At eight o'clock sharp, the master in charge of the test of the sect arrived on time. Chu Zhongtian found that six people, including Xie Jun, who was in charge of testing himself, only came to Xie Jun, and the remaining five didn't appear, and Xie Jun, who had always been high above, stood behind the crowd at this time.

"Players from different places, please introduce yourself first. My name is Jiao Enjun. I'm the Deacon elder of Liuyun sect."

"First of all, congratulations. Congratulations on passing the first round of the test, standing out from hundreds of thousands of players and becoming the lucky one who can test the second round of the test!"

After a speech, Jiao Enjun said in a changed tone: "secondly, unfortunately, I tell you that the second round of test will be more strict and cruel, and the elimination rate will be higher. More than half of you will leave Liuyun sect and have no chance to become a disciple of Liuyun sect."

"Finally, I sincerely hope that you will work hard in the next test and achieve excellent results, which is worthy of your own efforts for many years and the cultivation of your family."

Jiao Enjun's tight and loose, praise and praise made the hearts of more than 1000 players standing in front of him feel overwhelmed.

After Jiao Enjun finished, he took over the topic with a middle-aged man dressed in black and said coldly, "next, you follow me!"

Closely following the man in black, Chu Zhongtian guessed the content of the second round of test as he walked.

Chu Zhengxuan only told him about the procedures of the first round of the three rounds of tests for Liuyun sect to recruit disciples. He didn't mention the second and third rounds, so Chu Zhongtian didn't know what the content of the second round of tests was.

After walking behind the middle-aged man in black for more than half an hour, they came to a narrow corridor. There are three corridors in total, each of which is connected from head to tail, but the four sides of the three corridors are covered by a layer of black unidentified objects, so we can't see the inside of the corridor.

"Next, test your speed, responsiveness and adaptability." After more than 1000 contestants fully adapted to the scene environment, the man in Black said.

"The three corridors in front of you are used to test your speed, reaction ability and adaptability. As long as you pass the three corridors in a column of incense, congratulations. You have passed the second round of test, otherwise you will be eliminated with regret."

After a brief introduction to the test process, the man in black saw the mess of more than 1000 contestants on the scene, and immediately ordered: "Liuyun sect recruits disciples every three years and sets up 20 strongholds in the southern region. Next, you stand according to the strongholds you participate in the test, and then carry out the next test according to different strongholds."

When everyone stood according to the stronghold they belonged to when they took the test, Chu Zhongtian found that the number of strongholds they belonged to was medium, that is, the number was not the most or the least.

Because the number of people in some strongholds reached nearly 100, while the number of people in some strongholds was only 20 or 30. Moreover, he also found that the more northward the strongholds, the more people passed the test, and the more southward the strongholds, the less people passed the test.

"Well, you'll take the test first." After more than 1000 people stood in line, the man in black pointed to the team with the largest number and ordered.

Looking at the team about to participate in the test, Chu Zhong's God is dignified. The reason why they look dignified is not because they have the largest number, but because among these people, there is an expert whose cultivation has reached the fourth level of the body refining period.

The entrance of the test corridor is very narrow, which can only accommodate five people at a time. Therefore, in Chu Zhongtian's view, it may take a long time to take his turn to take part in the test.

However, the next move of the man in black surprised Chu Zhongtian. Because just after the five contestants entered the corridor, he immediately arranged five more contestants to enter the corridor, and such a move didn't stop until all the contestants in the first stronghold entered the corridor. It took only 30 seconds.

Looking at the corridor that can not accommodate hundreds of people, Chu Zhongtian secretly guessed that the three corridors in front of him are spiritual tools of space?

If it is really a space spirit like tool, how strong is the strength of Liuyun sect?

It didn't take too long for hundreds of test players to enter the corridor. The first player appeared at the entrance of the first corridor in only three minutes.

And this player is the master on the fourth floor of the physical training period whom Chu Zhongtian is more worried about.

The contestants who walked out of the corridor looked around and then rushed into the second corridor. As the first contestant walked out of the corridor, more and more contestants appeared at the entrance of the first corridor.

While observing the performance of the contestants, he paid attention to the incense lit by the middle-aged men in black, and silently calculated their passing time.

Through comparison and calculation, Chu Zhongtian found that the first corridor for testing speed should be simpler. Because the first corridor of the contestants who participated in the test took the shortest time, but the difficulty doubled from the second corridor. Because they spend twice as much time as the first corridor.

The burning time of a stick of incense is not very long, only half an hour.

After a piece of incense was completely burned, the man in black announced: "of the 107 players in the first stronghold, only 11 passed the three levels in half an hour. Congratulations to the 11 players who passed the three levels. You can continue to participate in the third round of test and stay in the waiting area for the time being."

"As for those players who didn't pass within half an hour, I'm sorry, you're eliminated. After all the players participate in the test, someone will send you away from liuyunzong."

Eleven contestants who passed the three-level test happily gathered in the waiting area and hugged each other. More than 90 contestants who failed the test stood on one side dejected, and even several contestants with poor psychological endurance cried out.

The reality is so cruel. If you pass the test, you may soar to the sky. If you fail the test, you may be unknown in the future.

A stronghold was tested in half an hour, and the number of strongholds belonging to Chu Zhongtian was in the middle. Five hours later, it was his turn to participate in the test.

After looking up at Dongfang Yuner, Chu Zhongtian found that she also looked up at herself at this time. After giving her a cheering look, he adjusted his breath and concentration and prepared to take the test.

Because Chu Zhongtian ranked second in the first round of the test, he stood at the front of the crowd, that is, the first batch of candidates to enter the test corridor.

"You five!" The man in black pointed to the five people in Chu Zhongtian who stood in front.

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