Within 100 meters of the central platform, there is an area painted with special paint. According to the regulations of hunting competition, as long as you enter the red line within 100 meters of the high platform, it means the end of your hunting competition.

No one is allowed to fight against the players standing within the red line. Otherwise, it will be regarded as challenging the dignity of the four families, and the four families will kill them together.

After Chu Zhongtian and others passed, Liu Yongjun waved with a gloomy face, and the children of the Liu family surrounded the passage again. At the same time, Liu Yongjun also came to the public and said for the first time: "listen to me, there are only two ways to enter the safety zone of the high platform through here."

"First, take the initiative to hand over the jade pieces you have in your hands!"

"Second, be searched by us."

When they heard Liu Yongjun's regulations, their faces suddenly changed. It doesn't matter if the children of the small family arrive, because they don't have jade chips and valuable things on their bodies. They are not afraid of being searched.

But those players from second rate families and above have sudden changes in their faces. Because everyone has their own secrets, especially those with background and strength, who have more or less hidden and invisible wealth.

If the information is revealed because of the body search, they will feel uneasy and even face great disaster.

Soon someone objected, Qi Yilong, who had just broken through the eighth floor of the gas refining period.

"Liu Yongjun, can't I, the prince of the royal family, be searched?" Hearing Liu Yongjun's request, Qi Yilong said with a gloomy face.

"Yes, you are no exception." Liu Yongjun still maintains a tough attitude towards Qi Yilong's threat.

The reason why he is so overbearing is entirely because he was stimulated by Chu Zhongtian. I think Liu Yongjun has been a great genius of the state of Qi since he was a child. No one in the younger generation has ever been his opponent, let alone someone to let him retreat without fighting.

Chu Zhongtian gave him the first insult in his life. In order to wash away this insult, he must ensure that he finally won the championship, and then enter the Qianlong pavilion to realize his promotion.

How can we win the championship?

A sufficient number of jade pieces must be collected. In order to prevent someone from hiding the jade pieces into the safe area, he can only use this offensive method.

What Liu Yongjun doesn't know is that most of the 100 jade pieces are in the hands of the Chu family. Even if he collects all the remaining jade pieces, he can only rank second at most.

As the most valued Prince of the royal family, Qi Yilong, the owner of the throne in the future, even if he is desperate, it is impossible for Liu Yongjun to be searched. Otherwise, there will be a magic barrier in his heart, which will make him break through the physical training period all his life, so Qi Yilong will not give in.

"Liu Yongjun, since you are merciless, don't blame me for Qi Yilong's cruel hand." Seeing Liu Yongjun's extremely tough attitude, Qi Yilong also roared angrily.

After leaving a threatening word, Qi Yilong handed over his sword to the people behind, and then pulled out a soft sword from his sleeve.

After seeing the soft sword, Liu Yongjun's face became very ugly for the second time.

In fact, not only is Liu Yongjun's face ugly, but also the faces of Chu Zhongtian and Chu Zhongba who have entered the security zone have changed suddenly.

Looking at the soft sword in Qi Yilong's hand, Chu Zhongba said to himself in a trembling tone: "spirit tool!"

According to the power, the weapon level is also different.

In the Qi refining period, the warrior uses ten weapons, while in the body refining period, the warrior uses hundreds of weapons, while the strong man who breaks through the Qi refining period uses spiritual weapons.

Spiritual weapon is a kind of spiritual treasure that surpasses ordinary weapons. Ordinary weapons are only outstanding in sharpness and hardness.

In addition to being sharper and harder, spirit tools can also enhance the power of spirit power, and spirit tools have a kind of pressure.

The four families all have spirit tools, but each spirit tool is the treasure of their own family.

Not to mention the young generation, even the strong ones of the young generation can't carry spiritual tools with them. Qi Yilong's spiritual tools are probably the biggest harvest in his hunting competition this time.

Unexpectedly, Qi Yilong had a spirit instrument in his hand. Although it is impossible for Qi Yilong to exert the power of spiritual tools in the eight level realm of Qi Yilong's Qi refining period, I'm afraid Liu Yongjun can't bear to exert even a trace of power.

After all, a spirit weapon is equivalent to an expert in the Qi melting period. I'm afraid the power it inspires will also reach the power of the body refining period.

"Damn it!" Looking at Qi Yilong holding a spirit weapon in his hand, the angry Liu Yongjun couldn't help swearing.

But even in anger, it's no use. Although he also has body armor, he can only defend against the attacks of nine layer masters in the Qi refining period. I'm afraid he doesn't have any protection against the powerful spirit object such as spirit tool.

For the sake of his own life, he had to make concessions.

"Liu Yongjun, let's live in peace. If we don't, let's fight each other!" I don't know if the words of the young strong man of the Chu family just now sound domineering. Qi Yilong inadvertently imitated his words just now.

Qi Yilong copied Chu Zhongtian's words, which almost made Liu Yongjun's violent character crazy. Fortunately, the people around him reminded him in time to calm him down at last.

Staring at Qi Yilong with red eyes, Liu Yongjun said in a murderous tone, "let's go!"

Seeing a picture of Liu Yongjun who wanted to eat people, Qi Yilong was very depressed.

Just now, the Chinese people of the Chu family said the same thing and had the same attitude. Liu Yongjun had a very peaceful attitude towards him. Why would he have such a great resentment when he came to his own place.

Looking at Qi Yilong with a depressed face passing through the channel, Chu Zhongtian, standing in the safety zone, despised and spit out two words "stupid!"

Liu Yongjun's peaceful attitude towards him is due to his own strength. And Qi Yilong only relied on the deterrence of spiritual tools to make Liu Yongjun helpless. How can he be convinced!

What's more, Chu Zhongtian's tough attitude just now has annoyed Liu Yongjun. Qi Yilong imitates his words and attitude just now. When it's time to sprinkle salt on Liu Yongjun's wound, he can resist his anger.

Due to being pushed back by Chu Zhongtian and Qi Yilong, Liu Yongjun has now reached the edge of the outbreak. After the bloody slaughter of the children of the two Challenger families, the remaining players finally accepted the body search.

With fewer and fewer players left, Liu Yongjun's face became worse and worse. Because until now, the number of jade pieces in his hand is only 17, which is far from the goal of 50 in his mind.

But looking at fewer and fewer players outside the channel, he felt that those people basically didn't have many jade pieces in their hands.

Are there many jade pieces that haven't been found?

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