Because the high-level people behind the scenes of purgatory city want to completely master this secret place, and then use this secret place to improve the overall strength of purgatory city and make purgatory city the tenth largest force in the southern region.

However, after dozens of experiments, the high-level people behind purgatory city found that there was a powerful restriction in the secret territory, which only allowed martial artists below the qi transformation period to enter.

If the cultivation goes beyond the qi transformation period and enters the secret realm, there is only one consequence, that is, it is inexplicably smashed by lightning. For this reason, purgatory city has lost at least dozens of top experts above the Qi sea period, and even two peerless strongmen in the spirit period.

Although the martial arts practitioners with the cultivation level below the gas period can enter the secret territory safely, there are many crises in the secret territory. They not only have a large number of powerful monsters, but also have some natural forbidden areas, resulting in heavy losses for the martial arts practitioners who enter the secret territory.

Although the strength of the high-level behind the scenes of purgatory city is very strong, purgatory city is only a city after all, and the population is very rare compared with the whole southern region. In order to avoid excessive loss of purgatory city's strength, this is why they hold a challenge to the whole southern region every five years.

Although there are many crises in the secret territory, there are countless opportunities inside. Because the secret place not only has countless natural materials and treasures, but also has many opportunities against the sky. That's why many talents are willing to participate in qualifying even though they know that the secret place is full of dangers.

At the same time, through Wang suguang's explanation, Chu Zhongtian knew that the secret place was completely closed. It was impossible for the outside to know anything that happened inside. At this time, he had made up his mind.

"Brother Wang, do you have a detailed map of this secret place?" Now that he knows the details of the secret place, Chu Zhongtian also wants to know the detailed road map of 30% of the excavated land.

If he has this detailed circuit diagram, then he can find opportunities according to the circuit diagram and avoid those masters in the qi transformation period and high-level monsters in the secret territory in advance.

"Brother Chu, there must be a detailed circuit diagram in brother Zhu's storage bag, so you don't have to ask me for it at all." Pointing to the storage bag in Chu Zhongtian's hand, Wang suguang said with a smile.

"Really!" The consciousness connected with the storage bag, and Chu Zhongtian soon saw the space in the storage bag and the things in the space.

Then he was startled by the wealth placed in the storage bag.

Fortunately, he knew that this was not the time to check wealth and forcibly suppress his inner ecstasy. Chu Zhongtian began to look for items related to the circuit diagram.

At this time, Wang suguang suddenly winked at Zhu Lei. Then they retreated quietly. After retreating for three meters, they exercised their martial arts skills at the same time and tried their best to flee to different aspects.

Looking at Wang suguang and Zhu Lei who were about to flee, Chu Zhongtian showed a sneer on his face. Now that he has decided to kill people, how can Chu Zhongtian not prevent them from escaping in advance.

Although his consciousness communicated with the storage bag, he still kept most of his attention on the two people, so when they quietly stepped back, Chu Zhongtian found out and prepared in advance.

Seeing that Wang suguang and Zhu Lei were more than five meters away from him, Chu Zhongtian did not delay at all. A momentum like heavenly power rose directly from him and quickly shrouded the area of 15 meters.

Since breaking through the physical training period, the strength of Chu Zhongtian has soared. Even there has been no progress, and its power has been nearly doubled. Originally, it can only cover the range of 10 meters, but now it has been extended to 15 meters.

It was supposed to improve the speed to use the body method and martial arts, but under the shadow of the potential, Wang suguang and Zhu Lei felt like they were suddenly trapped in the swamp and couldn't move a step.

Seeing Wang suguang and Zhu Lei covered by the potential cage, Chu Zhongtian didn't hesitate. He held a steel knife and didn't show any martial arts skills. He directly used the cutting and cutting methods of the basic knife method to split Wang suguang in half and cut off Zhu Lei's head at the same time.

Bending over, he picked up Wang suguang's storage bag and three black tokens hanging around Zhu Lei's waist. Chu Zhongtian took back the momentum and observed the situation around him. When he found no one around, he took Wang suguang and Zhu Lei's bodies and ran directly to the dense forest ahead.

After finding a shipin medium level beast, Chu Zhongtian quietly put down the bodies of the two people and made a sound to disturb the shipin medium level beast. When the shipin medium level beast began to swallow the bodies of the two people, Chu Zhongtian quietly left.

Although the secret territory is completely closed, there are more than 90 other challengers in the secret territory after all. He is worried that in case someone suspects him through the wound of the body, which will lead to unnecessary revenge, so he must clean up all traces.

After finding a relatively hidden place, Chu Zhongtian took out the storage bags of Wang suguang and Zhu Lei.

Looking at the two storage bags in his hand, Chu Zhongtian secretly congratulated himself that he had not listened to Jiao Enjun's words and used precious sect contribution points to exchange for storage bags. Otherwise, he must have wasted five sectarian contributions.

Just now, because Wang suguang and Zhu Lei were present, he just checked Zhu Lei's storage bag in general, but didn't check the contents carefully.

At this time, he has free time. How can he not check it carefully. After reconnecting with the storage bag and conscious of entering the storage bag, he was shocked by the space and wealth inside.

The storage bag used by Zhu Lei has a space of more than 30 cubic meters, which is at least three times larger than the storage bag he currently uses.

In the storage bag, there are five large boxes about one and a half meters long and one meter high. Use consciousness to take out one box in the storage bag.

After opening, a thick aura of heaven and earth came to his face, and a box full of spirit stones came into his eyes.

Without careful observation, Chu Zhong can see at a glance that the spirit stone in the box is the lower level spirit stone of the eighth grade, and the number reaches 10000. Quickly took out the remaining four boxes in the storage bag and opened them all. I found that each box was full of eight grade lower level spirit stones.

There are 10000 pieces of eight grade lower level spirit stones in one box, and 50000 pieces of eight grade lower level spirit stones in five boxes. Thinking of this, Chu Zhongtian couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Because he has never seen such a large number of spirit stones since he crossed.

Forced to suppress his inner ecstasy, Chu Zhongtian put away five boxes and continued to check the treasures in the storage bag.

In addition to five boxes, there are three smaller boxes in the storage bag.

Thinking of the 300 seven grade medium level spirit stones that Zhu Lei promised Wang suguang, Chu Zhongtian opened three boxes with great expectation. Then a strong aura of heaven and earth washed his body and consciousness, giving him a sudden boost of spirit.

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