When his sister mentioned Chu Zhongtian, Dongfang Yongping was more angry than pleased.

In the secret realm of purgatory City, in the cave left by the peerless strong man, he once formally interrogated Chu Zhongtian and the relationship between him and his sister.

Chu Zhongtian made it very clear at that time that the relationship between him and his sister was just an ordinary friend, without a trace of love between men and women.

That's why Dongfang Yongping was so angry. After returning to the sect, he personally went to Qianlong peak, No. 9 other courtyard and looked for Chu Zhongtian!

One is to thank him for saving his life and give some pills that can improve his cultivation.

Completely original promise.

Second, he asked him face to face why he had deceived himself and concealed the relationship between him and his sister.

However, he went to Qianlong peak three times in succession, and Chu Zhongtian was not in No. 9 other courtyard, so at this time, he wanted to see Chu Zhongtian more than Dongfang Yuner and see this boy who made him respect and angry.

"Eldest brother, you are a half step Qi sea cultivation. You practice Xuanpin body method and martial arts at an amazing speed. I think you'd better go to Qianlong peak and have a look."

"If elder brother Chu is delayed, you can bring him in time. You can't let him miss the chance of the blood devil secret place." Dongfang Yuner pleaded.

Dongfang Yongping, who reached the half step Qi sea period, did not find the figure of Chu Zhongtian, which means that he still did not appear in front of the secret realm at this time.

It was less than half an hour from the opening of the blood devil secret place. Basically, all the disciples participating in the training of the blood devil secret place had arrived. At this time, Chu Zhongtian didn't appear and must have been delayed by something. Therefore, Dongfang Yuner was worried that Chu Zhongtian would miss this opportunity, so he asked Dongfang Yongping to pick him up.

"You...!" For the requirements of Dongfang Yuner, Dongfang Yongping's teeth are itchy. At the same time, she believes in the outward words of girls.

Although he is a half step Qi sea cultivation, it takes at least ten minutes to go to Qianlong peak, and it takes almost half an hour to come back.

Sister, you're worried that Chu Zhongtian can't participate in the experience of the blood devil secret place in time. Don't you worry that your brother will miss the experience of the secret place!

However, seeing the plea in the eyes of Dongfang Yuner, Dongfang Yongping couldn't refuse ruthlessly. Finally, he decided to go to Qianlong peak in person at the expense of Zhenyuan.

Just as he was about to leave, he accidentally found that Chu Zhongtian was flying rapidly at a speed he completely illegally imagined.

"No, he's coming!" As soon as his chin was raised, he motioned Dongfang Yuner to turn his head and wait.

"Eh! How can brother Chu fly!" Turning his head, Dongfang Yuner found that Chu Zhongtian was flying and landed behind the factotum disciple. He asked in a puzzled way.

You know, Dongfang Yongping can't fly in the half step Qi sea period. How can she not be surprised that Chu Zhongtian, who is in the state of body training, can fly alone.

"There are experts to help secretly!" Dongfang Yongping explained.

As for Chu Zhongtian's flight, Dongfang Yongping didn't need to think much about knowing that Jiao Enjun was the one who helped him fly, because only Jiao Enjun had this strength on the Qianlong peak.

However, Dongfang Yongping was very surprised that Jiao Enjun could personally help Chu Zhongtian. After all, Jiao Enjun, whom he knew well, was a proud man who was not easy to accept.

Chu Zhongtian, who fell to the ground, had no time to observe the situation around him. First, he patted his chest hard to calm the heart that was about to jump out of his chest.

He turned to Jiao Enjun for help. He just hoped that he could make his speed faster and reach the blood devil's secret place on time without delaying the opening of the blood devil's secret place. What he didn't expect was that Jiao Enjun's random power seemed mild, but the flight process was very violent.

Flying alone in mid air, he not only can't feel the fun of flying, but also needs to wrap himself with spiritual power to avoid being hurt by the impact generated in fast flight.

At this time, Chu Zhongtian suspected that Jiao Enjun wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to retaliate against himself and his casual attitude in front of him. He didn't pay attention to the blood demon secret place before.

As Chu Zhongtian flew to participate in the experience of the blood devil secret realm, he immediately absorbed the attention of most of the disciples present. Among these disciples, no matter the inner disciples of the realm in the qi transformation period.

Tens of thousands of people paid attention to it at the same time. Even the cheeky Chu Zhongtian felt a little embarrassed.

At this moment, he just wanted to find a quiet and remote place to avoid the eyes of attention for the time being.

"Brother Chu, here!" When Chu Zhongtian was looking for a quiet and remote place, Dongfang Yuner suddenly shouted in the crowd of inner disciples.

Looking up, Chu Zhongtian found Dongfang Yuner standing in the crowd of inner disciples. Around her, he also found four acquaintances, namely Dongfang Yongping, Yue Zhongzong and Zhang Yanan, as well as the prince of the imperial dynasty who took part in the test together.

What puzzled him was that Yue Zhongzong and Zhang Yanan showed a kind smile to him, but Dongfang Yongping had a black face.

Chu Zhongtian was already concerned by the public. At this time, Dongfang Yuner's loud cry raised the public's attention to him.

However, in the eyes of these concerns, in addition to the naked envy and jealousy, there are more than a dozen eyes full of strong murderous spirit.

According to Chu Zhongtian's original intention, he doesn't intend to go to Dongfang Yuner, because he will receive more attention.

However, seeing Dongfang Yongping's black face like an iron pot and thinking of his cultivation in the period of half a step of Qi sea, he finally had to step towards Dongfang Yuner reluctantly.

"Chu Zhongtian has seen all the senior brothers!" Chu Zhongtian saluted with both hands.

In Dongfang Yuner's team, he didn't know the rest except Dongfang Yongping and the Royal son who joined the sect with Dongfang Yuner, but most of their accomplishments were in the Qi changing period, so Chu Zhongtian honestly called them senior brothers.

However, for Chu Zhongtian's greeting, except for the warm response from Yue Zhongzong and Zhang Yanan, the rest didn't pay attention to him.

Dongfang Yongping is angry that Chu Zhongtian cheated him at the beginning, and temporarily plans to ignore him and let him accept some lessons. The other Tianlong emperor's children disdained to pay attention to him.

After all, Chu Zhongtian is just an external disciple in the period of physical training, and his accomplishments and identity are far away from them.

If it weren't for the fact that Chu Zhongtian was personally greeted by Dongfang Yuner and Dongfang Yongping didn't object, they would have kicked Chu Zhongtian out of the range of inner disciples.

"Brother Chu, why are you so late?"

The elders of the family didn't answer Chu Zhongtian. Dongfang Yuner was very angry, but she couldn't make her face to the elders in front of Chu Zhongtian, so she had to take the initiative to talk to Chu Zhongtian.

"It took some time to consolidate the state after the breakthrough." Dongfang Yongping was eyeing around at this time. Chu Zhongtian didn't dare to lie and could only answer truthfully.

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