"What are your eyes?" The strange look in the eyes of the three people made Chu Zhongtian frown and asked in a slightly uncomfortable tone.

However, the three did not answer his questions, but still looked at him with incredible eyes, which made him feel goose bumps all over.

"Cough...! after nearly a minute's delay, Jiao Enjun and other talents were recovered.

Later, Jiao Enjun laughed at himself, because although Chu Zhongtian and others performed very well, there were better disciples in the sect. His performance just now was a little fussy.

This time he didn't ask Xie Jun to announce his achievements, but he announced them himself.

"Chu Zhongtian, kill three opponents in the same realm, kill three opponents who surpass one small realm, kill three opponents who surpass one big realm, and insist on three moves under surpassing two big realm opponents, 96 points!"

As Jiao Enjun announced Chu Zhongtian's final results, more than 100 players on the scene looked at Chu Zhongtian in shock.

Among the more than 100 contestants, Chu Zhongtian is not very good in appearance, temperament, origin and accomplishments. The only thing people can remember is that his total score ranked fifth in the second round of test.

At this time, facing his achievements, they felt that they had underestimated Chu Zhongtian in the past. Because the score of 96 points is now the highest score, and it is six points more than the second place.

"Lin Dong, kill three opponents in the same realm, three opponents in a small realm beyond himself, three opponents in a small realm beyond his senior two, three opponents in a small realm beyond his senior three, defeat one person in a small realm of senior four, and stick to a hundred moves under one person in a small realm of senior four. In the end, he was defeated due to lack of spiritual power, 97 points!"

Chu Zhongtian's amazing achievements had made everyone feel incredible, but then Lin Dong's achievements immediately diverted everyone's attention and turned his shocked eyes to Lin Dong.

Chu Zhongtian was also shocked. Looking up, I found that Lin Dong was the master who ranked second in the second test and reached the fourth level of cultivation in the physical training period.

Lin Dong's talent, potential, savvy and combat power are far better than himself, which is taken by the heart of Chu Zhongtian.

Through the confrontation of the trial pavilion just now, Chu Zhongtian has known his real combat power. Even if he breaks through the physical training period, he has the combat power beyond his two small realms at most. Even if the sword technique matches the potential, he has the combat power of three small realms at most, which is inferior to Lin Dong.

When Chu Zhongtian had not finished lamenting Lin Dong's excellence, Jiao Enjun then announced the last person's achievement, and this person's achievement made him couldn't help lamenting that there were days outside the sky and people outside the people.

"Huang Fuqi, kill three opponents of the same level, three opponents of a small level higher than himself, three opponents of a small level higher than himself, three opponents of a small level higher than himself, three opponents of a small level higher than himself, three opponents of a small level higher than himself, and three opponents of a small level higher than himself. When facing an opponent of a small level higher than himself, he insisted on three moves and lost, 99 points!"

They had not come to relax from Lin Dong's achievements, and then they were shocked by Huang Fuqi's achievements at once. At this time, facing Chu Zhongtian, Lin Dong and Huang Fuqi, they have consciously carried them to the highest place.

"Liuyunzong's test of recruiting disciples once every three years has officially ended. Next, I will announce the top ten players in the third round of test results."

"No. 10, Ma Pingchang!"

"Ninth, Zhang Jimin!"

"Third, Chu Zhongtian!"

"Second place, Lin Dong!"

"First place, huangpuqi!"

As Jiao Enjun announced the top ten players, the remaining 100 players consciously stepped back and looked at the top ten disciples in worship. Because they know very well that these three people are likely to be the pillars of the sect and the objects of their worship in the future.

Jiao Enjun nodded to one of his fellow sects. Then he said, "the top ten disciples will stay, and the rest will be arranged by elder Zhao."

"Zhongtian, let's go first. We can talk together when we have time." Dongfang Yuner knew that he and others must leave immediately. After making an appointment with each other, the three of them turned around and left the scene with elder Zhao.

Chu Zhongtian was not worried about Dongfang Yuner's future practice.

Unlike her humble background, she has no strong backing behind her, and all her cultivation depends on herself.

And she!

Not to mention the cultivation resources owned by the Tianlong emperor, she doesn't care about the treatment of the sect at all. Even if she doesn't rely on the Tianlong emperor, she can eat in Liuyun sect.

Unlike the Chu family, only one Chu Shixuan of the Chu family joined the Liuyun sect by coincidence. Only one person can be brought to the test every three years, and the passing rate is very low.

In the Tianlong Dynasty, three or four people or more than seven or eight people took part in the test every three years, and many royal children finally passed the test. After thousands of years of development, there are many powerful and noble children of Tianlong emperor in the sect, so she has some backers in Liuyun sect.

After seeing Dongfang Yuner leave, Chu Zhongtian put away his complicated thoughts and waited for Jiao Enjun's arrangement.

"Ten of you are the best disciples in this test. According to the arrangement of the sect, you will enjoy the top treatment of inner disciples in advance in the next three years. But...!"

Speaking of this, Jiao Enjun, with a righteous face, suddenly gave a hey hey sneer and said in a strange tone: "however, if you get something, you will give something. In three years, the sect will give you enough practice resources and arrange less sect affairs as far as possible, so that you have enough time to improve your accomplishments."

"In three years, your accomplishments must break through the sea of Qi. Otherwise, the sect will confiscate more than a hundred times the original investment from you, and in the next 100 years, you will become a slave of the sect and serve the sect free of charge."

At this point, the strange tone returned to normal. "Of course, you now have a choice. Do you choose to enjoy the top treatment of sect disciples, or do you choose to give up this opportunity and practice in the way of normal disciples."

Break through the gas sea period in three years, otherwise, you will become a slave of the sect for a hundred years!

If the cruel conditions make Chu Zhongtian feel not pressure, but a choice of life and death. In the face of this choice of life and death, Chu Zhongtian had a trace of retreat in his heart.

It's not that he's afraid of too much pressure, or that he can't stand the pain, but that his cultivation talent makes it difficult for him to break through the sea of Qi in three years.

The embarrassed color on Chu Zhongtian's face was just seen by Jiao Enjun.

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