Chu Zhongtian's order just now is too insidious!

If they obediently follow the bodyguard to leave the conference hall today, they will not only lose their involvement in the next distribution of interests, but also be deprived of their freedom in the future. This makes the supreme elders who are used to being high above the world and doing whatever they want how can they be willing to do.

Therefore, the angry eight supreme elders stood up and stood side by side, glaring at Chu Zhongtian.

"What's the matter? You want to hit me!" Seeing that he stood up and stared at his eight supreme elders murderously, Chu Zhongtian asked with a sneer.

Later, he didn't allow the eight supreme elders to speak. He said to himself: "since I stepped on the road of practice in Chu Zhongtian, in order to enhance my strength and control my destiny, I was the enemy in front of me. As a result, there was only one, death!"

"If you count carefully, in a short period of one year, there are not less than hundreds of enemies who have died under my command. Among these hundreds, there are not only royal princes, heirs of Qipin and liupin aristocratic families, but also disciples of morxin sect and Huashan sword sect. Now the only thing they lack is the blood of their relatives."

Speaking of this, Chu Zhongtian's shoulders shook slightly, and a strong murderous spirit rose in an instant. With the strong murderous spirit, he also threatened: "eight supreme elders, to tell you the truth, if you dare to take the initiative today, I don't mind my hands being stained with the blood of my family!"

"You...!" Facing the demon like Chu Zhongtian, the eight supreme elders did not advance or retreat at this time.

Entering is tantamount to facing him head-on. Chu Zhongtian's introduction just now, and with the strong murderous spirit emanating from him, the eight supreme elders knew that what he just said was not a threat, but really dared to kill.

According to his high-level cultivation during the qi transformation period and the thunder means on the battlefield, the eight supreme elders know that even if their eight and a half step qi transformation period experts unite, they are not the enemy of Chu Zhongtian's move.

Retreat means that they take the initiative to be soft. The result of active obedience is to accept the request just put forward by Chu Zhongtian, not only can not intervene in the next distribution of interests, but also be restricted freedom.

This makes them used to pointing their fingers and interfering in family affairs at will. How can they be willing.

Seeing Chu Zhongtian, who was murderous and could start at any time, the elder of the family first took a look at Chu Tianyun and found that he looked depressed and his eyes were dazed. He didn't know how to deal with the current situation, so he couldn't help shaking his head.

Later, he turned his attention to Chu Zhengxuan, the strongest man in the family. He even closed his eyes and meditated, and did not intend to defuse his posture at all.

In desperation, the elder can only resolve it by himself.

"Xiao Tian, anyway, these uncles have devoted their whole lives to the family and let them leave the Council hall and stay out of today's affairs, but I'm afraid it's too much to restrict their freedom!"

"According to your opinion, elder!" The elder personally came forward to resolve the conflict between the two sides. Although Chu Zhongtian was reluctant, he accepted it respectfully.

If it was someone else who would persuade him at this time, even if he was Chu Zhengxuan, Chu Zhongtian would not necessarily give him this face, but in the face of the great elder who gave him his father's love, he could not refute or object, but could only accept it passively.

"Well!" Seeing Chu Zhongtian, who was still obedient to his arrangement, although he was very reluctant, the elder felt embarrassed and slightly changed his idea just now.

"Ask the bodyguard to send the eight supreme elders back to their place of residence. In the future, they are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of any family. As for the cancellation of the requirements restricting their free access, do you think it's ok?"

The solution proposed by the elder at this time is the best way to deal with the imminent bloody conflict. Although Chu Zhongtian was reluctant, he still followed the elder's advice.

"All right!" Nodded, Chu Zhongtian agreed very depressed.

Of course, if you want to achieve the plan you made at the beginning and get rid of the cancer of the veterans with the help of the conflict, there is no way. The way is whether the eight arrogant supreme elders can take the initiative to cooperate.

Unfortunately, he looked too high on the backbone of the eight supreme elders and underestimated their courage to be greedy for life and afraid of death. After the great elder put forward the solution, although he lost the benefit of intervening in the distribution of interests, he retained their right to continue to enjoy a luxurious life. Therefore, they immediately agreed to the great elder's method, which made Chu Zhongtian extremely unwilling.

However, even if he was unwilling, he dared not and could not refute the opinions of the elder. He could only wave his hand reluctantly, motioned the bodyguard at the door and asked them to send the eight supreme elders out of the conference hall.

However, the four bodyguards at the door of the conference hall ignored his orders and looked directly at Chu Tianyun sitting on the Dragon chair in the center of the hall.

Originally, because the elder suddenly intervened and interrupted his good plan, Chu Zhongtian, who was in a bad mood, immediately found the object to vent his anger when he saw that several bodyguards were all birds themselves.

The high-level body method and martial arts, combined with the basic fist method, guarded at the door of the conference hall in less than one tenth of a second. The four high-level bodyguards who had reached the Qi refining stage didn't even shout out, and their heads were all blasted into blood clots.

Just because he disobeyed his order, he directly shot and killed four high-level bodyguards in the physical training period, which made all the elders in the hall, including Chu fan and the elder, take a breath of air conditioning at the same time.

As for Chu Zhengxuan, he just opened his eyes and took a look, then continued to close his eyes and think deeply without expression.

"Eight supreme elders, I'm sorry, no one can send you back now, so I can only bother you to move your legs and return to your place of residence!" He picked a little messy hair on his forehead. Chu Zhongtian looked calm and ordered in a calm tone.

Seeing that the four bodyguards were killed, Chu Zhongtian was as plain as eating and drinking water. The eight supreme elders finally believed that when Chu Zhongtian introduced himself just now, he said that hundreds of experts died in his hands, not lying.

Chu Zhongtian, who has such cruel means, can't kill thousands of people too much.

Therefore, in the face of Chu Zhongtian like a devil, the third supreme elder quickly waved his hand and motioned that he and others could go back by himself.

Then, the eight supreme elders did not look like the approaching old man at all, and fled the conference hall with faster speed and skill than the young people.

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