As a top half step expert in the gas sea period, Chu Zhongtian has a deep understanding of how fast he can barely reach Dongfang Yongping in the early stage of the gas sea period.

According to the information transmitted by the red jade pendant, five minutes after the palace is officially opened, the array with infinite energy in the palace will burst out for the first time.

In order to avoid being affected by the power of the array, there are several safe areas in different locations deep in the palace.

According to the distance from the safe area, Chu Zhongtian was worried that he could not catch up with the first safe area and had to rely on his own strength to resist the aftershocks of the array. However, under the leadership of Dongfang Yongping, he successfully arrived at the first safe area in the palace in less than four minutes.

"Elder martial brother, you can stop!" The safe area is a stone chamber similar to the second floor of the secret place. When Dongfang Yongping is 100 meters away from the stone chamber, Chu Zhongtian signals him to stop temporarily.

When Dongfang Yongping let go of his arm, Chu Zhongtian took him to the stone chamber quickly, stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the stone chamber. He walked into the stone chamber without any hesitation.

In addition to a futon for daily practice in front of the main hall facing the gate, there is nothing empty in the whole stone chamber.

Pointing to the futon in front of the main hall of the stone chamber, Chu Zhongtian said, "elder martial brother, this Futon in front of you can transform the red energy in the palace into special energy that can be absorbed by human warriors."

"The special energy after transformation can not only supplement the consumed true yuan, but also restore the injury you have been seriously injured, and further enhance your potential."

In fact, the futon at the foot also plays a great role in Chu Zhongtian. Because the special energy after transformation can not only improve his cultivation, but also transform the purple blood in his body, but also improve his mood cultivation.

With the help of the futon under his feet, he can break through the eight layers of the body training period in a very short time and directly consolidate the cultivation after the breakthrough.

However, he knew better that even if his cultivation broke through the eighth floor of the body training period and his strength reached the second floor of the qi transformation period, it would not play a great role in the dangerous palace. It was far better to let Dongfang Yongping completely recover from his injury.

Dongfang Yongping, who has completely recovered from his injury, should be able to reach the initial peak of the Qihai period. Even if he is not as good as Gong Rulin, he can at least delay him in a short time so that he can't easily kill himself.

"All right!" Chu Zhongtian's solemn introduction just now brightens Dongfang Yongping's eyes and can repair the potential after overdraft. This special energy is too precious.

Although he wanted to sit down and absorb the special energy after being transformed, he suppressed the impulse and gave the opportunity to Chu Zhongtian.

However, when he saw Chu Zhongtian's indisputable eyes, he gave up the ceremony and immediately sat down and began to absorb the energy transformed by the futon.

With the first energy absorbed into the body after being transformed, Dongfang Yongping showed an abnormal surprise expression on his face. Because he found that Chu Zhongtian's introduction just now was not accurate, perhaps it weakened the power of the transformed energy.

After absorbing the first energy, his overdraft potential was not only fully repaired, but even his previous injuries were nourished and recovered.

When a small part of the remaining energy was absorbed, he found that his cultivation was improved a little.

Although he has only been promoted a little, you should know that he is the top half step Qihai cultivation. Every improvement consumes terrible energy and takes a long time.

If you put the remaining energy into daily practice, it will cost at least tens of thousands of seven grade medium level spirit stones and nearly a day.

Facing the special energy that can improve his cultivation, the first idea in Dongfang Yongping's mind is not to absorb it immediately, but to let Chu Zhongtian practice and let him break through his cultivation as much as possible and further improve his strength.

As if he knew what Dongfang Yongping was thinking, when he was going to give up absorbing the energy transformed by the futon, a soothing voice from Chu Zhongtian came to his ear.

"Senior brother Dongfang, there are many dangers in the palace, and there is also the threat of Gong Rulin, the top ten experts in the inner door. Only when your strength is improved can I save my life and harvest the most precious treasures in the palace."

"Well, you continue to absorb energy. I'll go out and observe the situation." After telling Dongfang Yongping to continue to attract energy, Chu Zhongtian left the stone chamber, but he didn't close the door of the stone chamber.

Because when the array in the palace began to become powerful, he had to hide in the stone chamber. Otherwise, he will face the afterwave of array power with his strength, and there is only one result, that is, he will be completely blown to powder.

At the same time, leaving the stone chamber for observation, Chu Zhongtian expected to see a person who deliberately left clues and secretly helped him.

Chu Zhongtian is not sure whether that person can control his inner desire and follow the clues he deliberately left.

Standing at the door of the stone chamber, Chu Zhongtian began to look at the south, his eyes full of expectation.

When there were ten seconds left before the array became powerful, Chu Zhongtian's expectation in his eyes had gradually disappeared, and he began to plan to turn around and enter the stone chamber. A sudden figure immediately absorbed his attention.

When he found that the figure getting closer and closer was the person he expected, he couldn't help nodding.

"Elder martial brother Huang!" When the figure rushed to the stone chamber, Chu Zhongtian greeted with a smile on his face.

"Younger martial brother Chu!" With both hands clasping fists, Huang Yurong replied happily.

"Elder martial brother Huang, I know you must be full of questions at this time, but I won't explain to you for the time being, because you will accompany me to see a play and a big play you will never forget."

Standing at the door, he leaned aside and flashed an empty seat. Chu Zhongtian invited Huang Yurong.

"Go to the theatre!" Although Huang Yurong's face showed a puzzled expression, he still stood beside Chu Zhongtian honestly, and then looked at the south like him.


There is Huang Yurong, an expert in the half-step Qi sea period. When the afterwave of the array sweeps over, some experts may stop it. Therefore, Chu Zhongtian doesn't want to enter the stone chamber for the time being, and wants to feel the power of the array.

"Boom...!" Just as the voice of Chu Zhongtian fell, a deafening roar came from the palace.

The whole palace trembled with the roar. Feeling the strength of this power and looking at the place where the power broke out, Huang Yurong was full of gratitude to Chu Zhongtian at this time.

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