In addition to the spirit stone and pill in the wooden box, there is also a yellow high-level martial arts. After opening it, Chu Zhongtian threw it into the wooden box.

Because this is a high-level martial art of Huang pin about swordsmanship, which is not suitable for his practice.

Put the wooden box back into the storage bag, and then choose a direction to display the primary body method and martial arts. Chu Zhongtian continued to move forward without haste or slow.

As for the agreement with Lu Yuan before entering the secret territory, it depends on the next luck and whether we can meet him in a short time!


Because it was a completely strange environment, Chu Zhongtian did not exert all his strength, but maintained a fifth of his usual speed. And in less than half an hour, a roar of an alien animal sounded, so that he had to stop.

Looking at the mountain piercing beast that suddenly appeared in front of him, Chu Zhongtian not only had no fear, but even showed a trace of excitement.

The reason why he chose to leave Liuyun sect to go out for training was not only to enhance his cultivation, but also to collect the bodies of different animals and inner alchemy.

As a result, he can use the corpses of these animals to copy and paste the much-needed pill.

Second, the inner alchemy of the beast can exchange sect contribution points, so that he can use these contribution points to use different types of secret places and quickly improve his cultivation. At the same time, you can also use sect contribution points to exchange pills and exotic treasures that can improve your cultivation talent.

The lower level nine grade mountain piercing beast is equivalent to the state in the early stage of body refining among human warriors.

Although Chu Zhongtian is only the cultivation of the third level in the body refining period, his real combat power has reached the peak of the sixth level in the Qi refining period. If he cooperated with the potential, his combat power reached the peak of seven layers in the terrible body training period. Therefore, when facing the lower level nine grade mountain piercing beast, he didn't hesitate at all. He directly used the first martial arts Sabre technique in the scorching sun, and cut off the head of the mountain piercing beast with one move.

First, the mountain piercing beast was opened and its inner pill was taken out. Chu Zhongtian put his left hand on the body and began to use the body of the mountain piercing beast to copy the condensate pill and bone washing pill.

Although the corpses of nine different animals can be exchanged for sect contribution points, Chu Zhongtian has only ten cubic meters of storage bag space, and there are not many things that can be stored. The corpses of animals below grade 8 are very large. In order to avoid the space occupied by the corpses of animals, he can only use the corpses to copy and paste pills.

Since both congealing Qi pills and bone washing pills belong to the top-level nine pills, and the most precious inner pill of the mountain piercing beast was collected by Chu Zhongtian, the rest of the body contains little energy. Only three congealing Qi pills and three bone washing pills were copied, and the whole body turned into a pile of powder.

Put away the congealing Qi pill and bone washing pill, and Chu Zhongtian continued to move forward.

There are strange animals in the secret territory. Chu Zhongtian plans to hunt and kill Jiupin strange animals and collect enough strange animal bodies and inner alchemy. As for the token that can determine the final ranking, he doesn't expect much.

Because there were 55 stronger players than him in this qualifying, he didn't put much pressure on himself when he participated in the qualifying.

It's good to be at the top, but it doesn't matter to be at the bottom.

Not long after moving forward, Chu Zhongtian found another scorching sun tiger whose strength reached the lower level nine grades. Looking at the roaring scorching sun tiger, Chu Zhongtian picked up his mouth slightly.

I saw him flash slightly, and the whole person disappeared in place. Ten meters away from where he just stood, a figure quickly emerged, and the emerging figure waved a steel knife and directly attacked the head of the scorching sun tiger with a move of burning breath.

"Roar...!" Facing the sudden attack of the steel knife, the scorching sun tiger roared.

Then, the whole body jumped three meters directly in the air and easily avoided the killing blow of Chu Zhongtian. After that, the sharp sharp melon directly grabbed Chu Zhongtian's head.

Seeing that the scorching sun tiger not only succeeded in avoiding his inevitable move, but also could take advantage of the situation to fight back, Chu Zhongtian secretly scolded the animal. Outside of being cunning, the whole person leaned back, and the homeopathic steel knife directly attacked the scorching sun tiger's soft abdomen from bottom to top.

The scorching sun tiger in mid air has no leverage point and can't change its body posture. When facing the downward upward move of Chu Zhongtian, it can't dodge at all and is directly ripped open.

Looking at the scorching sun tiger flowing out of all the internal organs, Chu Zhongtian wiped the sweat in front of his forehead. At the same time, he began to reflect on himself. Since he mastered the means of qi transformation period, he was too confident and thought that the opponent with the same level could be solved with one move of knife.

It seems that in the future, when facing opponents with the same level, we must be vigilant. We should not only be accurate and ruthless, but also reserve enough defense strength.

After self reflection, Chu Zhongtian inserted a steel knife into his back and began to bend over to collect the internal elixir of the scorching sun tiger. At the same time, he began to copy and paste the elixir with the body of the scorching sun tiger.

Although the scorching sun tiger is also an exotic beast of the lower level, because its blood is more noble than the mountain piercing beast and the body contains more energy, it turns into powder after copying and pasting five condensing Qi pills and four bone washing pills.

When the body of the burning sun tiger was completely turned into powder, Chu Zhongtian planned to get up and leave. At this time, a clear wind blew away the powder turned into by the body of the burning sun tiger, revealing a black token the size of a baby's palm under the powder.

Looking at the black token on the ground, Chu Zhongtian showed a look of consternation on his face. In the second round of qualifying of purgatory City challenge, the final ranking is determined by the number of black tokens collected.

Because Chu Zhongtian himself didn't expect the results of this qualifying match, he didn't deliberately look for these black tokens, but what he didn't think of was: if he deliberately carried the tree, he didn't succeed, and inadvertently inserted Liu chengmeng!

Not expecting the final ranking does not mean that Chu Zhongtian gave up completely, so he bent over and picked up the black token on the ground. After a careful look, he found that the black token was the token that decided this qualifying match.

He just wondered how the black token appeared in the body of the scorching sun tiger?

I really can't figure out why. Chu Zhongtian gave up the act of wasting brain cells and planned to put the black token into the storage bag.

However, when he wanted to put the token into the storage bag, he was surprised to find that the token could not be put into the storage bag, so he couldn't help feeling very depressed.

Needless to think, this must be set by the organizer at all times in order to cause competition among the players. To be more cruel, the high-level officials behind purgatory City deliberately let 99 challenge masters kill each other.

Although Chu Zhongtian doesn't want to cause trouble, he is not afraid of things. If he is asked to take the initiative to compete for the token in other people's hands, he may hesitate, but if others want to take the token originally belonging to him from him, I'm sorry, he will fight back desperately.

Unless the cultivation gap between them is too large.

There is a blue silk thread on the black token, which is very tough. It seems that this is specially made by the organizer to facilitate the contestants to carry the token. Hang the token around your waist and Chu Zhongtian moves on.

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