However, he did not rush into the conference hall.

While chatting quietly with the 11 young children guarding outside the hall, I listened to the decision of the ten inner clan elders about their own destiny in the hall.

After hearing that he only got three votes, Chu Zhongtian's face not only showed no anger, but also showed a happy smile, which puzzled the 11 young family children.

"Young patriarch, the third person who opposes abolishing your successor qualification is my father. He is the ten elders of the inner race!" Seeing Chu Zhongtian's intention to enter the conference hall, Chu Zhenpeng quickly reminded him.

The third objector turned out to be Chu Zhenpeng's father, which Chu Zhongtian didn't expect, so he nodded to Chu Zhenpeng to show his gratitude.

Then, he greeted the 11 young children who were waiting outside the door. While loudly refuting Chu Tianyun's decision, he stepped into the conference hall.

"You go in with me!"

"Chu Zhongtian, the elders of the inner clan have decided to abolish your qualification as heir, so you of the younger generation are not qualified to enter the conference hall. Now please leave here immediately." Just after Chu Zhongtian took 11 young children into the conference hall, elder Wu, a lackey of Chu Tianyun, took the initiative to pick them out.

Seeing the elder Wu who took the initiative to provoke himself, Chu Zhongtian sneered. He didn't see any action. The elder Wu sitting in the third row on the right seemed to be wrapped around his neck and pulled him to Chu Zhongtian in an instant.

Use Zhenyuan to display the high-level body method and martial arts of the peak state, so that the speed of Chu Zhongtian is close to the remnant shadow. At the same time, because he was only more than ten meters away from elder Wu, the residual shadow disappeared before it could be displayed. This made no one see how Chu Zhongtian caught elder Wu in front of him except Chu Zhengxuan, who reached the stage of Qi sea.

"Do you know what kind of meeting it is today?" His right hand tightly pinched elder Wu's neck, and Chu Zhongtian asked coldly.

"Uh...!" Wu Chang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Chu Zhongtian couldn't make any sound at all. He could only make a sign.

"Although the martial arts of the family's affiliated forces are the cornerstone of the family's development and growth, they should also know the weight and discretion!" As if there was no need for elder Wu to explain anything at all, Chu Zhongtian continued to say to himself.

"For those who don't know the importance and don't know the proper measure, there is only one punishment means in Chu Zhongtian, death!" With a dead word, Chu Zhongtian's thumb and index finger pinched hard. Elder Wu, who had been struggling desperately, completely calmed down.

Seeing that Chu Zhongtian didn't care about the people at all, he directly killed elder Wu. All the people in the conference hall, except Chu Zhengxuan, didn't have any expression. Everyone looked greatly changed. Several timid foreign elders even couldn't help shrinking their necks, as if they were the foreign elders who chose to strangle in the middle of Chu.

Chu Tianyun, sitting on the throne, stared at Chu Zhongtian.

Chu Tianyun's first reaction to Chu Zhongtian's reckless act of directly strangling a foreign elder in front of the crowd was to stop him immediately.

However, just when he wanted to stop, a very special force directly imprisoned him on the throne, so that he could neither speak nor use the strength of the qi transformation period to rescue elder Wu, so he had to watch elder Wu be killed.

After throwing away the dead elder Wu, Chu Zhongtian's eyes turned to Chu Tianyun. After discovering the abnormality of Chu Tianyun, the first reaction was that Huang Lao in his mind Secretly helped him.

For this, he not only did not appreciate it, but was very dissatisfied.

"Huang Lao, no matter what happens next, I hope you just be a spectator and never be a director!"

Seeing Chu Zhongtian's discovery of his small means, old Huang smiled shyly and didn't say much.

The reason why he used the power of the spirit to temporarily imprison Chu Tianyun was to see if Chu Zhongtian had the courage to directly destroy elder Wu who dared to take the initiative in front of everyone.

Chu Zhongtian's reaction and practice were greatly beyond his expectation.

Because he not only dares to kill elder Wu directly, but also can be calm and calm without a trace of ups and downs, which makes old Huang admire very much.

"Chu Zhongtian, bold!" Chu Tianyun, who lifted the imprisonment, slapped the handrail of the throne and shouted.

"Yes, I'm just brave!" Shrugging her shoulders, Chu Tiansi didn't care about Chu Tianyun's scolding.

Then, he went straight to the first seat in the first row on the right and asked a pale old man in his 70s and 80s, "who are you, please?"

Chu Zhongtian found the special changes in the conference hall at the first sight after entering the conference hall.

At the same time, according to each other's age and accomplishments, he also guessed who the eight white haired elders were, but he pretended not to know.

"I'm still the last three elders in charge of punishment!" Facing Chu Zhongtian's interrogation, the elder of the third supreme master replied with an iron blue face.

Originally, when Chu Zhongtian LED 11 young children into the conference hall, the three supreme elders who used to be in charge of punishment wanted to yell at them.

But he was robbed by elder Wu.

However, after seeing Chu Zhongtian's reckless direct killing of elder Wu, the anger of the third supreme elder immediately disappeared, but he was still dissatisfied with Chu Zhongtian's practice.

Therefore, facing Chu Zhongtian's interrogation, the third supreme elder didn't give him a good face.

"Oh!" The introduction of the third supreme elder made Chu Zhongtian pretend to be enlightened. Then he waved his hand and motioned, "please move your seat."

"What do you mean, boy?" Hearing that Chu Zhongtian unexpectedly asked him to move his seat, the third supreme elder asked with a gloomy face and a poor tone.

"The meaning is very simple. There are no seats for eight of you in the conference hall. What should you do? Don't delay our meeting here!" Facing the poor questioning of the third supreme elder, Chu Zhongtian also fought back without any mercy.

"Xiao Tian, pay attention to your words!" Chu Zhongtian's disrespect for the eight supreme elders made the elder worry that his actions would arouse the disgust of all the elders in the hall, so he deliberately reminded him.

"Elder, Xiaotian knows what you mean!" He turned around and responded to the elder's reminder. Turning around, Chu Zhongtian said proudly to all the elders sitting in the hall.

"If you want to win the respect of others, you must do something worthy of the respect of others!

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