"Listen to younger martial brother Chu's arrangement!"

Dongfang Yongping didn't know what Chu Zhongtian was going to do, but considering his mysterious performance in the secret realm of purgatory City, knowing that he had some unknown secrets, he motioned Zhang Yanan to obey his orders temporarily.

"Younger martial brother Chu, please speak!" After getting the consent of Dongfang Yongping, Zhang Yanan's eyes fell on Chu Zhongtian and waited for orders.

"Elder martial brother Zhang, you have excellent eloquence and are good at making friends, so next, you leave the valley temporarily and go out to find your acquaintance. But the fellow martial brothers with ordinary relationship privately tell them a secret, that is, Zhu Yan got a blood ginseng in the restricted area of the blood demon secret territory."

Speaking of this, Chu Zhongtian suddenly closed his eyes and the five fingers of his left hand jumped up and down, with a thoughtful expression.

After pondering for more than a minute, Chu Zhongtian reopened his eyes and said with a playful tone: "elder martial brother Zhang, when telling them the blood ginseng obtained by Zhu Yan, we must explain in detail the specific year of the blood ginseng and the role of the blood ginseng in the gas transformation period and the gas sea period."

"At the same time, we should also show implicitly that although senior brother Dongfang was seriously injured, he also suffered some injuries under the desperate counterattack. Now he can only play his strength of seven or eight layers."

"Younger martial brother Zhang, just do as younger martial brother Chu just said." The order of Chu Zhongtian just now let Dongfang Yongping know what he meant soon.

Chu Zhongtian wanted to take advantage of people's greed for blood ginseng to provoke some trouble for Zhu Yan, so that he could not look for the opportunity and time to kill himself for the time being.

More importantly, Dongfang Yongping knows that at least eight of the inner disciples who entered the blood demon secret realm have reached the stage of half step Qi sea.

If the six masters knew that the five thousand year old blood ginseng was in Zhu Yan's hands, and Zhu Yan was injured and could not give full play to his strength, they would surely rob the blood ginseng.

If Zhu Yan is unlucky, he may even lose his life because of blood ginseng!

In this regard, Dongfang Yongping had to lament Chu Zhongtian's shrewdness. He could detect the threat in such a short time and find a solution immediately.

Zhang Yanan is a smart man. He is a smart man who can see through a little. He also figured out the mystery and turned away excitedly.

"Elder martial brother Dongfang, with your current injury, how long will it take you to fully recover?" The method just now can only be delayed for a period of time, and there may be many changes in the process. The best way to completely solve the threat brought by Zhu Yan is to restore the full strength of Dongfang Yongping.

As long as Dongfang Yongping recovers its full strength, Zhu Yan can not become a threat, and even has the opportunity to compete for blood ginseng.

"Zhu Yan hit my heart and lungs with one slap. In order to get out of the restricted area, I overdraw too much potential. It is difficult to recover in a short time, unless there are more than seven top healing pills at this time." Thinking of his injury and his overdraft potential, Dongfang Yongping, who had just raised his spirit, was depressed in an instant.

"Top healing pill with more than seven grades!" Chu Zhongtian began to check the collection in his storage bag.

It's a pity that he is only a cultivation during the training period. The healing pill in the storage bag has the highest grade, but only the top nine. The healing pill of the top-level Jiupin can't play any role for Dongfang Yongping.

Check all the items in the storage bag specially used to store the treasures. Chu Zhongtian finally found that he had nothing to do with Dongfang Yongping's injury.

Just as his consciousness was about to leave the storage bag, he accidentally found a small red tree that he randomly threw at the corner of the storage bag, and an idea flashed in his mind.

The reason why Dongfang Yongping was unable to quickly recover from the injury was that, in addition to the cardiopulmonary injury, he overdraw too much potential, resulting in his inability to use his true yuan to recover from the cardiopulmonary injury.

As long as he can repair his overdraft potential, he can make use of his true yuan and his own eight healing pills to quickly recover his injury.

The blood essence fruit tree in his hand just has this effect.

Thinking of this, Chu Zhongtian directly took out the small red tree in the storage bag, handed it to Dongfang Yongping and said, "senior brother Dongfang, can you see if this fruit tree can recover your injury?"

Dongfang Yongping clearly saw Chu Zhongtian's move to check the storage bag.

Although he was very moved by this, he didn't hold much hope. Because he knows too much about his current injury, ordinary healing pills are useless at all.

However, in Chu Zhongtian, he took out the small red tree and felt the energy for blood essence contained in the small red tree. Dongfang Yongping opened his eyes and showed an incredible expression on his face.

"Elder martial brother, wake up." Seeing the stagnant Dongfang Yongping, Chu Zhongtian didn't know whether the blood essence fruit tree in his hand could help him, so he shook the blood essence fruit tree in his hand and reminded him to wake up quickly.

"Younger martial brother Chu, where did you find this fruit tree?" Reaching for the blood essence fruit tree, Dongfang Yuner looked at Chu Zhongtian and asked.

"This fruit tree is...!" Then Chu Zhongtian introduced in detail how he found the blood essence fruit tree, how the dark blue youth took the blood essence fruit, and how he tried to test himself with three eight grade blood crystals.

"Younger martial brother Chu, please give me a detailed description of the man who took the fruit of blood essence." Hearing Chu Zhongtian's story about his acquisition of the fruit tree of blood essence, Dongfang Yongping is more interested in the person who took the fruit of blood essence, or the fruit of blood essence in that person's hand.

"The man is about 20 years old, wearing dark blue clothes, and there is a black pox the size of a grain of rice on his right face,..."

"Oh! It's him!" With Chu Zhongtian's detailed introduction of the appearance of the dark blue energetic young man, a person's shadow flashed in Dongfang Yongping's mind, and finally decided that it was him.

"Elder martial brother, who is that man?" Seeing Dongfang Yongping's suddenly enlightened appearance, Chu Zhongtian knew that he already knew who took the blood essence fruit, so he immediately asked.

If you want to know who that person is, you don't want to rob the blood essence fruit from him.

After all, he is only in the cultivation period, and the gap with each other is like heaven and earth, but Chu Zhongtian is confident to catch up with and surpass him in a short time.

When his accomplishments and strength surpass him, Chu Zhongtian will certainly have a friendly duel with him to thank him for taking away his opportunity.

"Younger martial brother Chu, you don't need to know who that person is. That person is not what you can provoke now." Although he didn't know Chu Zhongtian's mind, for Chu Zhongtian's consideration, Dongfang Yongping didn't plan to tell him who that person was.

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