"I choose to trust this little brother and believe that he can open the blue door."

Although Lu Yuan's accomplishments are not the highest at the scene, his fame is not weaker than those high-level challengers in the gasification period.

Because he is a rare swordsman of Huashan sword sect for thousands of years. He lived and died for the sword and is one of the important figures leading the real rise of Huashan sword sect in the future, he took the initiative to stand up and support Chu Zhongtian, and immediately won the support of some people.

"I also believe in this little brother."

"Since we can't open the blue door, it's better to be a living horse doctor and believe the words of this disciple of Liuyun sect for the time being."

"That's right! Even if the door can't be opened, there will be no loss for you and me. What if it can be opened!"

As Lu Yuan took the initiative to stand up, more and more people chose to trust Chu Zhongtian for the time being. Finally, out of the more than 80 challengers on the scene, a full 75 people chose to trust Chu Zhongtian, which made Chu Zhongtian secretly relieved.

If you want to open the array briefly, you must attack a round button at the same time by two people in a group. Attacking 36 round buckles requires 75 people. If the number is not enough, the array cannot be opened.

At this time, the number of people involved in the attack was not only enough, but even exceeded, which made Chu Zhongtian relax, but also secretly happy.

The number of more than 72 people means that he doesn't have to do it together, even one of his three senior brothers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to open the blue door, you must obey my command and carefully abide by every instruction of me. Otherwise, even a little mistake may lead to the failure of opening the door."

Speaking of this, Chu Zhongtian looked serious and said in a dignified tone: "there is only one chance to open the blue door. If it fails due to some unnecessary mistakes, I'm afraid you won't have the chance in this cave in this life."

In fact, Chu Zhongtian said it on purpose. According to Huang Lao in his mind, even if he failed to open the array, he also had a way to send Chu Zhongtian into the cave.

However, to enter the cave alone, Chu Zhongtian needs to pay a very high price, so in order to ensure a success, he said too cruelly.

"Don't worry, younger martial brother Chu. We will strictly implement every instruction you give us." As a fellow disciple, Dongfang Yongping will certainly take the initiative to support Chu Zhongtian at this time.

"Brother Chu, don't worry. I believe in you!" As Lu Yuan, who most respected Chu Zhongtian, also took the initiative to support him at this time. At the same time, the elder martial brothers behind him also spoke in support of him.

"OK, then I'll arrange the task." Seeing that the people at the scene agreed to carry out their orders, Chu Zhongtian was not vague. According to Huang's tips, he arranged the target, sequence and time of the people's next attack.

After arranging to attack the challenge leader of the 36 round buckles, Chu Zhongtian ordered the remaining people: "gentlemen, next we will try our best to attack the round buckles. We can't worry about the outside situation for the time being, so I hope you can protect everyone's safety and avoid being disturbed."

Until Chu Zhongtian arranged all the instructions, langyun and others stood in the distance and watched coldly, without any intention of coming forward to help.

The heart of harming others cannot exist, and the heart of preventing others cannot be absent!

Although Chu Zhongtian didn't want to believe that wolf cloud and others dared to take risks to attack themselves and others, he still had to take necessary precautions. Moreover, after the attack round buckle came to an end, something strange would happen before the blue door was opened.

At that time, if langyun and others want to win, Chu Zhongtian must also guard against his move. Therefore, after arranging the attack instruction, he specially left several experts in the qi transformation period to guard against langyun and others.

"Don't worry, younger martial brother Chu. It's not so easy for langyun and others to do bad things." Among the fellow senior brothers, Yue Zhongzong was deliberately left by Chu Zhongtian.

Because Yue Zhongzong is the peak of the six layers during the gasification period. Although its strength is not the strongest at the scene, it is also the top part. It should be able to drag langyun and others in a short time.

When everyone was ready, Chu Zhong Tian went straight to Shimen before moving the spirit in the field to his fingers. Then he jumped up in the air, and his fingers were regularly placed on thirty-six buckles.

When the 36 round buttons were finished, Chu Zhongtian showed his startling legs, quickly retreated back, and shouted: "the first group attacked the first round button above the right side."

Three seconds after the end of the first group's attack, Chu Zhongtian quickly shouted: "the second group attacked the first round button above the left side."

Five seconds after the end of the second group of attacks, Chu Zhongtian continued to shout: "the third group attacked the last round button at the bottom of the right side."

With the end of the third group of attacks, the original motionless cyan gate made a slight shaking sound.

Although the shaking sound was very slight, the people on the scene were not ordinary people. Everyone heard the relaxed shaking sound.

At this time, the people had begun to believe that Chu Zhongtian had a way to open the blue door.

Chu Zhongtian was relieved to see that the challengers in group 4 and group 5 did not need his orders and seriously attacked different round buckles at the time he ordered in advance.

In order to ensure that people believe in themselves and finally seriously implement their own instructions, it is painstaking to arrange attackers.

The first group of attackers was Dongfang Yongping.

The reason why he chose Dongfang Yongping is that he is not only his fellow senior brother, but also the first person to believe that he has a way to open the blue door.

At the same time, Chu Zhongtian also hoped that Dongfang Yongping could restore the spiritual power just consumed before the cyan door was opened. Because after the cyan gate was opened, he still needed Dongfang Yongping to take him into the cave.

The second group of attackers was Lu Yuan.

The reason why Lu Yuan is in the second group is that Chu Zhongtian believes in Lu Yuan's personality and that he can seriously implement his instructions.

The third group of attackers was also his fellow senior brother Zhang Yanan.

After the 18th group attack, the shaking of the stone gate was not only more and more severe, but also a gap gradually appeared in the originally closed gate, which made people more believe in Chu Zhongtian and look forward to the next attack.

Langyun and others, who had been watching not far away, had noticed after the third attack and the Shimen shook easily, but they did not act rashly for the time being, but waited patiently.

At this time, I saw a gap in the cyan gate, a trace of surprise on my face, and began to greet the people around me, gradually approaching Chu Zhongtian and others.

"Elder martial brother Yue!" Since the fourth group of attackers could accurately execute his instructions, Chu Zhongtian took back most of his attention. That's why he noticed the approaching wolf cloud and others.

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