"Hoo...!" Chu Zhongtian's seductive teasing not only aggravates the thin old man's breathing, but also makes the farmer old man who has made up his mind turn his head and look forward to the end of the passage.

"All right!" Perhaps Chu Zhongtian's seduction is strong enough, or he is unwilling to give up the readily available Millennium fruit. After suppressing his inner excitement, the thin old man agreed to continue to accompany Chu Zhongtian to destroy the blood God tree on which the blood god beast depends.

As the middle-aged strong man was accidentally attacked by the blood beast to death, the remaining four strong men stood around the middle heaven of Chu and continued to go deep into the end of the passage in the way of encirclement for a long time.

Fifty meters, everyone's nervous mood has been mentioned to the heart!

Thirty meters, everyone's nervous mood has been mentioned to their throat!

Ten meters, everyone's nervous mood has distorted their face performance!

As they walked across the end of the passage and entered a spacious space, the tense mood immediately eased. Then, they were stunned by the scene in front of them!

The spacious space in front of us seems boundless. We can't see the edge of the space at all. Moreover, the whole space is filled with unimaginable Qi and blood almost close to the state of gas.

The source of Qi and blood is a giant spirit tree thousands of meters away, about hundreds of meters high and more than ten meters in diameter.

The extended branches and leaves of the giant spirit tree cover an area of hundreds of thousands of square meters, giving people the vision of a behemoth.

Of course, what attracts people's attention most is the six spiritual fruits like annual rings hanging on the trunk of the blood God tree.

"Huang Lao, is this spirit tree in front of you the legendary blood God tree? Is the fruit hanging on the tree Millennium fruit?" Chu Zhongtian asked calmly.

Maybe it's because he is still a long way from breaking through the longevity period, or maybe it's because he still doesn't feel the threat of life depletion. When facing the temptation of blood God tree and Millennium fruit, he can wake up quickly and timely ask Huang Lao in his mind to verify what he thinks.

"Yes, the spirit tree in front of us is indeed the blood God tree, and the fruit hanging on its trunk is the Millennium fruit!" Compared with the shock of Chu Zhongtian and the farmers, Huang's response was very indifferent.

After all, his accomplishments exceed the longevity period. I don't know how many great realms. Six spiritual fruits such as Millennium fruit are of no use to him.

"Something's wrong!" Just because old Huang has no greed for Millennium fruit, he can soberly observe the blood God tree. Through the power of Qi and blood emitted by the blood God tree and the outline on the six Millennium fruits, Huang Lao gradually had a little something wrong.

"Huang Lao, what's the matter?" After getting Huang Lao's confirmation, Chu Zhongtian first considered how to pick the six Millennium fruits on the blood God tree.

Because the farmer and the old man promised to protect themselves temporarily. The ultimate goal is for the Millennium fruit. Only after picking the Millennium fruit can he do his best to destroy the blood God tree in front of him.

However, just as he was going to discuss with the old farmers who would pick the Millennium fruit, old Huang exclaimed in his mind that something was wrong, which made him nervous.

"Boy, take a closer look at the Millennium fruit hanging on the blood God tree, and see how many lines there are in the outline of the Millennium fruit?" Huang Lao said solemnly.

"Huang Lao, there are six layers of outline on the Millennium fruit. What's the matter?" Chu Zhongtian asked puzzled.

Although it is thousands of meters away from the blood God tree, for the Chu Zhongtian in the realm of qi transformation period, a sand 10000 meters away can be clearly seen by the naked eye, so the outline formed by the appearance of the Millennium fruit on the trunk of the blood God tree can be clearly seen.

"Chu boy, you are looking at the outline of these six floors carefully!" Without explaining why he was asked to observe the outline of the Millennium fruit, Huang asked him to continue his careful observation.

"The yellow one, that's right! The fruit hanging on the blood God tree has six layers of outline on it!" After looking carefully again, Chu Zhongtian didn't find anything special about the outline of Millennium fruit.

"Chu boy, remember I told you that as a companion beast of the blood God tree, the grade of the blood god beast is the same as that of the blood God tree." Seeing that Chu Zhongtian still didn't see the particularity of the Millennium fruit, old Huang knew that he couldn't consider the strange source for the time being, so he began to explain the particularity of the Millennium fruit.

"Yes, at that time, old Huang said that the grade of the blood beast was still the lower grade six!" The blood beast ignores any defense ability and sneak attack means, which has always impressed Chu Zhongtian and kept its details in mind.

"Since the level of the blood beast is the lower level six, the blood tree it depends on must also be the lower level six."

Speaking of this, old Huang motioned Chu Zhongtian to observe the Millennium fruit on the blood God tree once, And explained: "According to the different grades of the blood God tree, the outline color of the Millennium fruit is also different. For the blood God tree with the lower grade of grade 6, the outline color of the sixth layer of the Millennium fruit is light cyan, the blood God tree with the middle grade of grade 6, the outline of the sixth layer of the Millennium fruit is medium cyan, the blood God tree with the upper grade of grade 6, and the outline of the sixth layer of the Millennium fruit is dark cyan."

"Chu boy, it's less than an hour since we first found the blood god beast. The grade of the blood God tree has been directly promoted from the lower grade six to the upper grade six. Do you think there's something wrong?"

After Huang Lao's detailed explanation, Chu Zhongtian gradually realized that the problem was wrong. Combined with Huang Lao's description of blood God tree and blood god beast, Chu Zhongtian gradually speculated the reason for the rapid promotion of blood God tree.

At the same time, he also vaguely caught a trace of the tail of the Chu family conspiracy!

"Huang Lao, I'm afraid the reason why the blood God tree is promoted to the upper level six products in a short time is related to the hundreds of strong people in the spirit period who have entered the vein!"

"Yes, with the ability of blood beasts to ignore defense and the means of haunting, none of the hundreds of strong men who entered the ore vein can match." Following Chu Zhongtian's speculation just now, old Huang also said what he thought.

"The blood essence and huge spiritual power of hundreds of strong people in the spirit period and half life period are enough to make the blood God tree advance to two sketch levels in succession in less than an hour."

"Huang Lao, since the blood God tree has no means of defense and attack, we can directly pick the Millennium fruit and destroy the blood God tree. Is this feasible?" Chu Zhongtian then asked.

Because it was not clear whether hundreds of warriors who entered the vein had died in the hands of the blood god beast, and whether the blood god beast was promoted to the seventh grade in a short time with the help of the remaining strong ones, Chu Zhongtian's first idea was to pick the Millennium fruit immediately and then try his best to destroy the blood God tree.

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