"Elder, thank you for your concern." Facing the warning of Chutian River, Chu Zhongtian responded confidently: "since the younger generation let your spirit body break away from the blood God tree, you naturally have the ability to deal with the blood god beast after promotion."

"Hum!" Seeing the final warning and efforts, Chu Zhongtian still couldn't change his attention. After Chutian River snorted coldly, he completely gave up his heart.

Then, he cast the spell master's secret method to mobilize the body of the spirit to gradually break away from the blood God tree.

At the beginning, it took three years for the chutianhe River to integrate its own spirit body into the blood God tree, so that the spirit body could be perfectly integrated with the spirit of the blood God tree, and let the blood God tree act as his flesh body for the time being.

Now, the body of the soul completely cuts off all connections with the body of the blood God tree. This process is similar to the soul stripping the body. The whole process is very painful.

Therefore, the more painful the process of depriving the body of the soul, the stronger the hatred of the Chutian river towards the chuzhongtian!

The strong hatred makes the chutianhe decide to return to the flesh body not far from here immediately after the body of the spirit completely leaves the blood God tree, and then return to the living space of the blood God tree.

At that time, he who can use his strength during the half step road period will let the young man in front of him know how painful it is to offend him.

Just when the Chu River used the magic spell to gradually separate his soul from the blood God tree, Chu Zhongtian walked to the side of the blood God tree under the instruction of Huang Lao.

Then, he mobilized Zhenyuan in Dantian on his ten fingers, followed the action of Huang Lao in his mind and began to produce different fingerprints.

After more than 30 kinds of handprints were printed on the trunk of the blood God tree, he vaguely felt a very subtle feeling between himself and the blood God tree. This subtle feeling was like a special channel was formed between him and the blood God tree.

"Chu boy, don't think nonsense. Continue to follow me to show your fingerprints!" Seeing that the action of Chu Zhongtian's ten fingers to seal slowed down, Huang Lao in his mind immediately reminded him.

"Yes!" Kwai Chung immediately adjusted his mindset and hurriedly accelerated the movement of finger printing.

After hundreds of handprints were formed and all printed on the trunk of the blood God tree, the special channel between him and the blood God tree had been fully formed.

"Chu boy, you first let the old man surnamed Su destroy the passage to the living space of the blood God tree!" After hundreds of handprints were formed, Huang Laoli felt them carefully with the power of the divine soul. After discovering that the mark formed in the sky in Chu had formed a perfect special channel with the blood God tree, he was relieved secretly. At the same time, he ordered him to tell the farmer old man to destroy the channel.

"All right!" Old Huang's approach was to delay the time for Chu Tianhe to return to space. Although Chu Zhongtian felt that it was not very useful, he still said to the old farmer who stood by.

When the farmer and the old man went to destroy the passage, Chu Zhongtian was calm and attentive, waiting for the moment when the spirit body of Chu Tian River completely separated from the blood God tree.

It takes a long time for the spirit body to replace the spirit of the blood God tree, but it doesn't take long to completely get rid of the blood God tree.

Three minutes later, when the farmer and the old man completely destroyed the passage, the spirit body of the Chutian river had completely cut off all the links with the blood God tree.

After glancing at the Chutian River completely separated from the blood God tree, Chu Zhongtian found that the original strong breath of the Chutian river has weakened the breath on his body by at least seven layers. In other words, separating from the blood God tree will do great harm to his spirit body.

In this regard, Chu Zhongtian didn't have any pity, but directly used the secret method given to him by old Huang and began to absorb the magnificent blood and spiritual power in the blood God tree.

Because Chu Zhongtian has experienced the purification of purgatory Pavilion blood and the transformation of purple blood in the secret realm of blood demons, after the blood in the blood God tree enters the body through the special channel formed by the mark, part of the blood quickly integrates into his blood vessels and continues to purify the blood in his body, so that the purple concentration of the blood that had barely reached four layers increases rapidly.

The remaining blood is transformed into incomparable and magnificent energy. The energy is divided into two parts. One is to promote his cultivation and make his cultivation advance towards the ninth floor of the qi transformation period, and the other is to continue to improve his potential and make the potential that has not reached the limit climb to the limit quickly.

As for the spiritual power entering the body through the special channel of imprinting, because his cultivation has not reached the peak of the tenth floor of the Qihai period, and his mind can not be transformed into the divine mind, Huang Lao directly uses the power of the divine soul to seal the spiritual power flowing into the body in the sea of knowledge for the time being.

When Chu Zhongtian's cultivation reaches the high level of Qihai period, he can use the secret method just taught him to gradually unlock the seal, absorb the spiritual power in the sea and accelerate the speed of breaking through the divine soul period.

Although the talent of Chu Zhongtian reaches the level of demon and the capacity of Dantian is like a stream and spring, the blood God tree is a spirit tree that has reached the upper level six grades after all, and its real strength is equivalent to the existence of the top ten levels of longevity

Therefore, the amount of blood filled in its body is amazing!

According to his current rate of absorption, it is impossible to absorb all of them within a month. When he found out this situation, Chu Zhongtian quickly discussed with Huang Lao in his mind.

"Huang Lao, how long will it take for the spirit of the Chutian River to return to the flesh?"

"Half an hour at most!" Old Huang calculated carefully and gave Chu Zhongtian a piece of bad news.

Although the flesh of the chutianhe river was hidden in the mineral vein, he suffered some heavy damage because his spirit body forcibly separated from the blood God tree.

At the same time, the body of the spirit has been separated from the flesh for nearly three years, which requires a certain time to adjust and adapt. Therefore, half an hour is calculated by Huang Lao according to the above conclusion.

"Spell it!" Half an hour is definitely not enough to absorb the majestic blood and spiritual power in the blood God tree, but this time the opportunity against the sky is hard to find, so Chu Zhongtian can only be determined to take a risk.

However, before going all out, he must ensure his safety.

So, I consulted with the farmer and fisherman, and the most powerful farmer will guard the destroyed channel and always be vigilant about the Chutian River returning to this space.

The old fisherman is prepared to use the most powerful and fastest martial arts to prevent the Chutian River from destroying the blood God tree at the first time after returning to space, so that he can use his life saving card to guide Jiao Enjun to save his life.

As for Huang Lao in his mind, he is on the one hand sealing his mental power and on the other hand guarding against the injured and hidden blood beast.

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