Seeing Zhang Xing walking out of the No. 7 other courtyard, Chu Zhongtian gave up the idea of entering the other courtyard and hurriedly greeted him.

At this moment, he can finally call younger martial brother Zhang Xing in a proper way!

Because he is already the peak cultivation achievement of the fifth layer in the body training period, and Zhang Xing has just barely broken through the fourth layer in the body training period.

Although compared with other disciples, Zhang Xing's entry speed is also very fast, but for Chu Zhongtian, his entry is obviously much slower.

"Elder martial brother Chu, I'm just looking for you!" After hearing Chu Zhongtian's greeting, Zhang Xing said with a smile.

"Younger martial brother Zhang, talk inside!" Hearing that Zhang Xing had something to do with himself, Chu Zhongtian temporarily put down his impulse to make a breakthrough and invited Zhang Xing to another hospital on the 9th.

"Then bother elder martial brother Chu!" Hearing Chu Zhongtian's initiative to invite himself into No. 9 other courtyard, Zhang Xingxian was very happy.

After passing the third round of disciple test of Liuyun sect and assigning a separate courtyard belonging to an individual, among the six elite disciples, except Chu Zhongtian, they all walked around each other.

The only other courtyard that didn't walk around and never entered was No. 9 other courtyard in Chu Zhongtian!

Because since Chu Zhongtian entered No. 9 other courtyard, he either practiced in the secret room of practice or went out to practice. He has never invited anyone to enter.

And he is the first guest to enter the No. 9 other courtyard besides the host. Zhang Xing feels very proud!

"Younger martial brother Zhang, I'm really sorry. I came to the living room for the second time. It's a little messy!" Looking at the tables and chairs covered by dust, Chu Zhongtian said shyly.

After living in No. 9 other courtyard, Chu Zhongtian entered the passing hall once except for observing the pattern of other courtyard on the first day. After that, he only lived in the bedroom for sleeping and the secret room for practice.

It's only these two places that he occasionally cleans. As for other places in other hospitals, he doesn't pay too much attention at all, so he's embarrassed when he enters the slightly messy living room.

"It doesn't matter. Elder martial brother Chu is a Madman of cultivation. It's normal to concentrate on Cultivation and don't care about the side details of life." Shaking his head, Zhang Xing said he didn't care about the environment in the living room and helped him clean it up himself.

According to Zhang Xing, the slightly messy living room is normal. After all, Chu Zhongtian gives outsiders the feeling that he is a Madman of cultivation. In his life, it seems that there is only one thing about cultivation.

If the living room was clean at this time, he even doubted whether Chu Zhongtian knew in advance that he was going to come and clean it up.

Or, don't keep a charming little woman in the yard and help him clean up the yard!

Seeing Zhang Xing cleaning up himself, Chu Zhongtian couldn't be idle, so he immediately stretched out his hand to help.

In fact, there is only some dust in the living room, which can be cleaned simply, so the two people didn't spend much time to clean it up.

Sitting on the chair in the living room, he moved the nearby tea table in front of him, and then took out a set of exquisite tea sets from the storage bag. Zhang Xing explained while carefully cooking tea.

"Elder martial brother Chu, when I first went to purgatory City, I once told elder martial brother Chu that when I came back from purgatory City, I must take time to have a good chat with elder martial brother. At this time, you and I are free and can have a long talk!"

There are still three days to open the secret place. There is enough time to break through the sixth floor of the body refining period and improve the potential of various items. Moreover, Zhang Xing is an alchemist and he will definitely use it in the future, so he will calm down and wait for him to carefully prepare fragrant tea.

"Elder martial brother Chu, please!" It took nearly half an hour to cook it, pour it, then cook it, and then pour it out. Zhang xingcai indicated that Chu Zhongtian could drink fragrant tea.

He took a small tea cup and smelled it between his nose. An attractive fragrance entered his body along his nostrils, which made him feel shocked and refreshed.

The cup touched his lips and tongue, the entrance of fragrant tea, and the feeling of fragrance not only made his spirit more refreshing, but also greatly improved his state of mind.

"Good tea!" A fragrance of tea was able to improve the state of mind and cultivation. Chu Zhongtian was surprised. While praising, he motioned Zhang Xing to continue pouring tea.

"Elder martial brother Chu, don't worry!" Zhang Xing clearly saw Chu Zhongtian's performance just now. Zhang Xing was very happy that he liked the fragrant tea he cooked himself. He felt as if he had met a confidant.

However, the fragrant tea he just cooked is not ordinary tea, but a top spirit tea. There are strict procedures in the tasting process to achieve the best effect.

Seeing that Zhang Xing was not pouring tea, Chu Zhongtian was embarrassed to brazenly continue to ask for it, so he had to put down the tea cup and wait for Zhang Xing to speak.

"Brother Chu, the cup of fragrant tea I just brewed is called Qingjing Wuwei. It comes from the distant kingdom of the great Zhou Dynasty. It is a top tea spirit with a grade of nine. It is difficult for the world to get it." Zhang Xing did not explain what happened to Chu Zhongtian, but opened his mouth to introduce the specific origin of tea.

"Jiupinling tea!" Hearing Zhang Xing's introduction that the tea he drank just now reached nine grades, he was surprised and solved his doubts just now.

How can tea that can improve the state of mind and cultivation be ordinary!

"Elder martial brother Chu, please!" After explaining the origin of tea, Zhang Xing shut up and waited for another five minutes. He indicated that Chu Zhongtian might continue to drink fragrant tea.

After receiving the tea cup, Chu Zhongtian didn't smell it. He poured it directly into his mouth and closed his eyes to experience the improvement of Lingcha's state of mind.

Chu Zhongtian was pleasantly surprised to find that after two cups of spirit tea, his state of mind cultivation was fully improved to a higher level.

At this time, he can not only rest assured and boldly break through the six layers of the body training period, but also improve his cultivation to the peak with the help of the power of Dan medicine, which is unimaginable help for his next trip to the blood devil secret realm and breaking through the seven layers of the body training period in more than 20 days.

"Younger martial brother Zhang, thank you!" Put down the exquisite tea cup in his hand and Chu Zhongtian thanked sincerely.

"Elder martial brother Chu, you're welcome!" Wash the tea set used by the angel in Chu, put it away, Zhang xingting got up, looked at Chu Zhongtian with appreciation and said.

"Elder martial brother Chu, I left the purgatory City five days ago. On the way back, I accidentally met elder martial brother Dongfang Yongping. I learned from elder martial brother Dongfang about elder martial brother Chu's performance in the purgatory city. I sincerely admire it!"

"Younger martial brother Zhang, I think you came to me today not only to invite me to tea, but also to praise me. You can directly mention anything. If Chu Zhongtian can do it, I will do my best." The improvement of mood cultivation made Chu Zhongtian full of confidence in the next breakthrough, so he was anxious to practice and had no time and patience to continue chatting with Zhang Xing, so he bluntly interrupted his praise.

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