The scream was only half a sound, and the master on the fourth floor of the Tian family was cut in half by Chu Zhongtian's knife.

"You want to die!" Seeing that their companions were cut in half by Chu Zhongtian's knife, the remaining two Tianjia players were immediately angry and took out their weapons and rushed to Chu Zhongtian.

In their opinion, their companions were killed just now not because Chu Zhongtian's strength was too strong, but because their companions were too careless. They didn't expect Chu Zhongtian to be so insidious and would directly attack the vital parts, which eventually led to being killed. Therefore, when they rushed over, they not only raised the alarm, but also used all their strength.

Looking at the two contestants of the Tian family who rushed over, Chu Zhongtian still looked the same. First, he stretched out his legs and kicked the long sword that the Tian family's children who had just been killed fell to the ground, with a hard flick of his fingers.

The long sword immediately turned into a dark weapon and rushed directly to the five level opponent in the gas refining period. Then the spirit of 1/5 was mobilized, and the whole man jumped up to split the Huashan style with a force and directly split into the four tier opponent of the gas making stage.

"Ah...!" Just like the ordinary warrior Chu Zhongtian met when he just left the endless forest some time ago, when facing his move to split Huashan, the opponent also chose to block it with his weapons.

Although the other party's realm is higher than him, his own strength is not as good as him. Under the attack of Chu Zhongtian's move, although the other party's ordinary ten weapon refining weapons blocked his steel knife, he couldn't bear the impact under the force splitting.

The steel knife pressed the long sword and cut directly on his scalp. Then a stream of blood came out of his head.

Seeing that the other party had half a breath left, Chu Zhongtian didn't stop at all after landing. He flew up and kicked directly into the other party's heart.

There was no scream, and the other party fell to the ground and died. At this time, the five layer expert in the Qi refining period who picked up the long sword had just rushed to three meters in the sky in the middle of Chu.

Looking at his companion who attacked with all his strength, he was seriously injured and killed with one foot. The most powerful Tian expert was completely angered. He roared and used the sword technique of Changsha Feiyan to take Chu Zhongtian's arm.

Chu Zhongtian temporarily dodges the opponent's full strength move. When the opponent's move fails, he uses a move to entangle the opponent's weapon directly. At the same time, there was no idleness under his feet. He lifted his Yin foot and kicked directly into the other party's crotch.

In the face of Chu Zhongtian's surprise move to lift the Yin leg, the Tian family master secretly scolded a mean voice, and then reluctantly backed away.

The opponent retreated and Chu Zhongtian saw the flaw. He immediately used a move to push, and the tip of the steel knife in his hand pierced the other party's heart.

"Damn it!" Looking at Chu Zhongtian's moves, all of which were fatal attacks, the Tian family master finally reacted.

Although the opponent's realm is not high, his strength is very strong and his combat experience is also very rich. If it weren't for his higher level and a lot of combat experience, I'm afraid he would have died under the knife of his opponent at this time.

In fact, this is just his imagination. If you let him know that Chu Zhongtian has only used one sixth of his strength since the fight, I'm afraid he doesn't think so.

Looking at the tip of the steel knife stabbing into his heart, the Tian family master had no time to block it with weapons. He had to beat the blade of the steel knife with his empty right hand to change the attack direction.

However, he underestimated Chu Zhongtian's reaction ability. Just as his right hand was about to shoot the back of the steel knife, the original blade was downward. Suddenly, the blade was directly aimed at the palm of his right hand.

Because he wanted to beat the back of the knife with all his strength to change the attack direction, when he saw that the blade of the steel knife was aligned with his palm, he had no time to stop, and his palm directly patted the blade.

Chu Zhongtian's steel knife is a ten refining high-quality steel knife specially selected by Chu Dan. Not to mention its high quality, it is very sharp.

The result of the palm slapping with the blade is that the steel knife directly cuts off his palm.

"Ah!" The master of the Tian family who lost half his palm screamed directly. After all, there are five fingers on the lost half of the palm.

Chu Zhongtian didn't care if his opponent was in pain. After cutting off half of his palm with a steel knife, he didn't take it back. He twisted his wrist back and forth, with the handle up and the blade down. With the move he used to kill his last opponent just now, he cut him directly from his crotch and cut him in half.

Killing three opponents in succession, the consumption of Chu Zhongtian is not too large. However, he did not collect the belongings of the three bodies, nor did he bend over to remove the inner pill of the flower Tailed Fox. Instead, he directly carried a steel knife and quickly fled to the East.

Just as Chu Zhongtian left his place, a sharp long sword stabbed his shadow.

Looking at Chu Zhongtian who fled quickly, the master of the sword suddenly looked at his back with a dignified face, and said in an unusually dignified tone: "enough vigilance!"

Perhaps because he had two souls, Chu Zhongtian found his consciousness very sensitive. When he killed the three players of the Tian family just now, he felt a threat approaching.

But he didn't know where the threat was. When he killed the five level master of the Tian family during the Qi refining period, he was acutely aware of the threat, so he could react quickly and leave in time.

After escaping for tens of meters, Chu Zhongtian turned his head and took a look. Then there was a chill in his eyes.

Qi Fengyun, a member of the royal family, is an expert of the side branch of the royal family. The realm is already the sixth floor of the gas refining period. If one-on-one, Chu Zhongtian is not afraid of him. It's not certain who lives and who dies under all-out fighting.

The reason why he chose to escape was not that he was afraid, but that he was unwilling to attract the attention of Royal experts in advance.

Others don't know that he is Chu Zhongtian, but Qi Yilong knows. If it attracts the attention of Royal experts now, especially knowing his true identity, I'm afraid the royal family will take killing themselves as the main goal in the next period of time.

After all, he has the talent of top-grade eight, which is too dangerous to the royal family. Even if the result of this hunting test is a little worse, we should get rid of him in advance.

Among the people participating in the competition, in addition to Liu Yongjun, who has reached the peak of the seventh floor of the gas refining period, and Wang Chao, who has reached the perfection of the seventh floor of the gas refining period, the last thing Chu Zhongtian wants to meet now is the master of the royal family.

After fleeing a distance and finding that the other party didn't catch up, Chu Zhongtian slowed down his speed and took out the circuit diagram given by Chu fan.

After comparison, Chu Zhongtian found that his current position was very close to the last place marked on the road map.

The hunting competition has just passed three days. According to the initial arrangement, he wanted to continue to improve his combat experience, but he was so close to the sign on the road map that Chu Zhongtian decided to go and have a look first.

If there is a treasure to improve your strength, it will be more helpful for the next competition.

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