However, for Chu Zhongtian, although the environment with sufficient aura has a certain temptation, the importance of spirit stone is stronger for him who has the copy and paste program.

At the same time, his own situation and his adventurous nature determine that he can't stay in a place to practice at ease, so the environment with sufficient aura is not 100% suitable for him.

Seeing Chu Zhongtian still untouched by him, long Xingyun decided to use his first mace.

"Younger martial brother Chu, as the peak of the Lord's daily practice and daily life, in addition to sufficient aura, the mountain is planted with spiritual fruits with ten grades lower and six grades higher."

"These spiritual fruits include spiritual fruits that can improve cultivation, spiritual fruits that can enhance potential, and spiritual fruits that can improve understanding."

"Younger martial brother Chu, if you are willing to join the Lord peak, you can pick spiritual fruits of different grades according to your own needs!"

Tian Jun, standing behind long Xingyun, couldn't help but stretch out his hand and pull his sleeve to remind him of the seriousness of the promise when he heard that elder martial brother made this promise.

As a disciple of zongzhufeng, Tian Jun knows the value of those spiritual fruits very well. He also knows the desire of other disciples of zongzhufeng for spiritual fruits. The promise made by long Xingyun just now is likely to bring a lot of trouble to Chu Zhongtian.

"Younger martial brother, don't worry. I know what I promise." Long Xingyun knew what Tian Jun was worried about, but he didn't take it to heart.

The spiritual fruits on the mountain are foreign objects and can only play an auxiliary role. Whether there are these spiritual fruits has little impact on the suzerain peak.

If Chu Zhongtian agrees to join zongzhufeng, he will take all the spiritual fruits and longxingyun won't frown.

As for the trouble that Chu Zhongtian may encounter, this is what long Xingyun expects to see.

The third temptation of long Xingyun really makes Chu Zhongtian feel excited.

Because his cultivation can be improved rapidly and his strength can surpass his four or five small realms, more than half of the credit comes from pills and spiritual fruits.

If the spiritual fruit grade on the Lord peak is complete enough, he who has the copy and paste program only needs to constantly earn enough spiritual stones that can be copied and pasted, then he can improve his cultivation without limitation.

Of course, the heart returned to the heart. Chu Zhongtian was not moved by the temptation just promised. He just showed a little concern.

Seeing Chu Zhongtian still unmoved, longxingyun can only continue to increase its chips.

"Younger martial brother Chu, in addition to planting spiritual fruits of different grades on the zongzhufeng, he has also captive many powerful beasts of different grades. Younger martial brother Chu can choose a beast as a pet to enhance his strength."

The fourth promise made by long Xingyun has made many disciples on the scene crazy.

Pick the spiritual fruit of improving cultivation, potential and understanding at will. You can choose different animals of different grades as different pets at will. Even if you can only choose one such moving condition, these disciples on the scene immediately agreed to join zongzhufeng.

However, for Chu Zhongtian, the above conditions may be exciting, but they are not enough to move his faith to switch to other mountains.

Seeing the still unmoved Chu Zhongtian, longxingyun closed his eyes and meditated for a while.

Later, he looked very solemn and said, "younger martial brother Chu, now zongzhufeng has 360 disciples, of which 352 are registered disciples and enjoy the treatment of ordinary disciples. Eight disciples are true disciples and enjoy the highest treatment of zongzhufeng."

"Younger martial brother Chu, among the eight true disciples, six of them were accepted by my generation. Younger martial brother Tian Jun is one of them. Only my mentor and the fifth martial brother came forward to accept us as disciples."

"Younger martial brother Chu, if you agree to join zongzhufeng, then I will personally ask my mentor to go out of the mountain and let him personally take you as an apprentice!"

For the fifth promise made by long Xingyun, many disciples on the scene were only envious, but not jealous.

Because they know that to be accepted as an apprentice by the leader of Liuyun sect in person requires not only the qualification, potential and understanding of the vast majority of talents, but also the strength of Superman.

These conditions only Chu Zhongtian really has, so they only have the share of envy, but they have no heart of jealousy.

Of course, not everyone at the scene thought so.

At least for LV Cong, He Ying and Ma Qiwei, they think their conditions are no worse than those of Chu Zhongtian, and the only thing they lack is luck. Therefore, their eyes looking at Chu Zhongtian are full of envy, jealousy and even a trace of resentment.

Long Xingyun made many promises, but the only thing that really moved Chu Zhongtian was that the leader of Liuyun sect personally accepted him as a disciple.

Although he didn't enter Liuyun sect for a long time, he knew the importance of learning from others through the experience of prison refining city and blood demon secret place.

After having their own teachers, they can get a complete and systematic study and solve the questions in the process of practice anytime and anywhere. More importantly, we can learn a lot about the secrets of the mainland and the situation of the secret land, so as not to be in a fog at the end of the matter.

However, Chu Zhongtian still couldn't agree because he needed to ask Jiao Enjun for advice.

Looking up at Jiao Enjun, Chu Zhongtian accidentally found that Jiao Enjun closed his eyes and thought deeply at this time, a gesture that he didn't want to give him any opinions. However, Chu Zhongtian, who was careful, still saw that he was very nervous at this time from his action of gripping the armrest of the black dragon chair.


This is an idea in Chu Zhongtian's mind when he saw Jiao Enjun holding the handrail tightly.

The promise made by long Xingyun makes Jiao Enjun nervous. He doesn't want to enter the suzerain peak and worship the suzerain as a teacher.

After leaving the Chu family and entering Liuyun sect, Jiao Enjun was the only one who really contacted and cared about himself.

Although his attitude towards him was not respected at ordinary times, Chu Zhongtian really respected and attached to him because of this.

However, being able to enter the sect leader peak and become the true disciple of the sect leader is probably the biggest dream of more than 100000 external disciples, internal disciples, core disciples and true disciples of Liuyun sect. Chu Zhongtian is not willing to give up this rare opportunity.

Therefore, he needs to get Jiao Enjun's consent, or he needs to know what Jiao Enjun thinks.

Thinking of this, Chu Zhongtian apologized to long Xingyun: "elder martial brother long, please wait a moment."

Then he raced straight to the high platform and came to Jiao Enjun.

"Elder Jiao, elder martial brother long promised many attractive conditions just now, which really makes me very excited, but I want to ask for your opinion!"

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