Then, he took out the Zhongpin flying spirit ship from the void, opened the cabin and motioned Chu Zhongtian and Zhang Xing to get on board with him.

After the spacecraft took off and left Liuyun sect, Xie Jun, sitting in the cabin, asked Chu Zhongtian and Zhang Xing to sit down.

"Chu Zhongtian, Zhang Xing, I know you two want to communicate and strengthen feelings between each other, but an Zhaojiao told me that I have something to tell you." After Chu Zhongtian and Zhang Xing sat down, Xie Jun said.

"Our destination this time is purgatory city. We know more about purgatory City Zhang Xing, but Chu Zhongtian is afraid to hear it for the first time, so you should listen carefully next."

With Xie Jun's narration, Chu Zhongtian's relaxed expression gradually became gloomy. When Xie Jun left the hall, he was completely in deep thought.

Originally, he thought that Jiao Enjun arranged a training place for himself, which was only a place with slightly higher risk, but suitable for the initial cultivation during the training period. However, through the introduction of Xie Jun just now, he found that it was not the same thing at all.

Purgatory city is a strange city in the southern region of the eternal continent. It does not belong to any of the nine forces. It is independent of the whole southern region and completely belongs to an independent city.

There are many forces in purgatory City, and the personnel composition is very complex. Among these people, there are casual practitioners, adventurers, wanted criminals of the Empire, traitors of sects and so on. It can be said that there is no law, morality and ethics in purgatory city.

In purgatory City, it is normal to kill people and steal goods. A word of discord and a big hand will happen all the time. It can be said that you should be alert to the dangers that appear at any time when walking on the street.

To survive in purgatory City, strength and vigilance are the only guarantee.

"Elder martial brother Chu, do you feel a heavy pressure!" When Chu Zhongtian finished thinking and raised his head, Zhang Xing, who had been sitting beside him in silence, said.

Nodded, Chu Zhongtian didn't speak, because the heavy pressure made him don't want to make any remarks.

"Elder martial brother Chu, in fact, there are rules everywhere. Although the purgatory city is complex, there will be a safety period of one month every five years. Because in this month, there will be a challenge of martial arts in different levels in the purgatory city."

"Any conflict is strictly prohibited during the challenge. Otherwise, all forces in purgatory city will be destroyed, so it is still very safe in purgatory city within this month."

"Oh!" Just now, Xie Jun didn't mention the news that purgatory city would hold a challenge recently, so after hearing Zhang Xing mention it, he felt light and refreshed immediately.

"Elder martial brother Chu, I think elder Jiao an sent you to purgatory city for experience. I'm afraid he wants you to participate in the same level challenge held in purgatory city. Because participating in the challenge can not only obtain a large number of rewards, but also improve your strength and vision." Seeing the spirit of Chu Zhongtian, Zhang Xing continued to explain.

"Younger martial brother Zhang, do you mean that anyone can participate in the challenge without special requirements?" Zhang Xing's explanation refreshed Chu Zhongtian. He asked excitedly.

"Yes. As for the specific details, I'm not very clear. I'm afraid you need to go to purgatory city to understand."

"Younger martial brother Zhang, listen to your tone just now. Didn't you go to purgatory city to participate in the challenge?" Listening to Zhang Xinggang's tone, it seems that his purpose of going to purgatory city this time is not to participate in the challenge.

"HMM. although the personnel composition in purgatory city is relatively complex, there are some powerful predecessors living in the city, including weapon refining master and Dandao master. This time I went to purgatory city to visit a Dandao master." Nodded. Zhang Xing didn't hide his purpose.

"Younger martial brother Zhang, are you also a Dan master?" Hearing that Zhang Xing was visiting a Dandao master this time, Chu Zhongtian was immediately interested.

"Hehe, it's ordinary. I'm just a medium-level Dan master with nine grades. My Dan cultivation is still very low." Zhang Xing said modestly.

Hearing that Zhang Xing was already a medium-level Jiupin pill teacher at a young age, Chu Zhongtian was immediately awed.

Because his practice is inseparable from the assistance of a large number of pills, he has great respect for Dan master. He always wants to make a good friend of Dan master in his heart so that he can help in the future. Therefore, his casual attitude towards Zhang Xing is immediately respectful.

"No, younger martial brother Zhang, you are now a medium-level Jiupin pill master when you are only 17 years old. With the improvement of cultivation and alchemy experience in the future, the master of Dandao is just around the corner." Although the Chu family is famous for its pills, the elder with the highest cultivation of pills in the family is the senior nine grades.

Although Zhang Xing is only a medium-level nine grade Dan master, he is only 17 years old today. His future cultivation of Dan Dao must have a bright future. Making good friends with him in advance is only good, not bad.

At the same time, because he was also born in a danyao family and was familiar with all kinds of danyao and medicinal materials, the next communication between the two people about danyao and medicinal materials was very harmonious.

The time passed quickly in the harmonious atmosphere. When Xie Jun appeared in the hall, the conversation between the two people was not over.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that there were so many topics between you two. You talked for most of the day." Looking at the two people with strong words, Xie Jun said with a smile.

Because he was in charge of the three rounds of tests of Chu Zhongtian, he appreciated Chu Zhongtian very much. Zhang Xing is not a simple person, not to mention his Dandao cultivation, but the master behind him is enough to frighten Xie Jun, so he has always maintained an equal attitude towards these two young people who are not as good as him in age and cultivation.

"Yes, I didn't expect that elder martial brother Chu is not only excellent in martial arts, but also good at pills and medicinal materials. I admire him very much." Zhang Xing only had a general understanding of Chu Zhongtian in the second and third rounds. The only thing that impressed him deeply was that he dared to refuse Huang Puqi's invitation.

Who is huangpuqi!

He is the direct descendant of Huangfu family, a family of five noble families. He has the cultivation talent of top six noble families and is one of the future overlords of the southern region of the eternal continent. Zhang Xing doesn't dare to offend such a figure at all, but Chu Zhongtian doesn't care about it. He admires it very much.

"Hehe, Zhang Xing, the Chu family born in Chu Zhongtian is famous for pills. Although the highest Dan cultivation in the family is only the top nine grades, there must be a lot of knowledge about pills and medicinal materials in the family. It's normal for him to be good at some." Xie Jun knows more about the situation of Chu Zhongtian, so he knows more.

"Elder, what can I do for you?" Seeing that Xie Jun, who should have been resting, appeared in the hall, Chu Zhongtian asked with a little doubt.

Even if the speed of the spacecraft is fast, it is impossible to fly more than 30000 kilometers in just half a day.

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