When the last supreme elder sat down, an old man with slightly gray hair but good mental state walked into the conference hall with a gentle look.

After seeing the white haired old people sitting on the right and left sides, the old man walked into the hall and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Elder, is this the attitude you should have towards us old people who once contributed their youth to the family!" Seeing the old man walking into the conference hall, he not only didn't salute them, but directly questioned why they came. Chu Xingping, the last supreme elder in charge of family punishment, asked discontentedly.

"I've seen your uncles!" Facing the questioning of the third supreme elder, the elder's expression did not change at all, and his tone was a faint greeting.

"Third uncle, I've already done the ceremony. Now should you explain to me why you're here?" After greeting, the elder continued to ask questions politely.

Although the elder doesn't care much about family affairs, he doesn't pay low attention to the things about Chu Zhongtian. He knew that today's meeting was about how Chu Zhongtian distributed the spoils and the next development plan of the Chu family.

The last elders, who had not asked about the world for a long time, came to the conference hall. I'm afraid the purpose is to snatch part of the share in the next distribution of interests, which makes the elder very dissatisfied.

"Elder, these uncles are specially invited by me. Because today's topic is related to the future of my Chu family, we must be supervised by these experienced elders to prevent us from going the wrong way!" In the face of the elder's question, the eight supreme elders here have not come and explained. Chu Tianyun Hongxiang's voice came from the outside door of the living room.

"Oh, the patriarch invited it!" As the eldest elder with the highest level of family Dandao, he seldom pays attention to family affairs and doesn't know some means of competing for power and profit, so Chu Tianyun's explanation convinced him very much.

At the same time, he also gave up continuing to investigate the reasons why the supreme elders came.

Seeing the change of attitude, Chu fan, sitting in the second row on the right, was secretly worried. If Chu Zhongtian wants to win today's power seizure, he must get the full support of two people. The first is Chu Zhengxuan, the strongest person in the family, and the second is the great elder with high prestige.

As long as these two people fully support Chu Zhongtian, it is not easy for the patriarch Chu Tianyun to oppress Chu Zhongtian with the authority of the eight supreme elders.

When the elder and Chu Tianyun were seated, seven family children of the younger generation and six family children of the younger generation appeared at the door of the conference hall at the same time.

Seeing the elite disciple who suddenly appeared at the door of the conference hall, the three elders in charge of family punishment roared with a gloomy face.

"Today is the family's regular meeting once a month. What are you doing here?"

"If we return to the third elder, we have received the order of the young patriarch to let us participate in today's regular meeting!" Facing the three elders' black face like an iron pot, Chu Yuping responded without fear.

"It was the arrangement of the young patriarch!" The three elders who were originally angry heard that it was Chu Zhongtian's arrangement, and their anger disappeared instantly.

"Except that Zhongba can attend today's regular meeting, the remaining children will leave here temporarily!" Seeing the three elders who took the initiative to retreat, the patriarch Chu Tianyun was very dissatisfied. At the same time, he also decided to find a way to replace the three elders after he took charge of the power of the family.

However, this is not the time to consider changing the three elders, but how to deal with the more than ten young family children standing outside the door.

Chu Zhongba is his only son and the first candidate to succeed him as the successor of the patriarch in the future. It is reasonable for him to contact family affairs in advance. For the young children of other families, they can't attend the regular family meeting.

"Why, you want to disobey the order of the patriarch!" Seeing Chu Yuping and others standing motionless at the door, an outer gate elder who had secretly taken refuge in Chu Tianyun, threatened in a gloomy tone.

In the face of the threat from the outside elders, none of the ten young children standing at the door showed fear or expression of fear. They stood there with a calm look.

"Three elders, according to the clan rules of the Chu family. If you don't obey the order of the clan leader, how should you be punished?" Looking at his young children who didn't bird at all, the outer door elder who took the initiative to talk seemed to be insulted. His face was gloomy and asked the three elders with gnashing teeth.

"According to the family rules, do not respect the elders, abolish cultivation and expel the family!" The three elders who are proficient in family rules subconsciously say the rules when they hear someone interrogate them, but when he reacts, he regrets it.

My answer just now obviously offended Chu Zhongtian. It's not attached to the policy I formulated at the beginning!

Seven days ago, Chu Tianyun privately found himself and discussed the distribution of interests with him. The three elders knew that he wanted to compete for power and profit with Chu Zhongtian.

Whether it's Chu Tianyun, the patriarch who has mastered the family for more than ten years and Enwei has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, or Chu Zhongtian, who is highly qualified and powerful, the three elders don't want to offend. He just knows how to protect himself.

Therefore, in the face of the appeal of Chu Tianyun, he can only deal with it with vague words, and he has always maintained such an attitude towards what happened today.

However, these young children standing at the door of the conference hall are people who worship Chu Zhongtian extremely. Their subconscious answer just now seems to outsiders that they are obviously biased towards the patriarch, which is contrary to his original intention.

After hearing the reply from the three elders, the angry outer door elder directly stood up and walked with a grim smile to Chu Yuping and others standing at the door.

"Wu Xinghua, what do you want to do?" After Chu Yuping and others appeared, the elder, who was originally sitting at the head on the right side of the second row and keeping his eyes closed, realized that today's regular meeting was somewhat unusual.

When he heard that the patriarch left Chu Zhongba alone and drove away Chu Yu, who was closest to Chu Zhongtian, he already felt that something was wrong.

When the elder of a foreign nationality took advantage of the clan rules to attack the young disciples, he finally understood what was going on and why Chu Tianyun invited eight supreme elders who had not asked about the world for many years in order to compete for power and profit today.

While regretting the shortsightedness of Chu Tianyun, the elder was even more angry at elder Wu who wanted to use the clan rules to deal with young disciples.

Facing elder Wu, who walked to Chu Yuping with a grim smile, the elder directly stood up after a violent drink.

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