The champion of challenge arena 1 looked at Chu Zhongtian with a dignified face and stared directly at the steel knife in his hand.

At the beginning of challenging challenge No. 1, he showed his extremely strong strength. Many challengers avoided him one after another, which made him very relaxed in the challenge arena. That's why he had the energy to pay attention to the performance of other challengers.

When Chu Zhongtian challenged Zhu Qiang just now, he had noticed Chu Zhongtian. Although Chu Zhongtian has ordinary appearance and temperament, and there is no outstanding place in his whole body, he clearly feels the powerful power hidden in the celestial bodies in Chu, which is why he pays full attention to the whole process of the fight between the two just now.

When his opponent Chu Zhongtian used the blazing sun Sabre technique, he felt the burning smell on the steel sabre. At the same time, he also put himself in a position to consider whether he could be safe in the face of this knife. Next, he finally shook his head.

Because he felt that unless he used the final cards, he could not be Chu Zhongtian's opponent.

As Chu Zhongtian defeated Zhu Qiang with one move and forced the referee to finally help, dozens of challenges that originally wanted to challenge the ninth Challenger changed their attention and changed the object of the challenge to other challengers.

Chu Zhongtian didn't consume too much spiritual and physical strength, so he used half an hour's rest to carefully aftertaste the smell on the steel knife when he just used the knife technique.

After the explanation of Chu Zhengxuan and the test of Liuyun sect, Chu Zhongtian is no longer the young expert who just emerged in the state of Qi. At this time, he has learned about different realms.

Qi refining period and body refining period are only the basis of martial arts cultivation, and Qi melting period is the starting point of martial arts cultivation. The most important thing is to improve the quality of strength if you want to set foot on the starting point and break through the Qi melting period.

In the Qi refining period and body refining period, the warrior uses spiritual power, while in the Qi transforming period, the warrior uses Zhenyuan. Zhenyuan is a more advanced power, and its energy and power are dozens of times that of spiritual power. At the same time, Zhenyuan contains the physical characteristics of martial artists. When performing martial arts, Zhenyuan will fully stimulate the power of martial arts.

The move just performed was scorching in the sun and obviously had the taste of martial arts performed by experts in the Qi melting period. Although the power was still very weak, he was just the second peak of the body training period. Being able to do this was enough to make him feel incredible.

From head to toe, from inside to outside, Chu Zhongtian carefully tested it several times and didn't find anything special about his body and spiritual power. Chu Zhongtian had no way to do this. The only thing he could do was to ask Jiao Enjun for confirmation after returning to the Qianlong peak. It must be that Jiao Enjun exceeded the Qihai period and could know what was going on.

It's Chu Zhongtian's advantage to give up things he can't figure out for the time being. So after putting aside his doubts, he looked relaxed and faced the next challenge.

Originally, he was worried that he would encounter the challenge of a peerless genius who could surpass his four small realms like the No. 1 challenge master, which forced him to start the final card, but at this time, Chu Zhongtian felt that he could also have the combat power to surpass the four small realms without moving the final card, In other words, his real combat power at this time has reached the six-level peak in the physical training period.

No matter who he faces next, he can give it a go.

The power of Chu Zhongtian's shock and awe lasted only half a day. As some contestants who just signed up and didn't see Chu Zhongtian's sword power, they began to choose him as their opponent.

Because of the 11 challenge masters on the scene, only he is the peak cultivation of the second layer in the training period, while the other 10 challenge masters are the third layer in the training period. Everyone knows to pinch persimmons soft, so Chu Zhongtian is their first object.

In this regard, Chu Zhongtian has no initial worries, but his heart is full of expectations. Because he was worried that the sabre technique he used when defeating Zhu Qiang was a means to inadvertently stimulate the qi transformation period, he needed constantly emerging opponents to verify his Sabre technique.

"Contestant No. 28357, are you sure you want to challenge the No. 9 champion!" The referee in charge of challenge arena 9 changed his numb attitude and looked at the challenger with great expectation.

"OK!" The contestants who just signed up for the challenge answered very seriously.

"No. 28357 Tian wuqin challenges No. 9 champion!"

"Tian wuqin!"

They introduced their names to each other. With the order of the referee, Chu Zhongtian waved a steel knife and attacked Tian wuqin with the same knife technique in the scorching sun.

Because he didn't know what Tian wuqin's real combat power was, Chu Zhongtian didn't dare to retain too much strength and still showed 80% of his strength.

After casting the hot sun, Chu Zhongtian Mingxian felt the burning breath on the blade, which was even a little stronger than when he first started casting, and his heart was relieved.

Because he was most afraid that he was inadvertently performing a move containing the power of Qi melting period. This time, he could still maintain this power, which means that he really mastered this means, which reassured him a lot.

Although Tian wuqin is the cultivation of the three-tier peak in the physical training period, his combat power barely reaches the four-tier peak in the physical training period. Therefore, he can't stop when the combat power of Chu Zhongtian reaches the six-tier sword technique in the physical training period.

If the referee didn't know it and made preparations in advance, I'm afraid Tian wuqin couldn't hold on for a second and would be directly killed by Chu Zhongtian under the steel knife.

"Chu Zhongtian wins and successfully defends the challenge!" After saving Tian wuqin, the referee loudly announced the result of the game.

The ten challengers didn't respond to Chu Zhongtian's easy victory. On the contrary, those challengers who had planned to challenge Chu Zhongtian couldn't help but step back in panic and looked at Chu Zhongtian standing on the challenge arena with an incredible look.

I thought Chu Zhongtian was a soft persimmon. Everyone wanted to pinch it, but the soft persimmon finally became a tiger. These challenges are very wise and change the opponents of the challenge.

After a full rest for nearly half a day, Chu Zhongtian genius ushered in the third opponent. Compared with Zhu Qiang Hotan wuqin, the opponent of the third challenge was weaker. When Chu Zhongtian deliberately retained 50% of his strength, he was directly photographed by the steel knife.

This situation lasted until the morning of the tenth day. With half a day left before the end of the challenge, Chu Zhongtian finally welcomed his biggest opponent since taking part in the challenge... Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan, like him, is the second highest cultivation achievement in the physical training period. He was born as a disciple of Huashan sword sect, one of the three sects. His sword skills are unparalleled and his combat power is extremely strong.

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