Due to the encounter in the stone room on the second floor of the blood devil secret place, he dared not touch the red statue easily to prevent unforeseen changes, so his attention shifted from the statue to the two jade slips placed below the statue.

There was no hurry to get the two jade slips placed on the table. Chu Zhongtian first stepped back and avoided the red statue. Then he took out a nine grade lower level spirit stone from the storage bag, mobilized his spirit to wrap the spirit stone, and stretched out his hand to bounce the spirit stone to the jade slips placed on the table.

"Pa!" The spirit stone knocked on a jade slip without any accident. The spirit stone directly bounced one of the jade slips and bounced back to the ground after touching the wall.

Bending down and reaching out, he picked up the jade slips that fell to the ground and opened them back and forth three times. He didn't find anything special about the jade slips.

However, thinking that the jade slips were found in the third floor of the prison Pavilion and placed under the mysterious red statue, the origin must be not simple, so Chu Zhongtian didn't dislike the seemingly ordinary jade slips, but wanted to put the jade slips in the storage ring on his chest.

However, just when he used his mind to collude with the jade slips and wanted to put the jade slips into the storage ring, the jade slips in his original hand suddenly exploded into a white energy and entered his mind along the idea.

In the face of the unexpected changes, Chu Zhongtian quickly bent his knees and sat down, not only mobilizing all the spiritual power in the Dantian, but also connecting the purple blood in his body to prevent the white energy in his mind from causing chaos.

The imagined changes not only did not bring any trouble to Chu Zhongtian, but also brought him unexpected surprises.

Consciousness slowly approaches the white energy in the mind. When it finds that the energy is not dangerous, consciousness plunges directly into the energy.

Then, a piece of text was integrated into his consciousness and asked him to start reading the content of the text.

Reading the text content and understanding the consciousness contained in the text word by word, Chu Zhongtian's face showed uncontrollable joy.

Because the white energy that just entered my mind is actually a practice skill. The name of the skill is taixuan Heart Sutra, which has the same root and origin as the taixuan Heart Sutra of Chu Zhongtian practice. It is the same practice skill.

More importantly, there are five layers of taixuan Heart Sutra in his mind, which is enough for him to practice to the peak of the divine soul period and solve his great problems at present.

Because there are only three levels of taixuan Heart Sutra skills owned by the Chu family, and they can only practice to the peak of Qi melting period, so when his cultivation level reaches the peak of Qi melting period, he will either find the remaining skills of taixuan Heart Sutra, or change the cultivation skills and choose a new one.

Re practicing the Heart Sutra skill has little impact on yourself, but the process of transforming power takes a long time.

If he changes his cultivation method at the peak of qi transformation period, it will take at least three to five months to adapt to the new method, transform the attribute I of all Zhenyuan in Dantian, and then try to break through the Qi sea period.

At this time, having the two-layer mental skill behind the taixuan mental classic can save him at least three to five months. Moreover, the transformation speed of the absorbed aura and the improvement of state of mind can not be compared with ordinary cultivation skills, so Chu Zhongtian doesn't want to change the cultivation skills easily.

His original intention was to check the skills of the sect and see if there were any follow-up skills of taixuan Heart Sutra after his cultivation broke through the qi transformation period and had the authority of internal disciples.

If there is the skill of taixuan Heart Sutra, he must get it no matter how many sectarian contribution points he spends.

If not, he will consider changing his cultivation methods.

At this time, he doesn't have to work hard to choose new cultivation methods, and he can save some sect contribution points. Isn't it a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

The jade slips that fell to the ground just now contain the cultivation skills of the taixuan Heart Sutra. What kind of skills are the jade slips placed on the table at this time?

Thinking of this, Chu Zhongtian quickly reached out and picked up the jade slips on the table. Using the way he had just consciously communicated with the jade slips, he began to check the contents of the jade slips.

Consciousness has just penetrated into the jade slips, and the jade slips in your hands, like the first jade slips, burst open in an instant and become an energy.

Different from the first jade slip, the energy formed by the explosion of the first jade slip is white and seems mild.

After the second jade slip was exploded, the energy formed was red.

Red represents strangeness and infinite variables, so seeing the red energy of the second jade slip, the world in Chu wants to dodge.

However, the red energy is integrated with his consciousness, and he can't avoid it at all. He can only watch the red energy enter his mind.

Now that this is the case, Chu Zhongtian can only choose to accept it, integrate his consciousness into the red energy and start reading the text after the transformation of red energy.

Just like reading the taixuan Heart Sutra, Chu Zhongtian also reads and understands the words transformed by red energy word by word.

After reading the red energy completely, the smile on Chu Zhongtian's face was not weaker than that when he just got the taixuan Heart Sutra skill.

Because the information recorded in the second jade slip is a powerful martial art with unlimited grade. The name of this martial art is called blood devil Dharma, which is a skill that uses blood to display martial arts.

There are nine types of blood devil Dharma in his mind, but he can only read the contents of two of them. The remaining seven types of martial arts are blocked by a special prohibition force, which makes him unable to read temporarily.

He didn't feel much disappointed about it.

Because the two moves of martial arts just read are enough for him to practice for a long time, and the red energy just integrated into his mind, in addition to the nine moves of the blood devil Dharma, there is also a piece of information about pills, a spell and a secret law.

The information about the pill describes the three pills he got from the second floor of the prison Pavilion.

The three pills are called sanhun Rongxue pill. According to the different colors, they represent the different grades of the three pills.

Take out the pill bottle again from the storage ring and pour out all the pills in the bottle. Chu Zhongtian is close to the pills and observes carefully. Finally, the differences of the three pills can be seen from the color of the pills.

According to the information provided by the jade slips and the color of the pill itself, Chu Zhongtian found that the slightly lighter color is human soul blood melting pill, which has reached the lower level of seven grades.

The pill with a slightly bright red color is dihun Rongxue pill, which has reached the middle level of seven grades.

The most gorgeous color is the tianhun blood melting pill with the highest grade and reaching the upper level of seven grades.

These three pills are used together with the blood devil Dharma.

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