in order not to let himself be a house slave and not to reduce the quality of life of himself and his parents.

Six days ago, he received an urgent overtime task to make a set of data statistics software for a foreign trade company and asked to pass the acceptance within five days.

The software is not complicated and the program is simple, but it takes a long time. Originally, he was still considering whether his body could bear it, and then the company gave him a reward of 50000 new dragon coins, so that he took the lead without any hesitation.

Three days and three nights!

I didn't rest for three days and nights. I only slept for one or two hours when I was sleepy, and I only dealt with a bowl of instant noodles when I was hungry.

Lack of sleep, malnutrition, excessive physical and mental consumption led to his final sudden death in front of the computer. Wake up and find yourself in a completely strange environment. At the same time, there is a memory in his mind that does not belong to him.

The character of "let it be" makes him quickly accept the reality of crossing. Moreover, the body attached to him has the same name as him, which can help him integrate into his new life faster.

The only thing that worries him is how his parents on earth should accept the sudden bad news after learning the speed of their death.


Endless forest is one of the eight forbidden areas of the eternal continent. It is full of dangers and knows no depth. There are countless powerful animals. It is known as the bird is difficult to cross. It is an absolute forbidden area for human beings. It is one of the treasure places that will never be conquered.

The forbidden area represents death, which also contains unimaginable wealth.

Because no one dares to break into the endless forest, it still maintains the most primitive state. There are countless internal natural materials and earth treasures. It is said that there are strange treasures that can bring people back to life, and even anti heaven treasures that can make people soar in the daytime.

Good to say: desire can make people crazy!

In order to get countless treasures in the endless forest, countless people broke into the forest with their lives, hoping to get rich overnight and completely change their fate.

As the endless forest is far away from the place where people live, in order to supply and repair in time and not delay the time to obtain treasures, some powerful and background people have established some villages as strongholds outside the forest so that these warriors can get supplies in time.

After decades and hundreds of years of development, the flow of people in these villages has become more and more, and the villages have become larger and larger, gradually developing into a town and a city.

Lorraine town was developed under such circumstances. It belongs to the state of Qi and was built by the royal family of Qi and three families. After hundreds of years of development, Luolin village has become a super town with a permanent population of more than 100000 and a floating population of hundreds of thousands.

Luolin Town, central street, the golden location of the center, has a beautifully built two-story attic.

There is a very conspicuous plaque hanging outside the attic, which reads four big characters of Chu's drugstore.

First floor lobby.

A young man with beautiful appearance and slightly thin figure stood behind the counter with a smile and introduced the type and price of medicinal materials in detail to the customers standing in front of the counter.

This beautiful young man is no one else, just the Chu Zhongtian after crossing.

His personality of letting things go and his tenacious character made him slowly settle down from his initial confusion and panic, accept a new identity and start a new life in a very short time.

The only thing that makes him feel lucky is that the flesh body attached to him also belongs to Chu. More coincidentally, his name is also Chu Zhongtian, which allows him to adapt to this identity in a very short time.

The only thing that made him dissatisfied was that the flesh body attached to him had a very low status. It was only one of the three families of the state of Qi and a subsidiary of the Chu family.

"Xiao Tian, I have something to go back to. Take care of the store first." When Chu Zhongtian tried his best to recommend a medicinal plant in the store to the guests, an old man downstairs ordered him.

"Shopkeeper, don't worry about going out. The small one will take a good look at the store." Facing the old man's orders, Chu Zhongtian said respectfully.

Although the old man is very old and his strength is very general, his vision is very old and his experience is very rich. The development of Chu's drugstore in Luolin town has a lot to do with him.

"Alas! What a pity!" Looking at the sensible and clever Chu Zhongtian, the old man's face flashed a look of regret.

As for the regretful expression on the old man's face, the thoughtful Chu Zhongtian certainly noticed that he soon knew why the old man showed this expression.

The world reborn in Chu Zhongtian is called the eternal continent, which is similar to the ancient world.

Chu Zhongtian doesn't know how big the eternal continent is, but he knows that the world is completely different from the earth where he lived in his previous life.

In this world, there is no modern science and technology. There is only practice, which is commonly known as cultivating immortals. It is said that the strong with profound strength can turn their hands into clouds and cover their hands with rain.

In this place, there is no law. Some are just the law of the jungle, and some are just those who have big fists will master the truth. If you want status and security, you have to be stronger.

Chu Zhongtian is 17 years old. A year ago, when he was 16 years old, he was tested by the family. His cultivation talent is the top eight grades. This talent is very common in the eternal continent, but in the state of Qi, it is the top talent in the Chu family.

People's immortal cultivation talent is divided into three grades and ten grades, with a total of 30 levels. Among them, the bottom ten products are the lowest and the top one is the best.

In the state of Qi, one of the three families has the best talent. Lin yindao, the leader of the new generation of Lin family, has a medium talent of eight grades. Chu Tianyun, one of the three major families in the state of Qi, is the most gifted of the Chu family in which Chu Zhongtian is located. His talent is no more than the inferior eight grades.

Originally, with the cultivation talent of eight grades such as Chu Zhongtian, even if he is only a child of a subsidiary of the family, even if he has no father, no mother and no backer, he will certainly get the top attention.

Unfortunately, on the third day of testing his cultivation talent, while playing outside the capital of Qi, he accidentally encountered the battle of two peerless experts.

The strength of those two peerless masters is not clear to the people in the remote state of Qi, but the impact of the two people's war is still clear.

At that time, although the battle took place in the sky, the aftermath of the battle still seriously injured him and finally survived. It was his luck. Unfortunately, his meridians were injured by the aftermath of the battle and became a waste that could not practice.

For what happened to him, he accepted the memory of the dead Chu Zhongtian very clearly. Although he was also very unwilling in his heart, what could he do!

The eternal continent has plenty of aura and many genius earth treasures, but there are very few treasures that can repair meridians, and the grade is very high. With the status of Chu Zhongtian and the power of the Chu family, those genius earth treasures are impossible to get, so he can only press this reluctance to the bottom of his heart.

Spit out the depressed spirit in his heart, Chu Zhongtian adjusted his state of mind, and then continued to work.

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