The wall is about hundreds of miles long, about three meters high and about five meters thick. This wall is a temporary wall built by Chu fan with hundreds of people and thousands of labor in more than 20 days, in order to block the attack of the three families and avoid the destruction of the family residence.

Among the hundreds of miles of walls, there is a temporarily built towering building, which is used as a temporary gathering place for the high-rise of the Chu family.

Standing on the towering tower, Chu Zhengxuan, Chu Tianyun and the elder looked indifferent as they watched the team slowly approaching in the distance, with more than 10000 people.

Because Chu Tianyun and the elder know that Chu Zhengxuan, whose cultivation has broken through the gas sea period, can completely destroy all the other party's experts in the gas period. The victory of this war has long belonged to the Chu family.

However, the clansmen who didn't know that Chu Zhengxuan broke through the gas sea period and the martial artists of affiliated forces looked at the slowly attacking opponents with a dignified look, and even many martial artists with poor psychological quality dropped their weapons directly to the ground.

After all, people over 10000, boundless, the feeling of not seeing the edge is too frightening.

Ten minutes later, the three families united with tens of thousands of fighters from nearly eight layers of forces in Lucheng to stop hundreds of meters away from the wall.

"Chu Tianyun, the royal family of the state of Qi has always been kind and polite to your Chu family. Why did you rebel?" When the team stopped and stood on the chariot pulled by eight dragon horses, Qi Heng asked in a high voice.

"Lord, the Chu family started with pills, pursued harmony to make money, and never made friends with others. At the same time, we have always been law-abiding, never been polite, and never had a rebellious heart. Please don't listen to the words of villains and kill loyal officials!" Chu Tian, standing on the high-rise building, carried him to the edge of the city and said blindly in a condescending attitude.

"Chu Tianyun, don't be cunning. I have got conclusive evidence to prove that you have a rebellious heart. Otherwise, I don't want to raise troops to fight." Facing the nonsense of Chu Tianyun, Qi Heng had expected it, so he had already prepared.

He motioned to the eunuch standing next to the Jiaolong horse and ordered the eunuch to turn and enter the crowd.

After about a minute, a middle-aged man dressed in the clothes of the Chu family came out to reach the peak of the six levels of physical training.

"Chu Tianyun, do you know the man in front of you?" Pointing to the middle-aged man standing in front of the crowd, Qi Heng asked proudly.

"Who is this man? The patriarch neither knows nor has seen him!" Seeing the middle-aged man coming out of the crowd, Chu Tianyun felt his little heart clenched and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the middle-aged man who came out of the crowd is still an outside elder of the Chu family, and he is also a respected elder and an important figure who knows many family secrets.

Elders like this betrayed the family, which had a great impact on the Chu family.

Fortunately, these foreign elders don't know the biggest secret of the family now, that is to return to the family. Their cultivation has reached the fourth floor of the qi transformation period, and now they have been secretly cultivating to break through the seventh floor of the qi transformation period before the war.

At the beginning, in front of the Yaotian wooden house and before the four ended their conversation, Chu Zhongtian specially reminded that in the face of the alliance of the three families, some people in the family would not bear this pressure and eventually choose to betray.

Therefore, his accomplishments and the next purpose must be kept strictly confidential. In addition to the three people on the scene, the most is to inform Chu fan, who is responsible for the internal affairs of the family, and the three elders who master the punishment.

It is precisely because of Chu Zhongtian's foresight that the largest secret room of the family can be preserved to this day.

"Chu Tianyun, open your dog's eyes and have a look. Dare you say you don't know the man in front of you!" Seeing that Chu Tianyun pretended to be a rogue, Qi Heng asked loudly.

"Lord, I really don't know the man in front of me. Could you please introduce me to him?" In the face of Qi Heng who was in a bad temper, Chu Tianyun still said without haste.

"Yes, you can!" In the face of Chu Tianyun's shameless denial, Qi Hengqi was speechless.

After taking a few deep breaths and forcibly suppressing his inner anger, he ordered the middle-aged man standing in front of the crowd: "come on!"

"Yes, Lord!" The middle-aged man responded respectfully.

Later, he looked up at Chu Tianyun and greeted with a sneer: "the external elder Huang Handong has seen the patriarch, the ancestor, the elder and his colleagues!"

Seeing the initiative and greeting with a very familiar tone, many elders upstairs were gnashing their teeth at the middle-aged man, eager to pull him out of his muscles and bones to vent their anger.

However, Chu Tianyun didn't hate Huang Handong like the family elders, nor did he panic as people imagined. Some just said with a surprised face: "are you Huang Handong, an outside elder?"

"Patriarch, you are so forgetful. Half a month ago, we had a drink together and talked about our hearts. Did you forget?" Looking at Chu Tianyun pretending to be surprised, Huang Handong asked with a sneer.

"Yes, half a month ago, elder Huang once asked me to drink and talk, but he came to me with an attitude of repentance because he committed an unforgivable crime and raped his two biological daughters." Chu Tianyun said the above paragraph in an unspeakable tone.

"You, you, you spit, you talk nonsense!" When he raped his two biological daughters and heard the excrement basin buckled by Chu Tianyun on his head, Huang Handong turned pale and refuted. At the same time, he also paid attention to the views of the people behind him.

At this time, he obviously felt that the people looked into his eyes, showing a trace of contempt.

"I'm sorry, I also think what I said just now is blood spouting and nonsense, but the crime just now was told by elder Huang himself." Shrugging his shoulders, Chu Tianyun said with a helpless expression.

"If you deny that you are elder Huang, the crime I just said can't be compared with you. You don't have to be so angry."

"If you admit that you are elder Huang, then you are the one who raped your own daughter. You have committed a crime of how treacherous and contrary to secular theories. You still have the face to live in this world. You don't immediately commit yourself in front of the world." Chu Tianyun shouted.

"No, I'm not elder Huang, and I don't know you!" Chu Tianyun shouted and scolded, making Huang Handong directly deny that he was the one who raped his own daughter. At the same time, he directly turned and left the scene and ran away to the West.

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