After a brief explanation, Xie Jun directly began to dictate the martial arts formula. The original scene with noise suddenly quieted down, leaving only Xie Jun's voice.

"Walk through the clouds with your feet, bend your legs and shoot. Your body is like songzong, and your fist is like crossing the top of the mountain!"

The martial arts formula dictated by Xie Jun was only 20 words, but it was these 20 words that made more than 1000 contestants deep in thought.

Walk through the clouds with your feet, bend your legs and shoot. Your body is like songzong and your fist is like crossing the top of the mountain!

The more you understand the 20 word formula, the more profound Chu Zhongtian feels, the more profound he feels, and the more confused his brain is.

Feeling more and more confused and even dizzy, Chu Zhongtian quickly shook his head and tried to wake himself up.

Then Chu Zhongtian raised his head and looked around and found a strange phenomenon.

Among the more than 1000 players left at the scene, Zhu Ziqiang from the Ming Dynasty has the strongest strength. He has three levels of cultivation in the body refining period, while most of the remaining players have cultivation in the Qi refining period.

These players are very shallow in both cultivation and knowledge. It is difficult to understand and master a profound martial art in a short time. Then the martial arts formula dictated by Xie Jun just now is likely to be less complex than he imagined, or even just a basic martial art.

Thinking of this, Chu Zhongtian suddenly flashed a light in his mind. At first, he understood the pithy formula with awe, so he didn't find the simplicity of the pithy formula.

After he thought through everything, he felt that this martial art was familiar, which was very similar to the first move of starting the sword when he just practiced the basic sword technique.

Although the martial arts described in the pithy formula are not the starting form in the basic Sabre technique, there are very similarities between the two.

Thinking of this, Chu Zhongtian, who was sitting on the ground, stood up straight, his legs on the ground, his knees bent, his upper body straight, his fists clenched, and stood with a neutral stake in the basic body method.

Chu Zhongtian was the first to stand up among the more than 1000 contestants participating in the second round of the test, so he absorbed the attention of most people, including not only experts of Liuyun sect such as Xie Jun, but also experts standing in the appearance of the square.

Seeing that Chu Zhongtian, who stood up, performed the standing pile style in the basic body method, the people outside the square couldn't help laughing, of which Yan Jinghong's laughter was the loudest and most harsh.

Chu Zhengxuan, standing in the crowd, was ashamed and almost lowered his head to the ground.

At this time, he began to complain that Chu Zhongtian was too rash and thought of Xie Jun's oral martial arts too simply. Because up to now, he has not fully understood the state of martial arts described in the pithy formula.

Chu Zhongtian is only a 17-year-old child who can understand this set of formulas during the period of cultivation and Qi refining. I'm afraid it will make people laugh.

The audience laughed at him, but Xie Jun on the platform showed a smile of surprise and satisfaction.

However, he didn't say much, just nodded gently to Chu Zhongtian.

Half an hour was very short. After Chu Zhongtian performed the standing pile style in the basic body method, about a few minutes later, Xie Jun on the high platform suddenly gave a voice to remind him.

"Time is up. Next, show the martial arts you understand." When Xie Jun ordered the people to display their martial arts, Chu Zhongtian suddenly heard his voice.

"Young man, you have a good understanding. I'm very satisfied. Now you can take back your martial arts skills!"

Hearing Xie Jun's Secret praise, Chu Zhongtian was secretly relieved when he took back the basic body method and martial arts.

Chu Zhongtian didn't hear the laughter just now. He also knew that it was too rash to do so, but he only got 31 points in the first round of the test. If he didn't gamble in the second round, he couldn't get a high score at all.

Just now he was gambling that Xie Jun would not assess too complex martial arts skills. At this time, Chu Zhongtian knew he was right after hearing Xie Jun's Secret praise.

Chu Zhongtian withdrew his body method, but other players began to show different martial arts. Many of them showed Huang pin's high-level martial arts, which surprised Chu Zhongtian.

Chu Zhongtian doesn't have Huang pin's high-level martial arts. He even has two Huang pin's high-level martial arts in his storage bag, but he has never practiced them. First, he doesn't have enough time. Second, Huang pin's high-level martial arts are very complex and profound, and can't be mastered in a short time.

"All right, stop!" Just let the people show their martial arts for less than a minute. Xie Jun suddenly asked the people to stop showing their martial arts.

Then, he announced loudly, "all the players participating in the comprehension test can only get the basic five points because your understanding is wrong."

Speaking of this, Xie Jun turned his eyes to Chu Zhongtian and said with praise: "Chu Zhongtian successfully performed the martial arts described in the pithy formula just now, so only he got a full score of 20 points."

The results announced by Xie Jun not only shocked more than 1000 players on the scene, but also stunned the audience who had just laughed at Chu Zhongtian. Because they didn't expect that the martial arts described in the seemingly complex formula would be so simple.

Chu Zhengxuan, who was ashamed and lowered his head, suddenly raised his head. A picture of Chu Zhongtian is his people.

Seeing the reaction of the people at the scene, Xie Jun picked a slight corner of his mouth. In fact, the set of martial arts he just dictated is not as simple as everyone imagined. It is actually a set of prefecture level lower level martial arts, which also belongs to the treasure of Zhenzong in Liuyun sect.

However, the first part of the cultivation really belongs to the basic body method martial arts, but then this set of martial arts will enter a profound stage.

The reason why he used this seemingly complex but actually very simple martial arts formula is not only to test the savvy of these players, but also to test their on-site reaction ability and intelligence.

Undoubtedly, Chu Zhongtian's performance made him most satisfied. At the same time, Chu Zhongtian's three words were also printed in his mind.

Fifty one, nine points from sixty!

Chu Zhongtian didn't expect that Xie Jun would give himself a full score of 20, which suddenly raised his total score from more than 400 to more than 20.

However, Chu Zhongtian did not relax. Because there is still a certain distance from the 60 point closing line, we can't be careless for the time being.

Among the more than 1000 players, only Chu Zhongtian got a full score of 20 points, which made all the remaining players look at Chu Zhongtian with envy and jealousy. Even Zhu Ziqiang, who has always been very indifferent, has a trace of jealousy in his eyes looking at Chu Zhongtian.

There is only one person whose eyes reveal sincere blessings. This person is Dongfang Yuner.

Originally, she was worried that Chu Zhongtian's 31 points in the first test would deprive him of the second round of retest, but the fourth test in the second round raised his total score to 51 points, which was not far from the passing line of 60 points.

If they still perform well in the test of item 5 in the next third round, they are likely to become martial brothers and sisters in the future and have enough time to get to know each other.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Yuner lowered his head shyly.

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