Split Huashan!

sweep away the millions of enemy troops!

Cut silent!

These three simple sabres are the martial arts developed by Chu Zhongtian in combination with the basic sabres. Their power is comparable to that of the Yellow primary sabres.

The only drawback is that you can't add the increase of attribute power.

However, these three moves were as powerful as Huang pin's primary Sabre technique, but they were easily dissolved by the other party. Even after they were dissolved, the opponent had enough time and ability to fight back, which made Chu Zhongtian take a few steps back temporarily unprepared.

Looking at the pleased look on each other's face, Chu Zhongtian looked the same, and there was no trace of tension and fear in his heart.

After the test of the basic knife technique of the three moves just now, Chu Zhongtian found that the other party is also a genius who can surpass his own realm. He is definitely the strongest opponent since he participated in the competition, but he only played five layers of strength at this time.

"Chu Zhongtian, are you angry at my contempt just now?" The long sword in his hand took a sword flower. The other party looked disdainful and said in a contemptuous tone.

"Your own strength is not good, and you want to get to know me and other Kendo geniuses. I think you are a toad wanting to eat swan meat... Delusion!"

The scornful irony of the other party made Chu Zhong naive and really angry!

Just now it was just a simple test. You think you are right, so Chu Zhongtian raised the strength of suppression to one level, so that he can play six levels of strength next. At the same time, do not hide the attribute power you have.

The scorching sun is the most frequently used of the first level Sabre technique of huangpin. It is also a sabre technique that can thoroughly master its essence.

"The autumn water is continuous!" Seeing Chu Zhongtian take the initiative to launch an attack and start to use the sword technique, although the other party's attitude remains despised, the sword technique is extremely fierce after taking the shot.

A move of Huang pin's primary defensive sword technique is continuous in autumn. I intend to block Chu Zhongtian's move. His right foot retreated half an inch, and he planned to lift his Yin leg to completely solve Chu Zhongtian after the sword technique blocked Chu Zhongtian's sword technique.

However, when Chu Zhongtian's Lingdao was one meter away from him, the other party's face suddenly changed.

Because he felt the attribute power that can only be used in the realm of qi transformation from the spirit knife of Chu Zhongtian, which made him disillusioned that he wanted to easily solve his opponent with a move of primary defense sword and a stroke of lifting Yin legs.

Fortunately, he is also a genius with rich combat experience. He took back his right leg that had just retreated half an inch and mobilized all his spiritual power in the long sword, hoping to resist the attack of attribute power contained in Chu Zhongtian's move, and then he was trying to deal with Chu Zhongtian.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the power of attribute power contained in Chu Zhongtian's move. The blade tip containing attribute power was directly cut on his long sword, which not only cut a long gap, but also made him unable to resist the instant explosion of attribute power, and the exploded attribute power was directly bounced to the edge of the challenge arena.

He glanced at the gap on the long sword in his hand and looked down at the edge of the challenge arena. The opponent looked up at Chu Zhongtian with a dignified look.

According to Chu Zhongtian's previous fighting habits, this moment is a good opportunity to seize the victory and pursue the attack. With a simple move, he can completely beat him down the challenge arena and win the sixth round.

However, Xu Hua, who was in charge of the game, gave him a look to stop temporarily, which made him miss a good opportunity to pursue the victory.

The opponent who is bounced to the edge of the challenge arena by attribute power can be regarded as calming down for more than a minute.

Holding a sword with one hand, introduce yourself to the swordsman with the most solemn etiquette.

"Chen te came to see elder martial brother Chu. Thank you, elder martial brother Chu, for your mercy just now. Younger martial brother remembered it!"

Seeing Chen tejin's respectful look at this time and the etiquette of holding a swordsman just now, Chu Zhongtian couldn't help thinking of Lu Yuan who met in the challenge arena of purgatory city.

At the beginning, they both had a proud and contemptuous attitude, but if they conquered them in strength, they would gain their respect and friendship.

No wonder Xu Hua asked himself not to attack for the time being. It turned out that he had known Chen tejin for a long time, understood Chen tejin's character and knew that he was a deep friend.

"Will the game continue?" Although Xu Hua is kind and wants him to make some friends, he doesn't agree that Chen tejin is the business of Chu Zhongtian. Therefore, in the face of Chen tejin's Swordsman etiquette, Chu Zhongtian didn't respond as he did in purgatory city.

"Of course, I was just careless just now. Next, elder martial brother Chu should be careful!" Chu Zhongtian did not give a warm response and did not make Chen tejin dissatisfied.

Because he was the one who was impolite at the beginning, Chu Zhongtian could not easily forgive him because of a simple sentence or two and a grand ceremony.

"Autumn wind and fallen leaves!" Chu Zhongtian is a genius who can surpass his own realm, which not only attracts Chen tejin's attention, but also arouses the desire of inner battle. This time, he directly gives full play to his full strength and exerts his most powerful and familiar medium-level sword technique so far.

"Start a prairie fire!" Seeing the sword flowers sweeping across the sky like fallen leaves in autumn, Chu Zhongtian dared not neglect it. He also used one move of the medium-level Sabre technique, the group offensive Sabre technique, broke the sword technique with the sabre technique and smashed the fallen leaves with spark.

Chu Zhongtian gives full play to the strength of six layers, which is equivalent to the cultivation of nine layers at the peak of physical training.

Chen tejin, who gives full play to his real strength, is also equivalent to the nine layer peak in the physical training period. Therefore, the autumn wind and leaves with similar power and the prairie fire offset each other, and no one has an advantage.

Chu Zhongtian likes to take the initiative in battle. After a single fire breaks the autumn wind and leaves, he directly takes millet from the fire and takes the key place of Chen tejin.

"A word will last forever!" Seeing that Chu Zhongtian not only easily scattered his autumn wind and leaves, but also took the opportunity to take the initiative to attack, Chen tejin also did not dare to neglect, and used one move and one word for thousands of years to resist taking millet from the fire.

Seeing that Chen tejin's sword tip directly attacked the palm of his hand holding the handle in a very strange way, Chu Zhongtian temporarily changed the attack track, and the original key point of the sword tip directly pointed to the long sword that had just been blown out of the gap by the scorching sun.

Although Chen tejin's power of one word for thousands of years is powerful, there is still a certain gap compared with taking millet from fire, which contains attribute power.

The tip of the knife blows directly at the gap of the long sword, making the original gap wider and deeper. At the same time, the attribute power contained in the tip of the sword directly acts on Chen tejin's left hand holding the handle of the sword through the gap of the long sword.

"Ah!" The sword is still the second life of a pure swordsman. Even if the whole arm is broken, he can't give up the long sword in his hand, so he stubbornly bears the explosion of attribute power.

"Stop it!"

Looking at the blood flowing out of Chen te's mouth and Chu Zhongtian who wanted to continue the attack, Xu Hua, who was in charge of the game, directly appeared between the two people and motioned them to stop.

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