"Chu Zilin, keep working hard. I'm optimistic about your future." Reaching out and patting him on the shoulder, Chu Zhongtian encouraged.

Although Chu Zhongtian has never been a leader, he has read many TV and novels about the workplace on TV and computer before crossing. He knows some leadership skills and knows how to encourage and capture the loyalty of his subordinates.

"Yes, my subordinates!" Chu Zilin clapped his chest excitedly with the encouragement of Chu Zhongtian, a gesture that can immediately work hard for Chu Zhongtian.

Chu Zhongtian doesn't know Chu Hongwei's fate, but Chu Zilin, a young generation, knows it very well.

Since he failed to compete with Chu Zhongtian for the successor, Chu Hongwei was locked up by the Patriarch on the spot. He still doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. Chu Hongwei's father, the second elder, was deprived of all his rights and stayed in his own hospital for reflection.

Even the elite children who had a good relationship with Chu Hongwei completely disappeared into the family without being aware of it.

Chu Zilin felt a burst of fear and unease about the family's vigorous practice. He could guess the reason why he could get the place to practice in the blood prison Pavilion, so he was grateful to Chu Zhongtian.

Turning around, Chu Zhongtian ignored Chu Zhongba, Chu Yuping and others, walked directly to the East and came to the easternmost column.

Without consulting with anyone, Chu Zhongtian jumped directly onto the column with a gentle jump, and then bent his knees and sat on the futon.

After Chu Zhongtian sat down cross legged, the remaining nine elite children began to give way to each other.


"After you!"

Every time the blood prison Pavilion is opened, there will be a second competition.

The first was a competition for ten places. In addition to their own talent and strength, the first competition is also related to whether the backer is hard or not.

The second competition is after entering the blood prison Pavilion.

Because of the amount of energy contained in the ten columns, every child entering the blood prison Pavilion wants to choose the column with the most energy in order to obtain better promotion, and the conflict arises.

The best way to solve the conflict is the size of your fist. At this time, the younger generation will suffer more losses. Because of their small age and short practice time, their strength is far inferior to that of the younger generation, so they can only choose the back columns in the end.

However, this competition is somewhat special.

Because Chu Zhongtian is the leader of the minority clan, although his strength is not the strongest, his identity is the most noble, and his potential and talent are also the best, so the column with the most energy must be his.

Among the remaining nine columns, the columns with the second and fifth energy should be the four young generation's physical training children, because they have the strongest strength, but they did not come forward, but urged Chu Zhongba and Chu Yuping to go up.

Chu Zhongba and Chu Yuping were not unkind people. They began to give way to each other.

Chu Zhongtian, sitting on the column, felt the energy that can purify blood in the column, and wanted to absorb it immediately to improve his strength and potential.

But he felt that the atmosphere below was somewhat unusual. He opened his eyes and looked at it for a while, and soon understood what had happened.

The blood prison Pavilion is opened once every ten years and can only be opened for five days at a time. It can be said that every minute and second is very precious. Moreover, from the next day, there will be a pressure against the body in the blood prison Pavilion and deliberately shorten the time of people's practice. Therefore, since entering the blood prison Pavilion, we must seize every minute and second to practice.

Seeing the people who were still comity, Chu Zhongtian decided to act arbitrarily once, and he would arrange the position of this practice.

"Chu Zhongba, come and sit on the second column!" The tone is calm, but the attitude is beyond doubt.

"Chu Zilin, you sit on the third to sixth of the four physical training periods."

"Chu Yuping, you sit on the seventh root. The energy difference of the remaining three roots is not much. You three can choose one at random."

After arranging the training position of the people, Chu Zhongtian ignored whether they would abide by their own arrangement, closed their eyes and began to absorb the energy in the cylinder.

Blood prison, as its name suggests, is aimed at the blood in the body.

As he began to absorb the energy in the cylinder into his body, Chu Zhongtian obviously felt that the blood in his blood vessels seemed to be burned by fire, and a very strong sense of pain hit him.

Fortunately, Chu Zhongtian had experienced more painful pain than this before in order to repair the meridians, so the pain caused by blood burning was within his tolerance.

Chu Zhongtian's ability to bear the pain of blood burning does not mean that other people can also bear this pain. People like Chu Zhongba, who had been pampered since childhood and had never suffered anything, simply couldn't bear the pain caused by the burning of blood and began to roll and scream.

Chu Zhongtian ignored Chu Zhongba and others who rolled and screamed, but while bearing the pain caused by blood burning, he carefully experienced the changes in his own strength after blood was purified.

An hour later, Chu Zhongtian, who was unusually pale, stopped absorbing energy.

The reason why he stopped absorbing energy was not that the energy in the cylinder was insufficient, nor that he could not continue to bear the pain caused by blood combustion, but that the amount of blood in the body was reduced due to combustion and purification, resulting in severe ischemia in the body.

Take out a bottle of pills from your arms, pour out one of the red pills and take it. Then, the pale face quickly filled with blood, and the tired look quickly returned to normal.

Before entering the blood prison Pavilion, the family will prepare a specially refined blood tonic pill for each elite child in advance, which is aimed at this situation.

The blood tonifying pill distributed before entering the blood prison pavilion every time is only the top ten pills, but the pill in Chu Zhongtian's hand is the lower nine pills specially prepared by the elder for him, which is of higher quality and more sufficient to supplement the blood.

After the blood was replenished, Chu Zhongtian didn't delay and continued to absorb the energy in the cylinder. Perhaps it was because he withstood the process of blood combustion, or because the quality of the Qi tonic pill given by the elder was higher. This time, he insisted for three hours, so he had to stop absorbing energy.

After taking the lower level Jiupin blood tonic pill for the second time, Chu Zhongtian continued to absorb the energy in the cylinder. This time, the blood in his body persisted for nearly six hours.

After taking the blood tonifying pill for the third time, Chu Zhongtian did not continue to absorb energy, but forced out a drop of blood. After comparison, he found that the purified blood was slightly different from the previous one.

In the past, the blood flowing out of him when he was injured was bright red, but now the color of the forced blood drop changed little, but a trace of gold could be seen vaguely.

Without using any spiritual power, he flicked the blood on his finger, which directly made a white mark on the marble on the ground.

Seeing that the purified blood was also powerful, Chu Zhongtian's interest was stronger. He didn't delay and continued to absorb energy.

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