"Junior Chu Zhongtian, I've seen the elder!" Seeing the figure standing next to the wooden chair in the main hall and emitting white light, Chu Zhongtian's first reaction was the respectful salute.

"Younger generation, Dongfang Yuner, I've seen the elder!" After the respectful salute, Chu Zhongtian found that Dongfang Yuner, who was guarding by his side, was still sluggish. He quickly stretched out his hand to pull her and reminded her to salute quickly.

Concealed by the array, there are still strong people living in the cave for millions of years, maybe even tens of millions of years. He and Dongfang Yuner should salute respectfully.

"You're welcome, little friend. I'm not an elder, but the spirit of this Dan Pavilion!" When Chu Zhongtian and Dongfang Yuner finished the ceremony respectfully, they turned their back to their figure and said gently.

Discuss the spirit of the Dan Pavilion!

Chu Zhongtian was extremely shocked after hearing the other party's introduction. As one of the most gifted geniuses of Liuyun sect and the most valued disciple of the supreme level strong, the introduction of the weapon spirit is not only recorded in the mainland secret given by Jiao Enjun, but also explained to him in detail the various grades of weapons.

There are four levels of weapons in the eternal continent.

The weapons of the first level are called Treasure weapons. The weapons are tempered with special skills for different times, and the final weapons are called Treasure weapons.

The treasure ware is divided into two grades, ten refining and hundred refining. The users correspond to the gas refining period and body refining period respectively.

The weapon of the second level is called spirit weapon. It is a weapon refined by a special weapon refiner through the way of weapon refining. It is called spirit weapon.

The spirit ware is divided into four grades: the lower grade spirit ware, the middle grade spirit ware, the upper grade spirit ware and the best spirit ware. The users correspond to the Qi melting period, the sea of Qi period, the soul period and the longevity period finally known after the introduction of old Huang.

The weapons of the third level are called real weapons. They are refined by the masters of weapons and Taoism with more than three grades and the power of the rules mastered by the users of real weapons. They are called real weapons.

The real ware is also divided into four levels: the lower real ware, the middle real ware, the upper real ware and the best real ware, which correspond to the realm of the great road, the realm of the king, the realm of the emperor and the realm of the supreme being told by the old farmer.

The weapons of the fourth level are called holy weapons. It is a weapon that can't be refined by the weapon refiner. It is integrated by the title supreme with the power of its own laws, and finally forms a weapon.

Because the holy ware integrates the power of the law of the supreme title, the holy ware is also known as the supreme title. It is the real treasure of the town and the foundation of the prosperity of the sect.

According to Jiao Enjun's conjecture, sacred weapons are not the final form of weapons. There is a legendary level above sacred weapons.

As for how to call this level, Jiao Enjun didn't say it clearly. He just told him that if you want to upgrade the holy weapon to that level, you must make the holy weapon produce a spirit.

The figure emitting milky white light in front of me, since it is the weapon spirit of Yedan Pavilion, the Attic I entered is the legendary weapon of that level.

"Little friend, since this cave has been blocked by the elder with a powerful array, you are the first person to enter the Yedan Pavilion in 10 million years!" It seemed that he didn't feel the shock of Chu Zhongtian. The instrument spirit turned around, as if it were like a normal human, and his tone was full of emotion.

"It's an honor for the younger generation to enter the Council hall!" Hearing that the cave had been sealed for more than 10 million years, Chu Zhongtian felt admiration for the master of the cave when he sighed that the spirit of the exclamation device could survive so much.

It's too powerful to use a set of three grade array to keep his cave from being destroyed for tens of millions of years.

"Alas!" After lamenting the long time, the spirit of the instrument in Yidan Pavilion carefully observed Chu Zhongtian and Dongfang Yuner.

Then, its tone was full of regret and said: "unfortunately, the little friend who entered the Yidan Pavilion and the female companion around him are not orthodox Dan masters. In other words, I'm afraid your purpose of entering the Yidan Pavilion is not to verify the pills you refined."

"Senior, in the era when you lived, a hundred flowers competed in the study of Dandao, and Dan masters and wizards emerged one after another. But now the world is full of clouds and dogs, and the sea is full of vicissitudes. Not only the way of martial arts is scattered, but even the study of Dandao is also sweeping the snow in front of the door. It is in decline!" Chu Zhongtian felt a little bad about the regret expressed in the spirit tone of the Yi Dan Pavilion.

Because the meaning of Qi Ling's tone just now, since you didn't come to verify the pill, you can leave.

After consuming all the collected spirit stones and using the six product self explosion array, he finally entered the Yidan Pavilion. How can Chu Zhongtian return empty handed, so he quickly started his brain and began to think about ways.

Finally, he thought of taking advantage of the decline of the pill Road, hoping to arouse the sympathy of the instrument spirit of the Dan Pavilion and give himself some high-quality pills.

In fact, Chu Zhongtian's judgment is very accurate. Just after confirming that neither Chu Zhongtian nor Dongfang Yuner is a real Dan master, the spirit of Yidan pavilion has the idea of seeing off guests. However, hearing Chu Zhongtian's evaluation of the decline of the Dan Road, the spirit of Yidan Pavilion asked with some doubt: "really!"

"Elder, I know you doubt my evaluation just now. Then, you can test the quality and refining methods of these pills!" The skeptical tone of Qi Ling in the Dan Pavilion made Chu Zhongtian feel happy.

I'm not afraid you doubt, I'm afraid you don't doubt!

As long as you doubt, it means that you are interested in the changes of the current Dandao. As long as you are interested in the current Dandao, Chu Zhongtian is confident that he can get enough benefits by virtue of his verbal advantages.

From the storage bag, take out ten, nine and eight grades of Zengqi pills, Peitian pills, 27 condensate pills in total, and get the upper grade eight grade Dingyan pills from hachir storage bag.

Seeing that Chu Zhongtian took out 27 common pills of low-grade grade and the women's dream of fixing Yan pill, there was a look of dissatisfaction on the spirit's face.

Then he reached out and sucked in the 28 pills Chu Zhongtian placed on the table on the right side of the living room, all of which were inhaled into his hands.

Through the color, smell and energy contained in the pill, the spirit of the discussion pill Pavilion carefully distinguishes the quality of the pill.

"This is the pill made by those bastards who don't enter the stream. Not only the refining method lacks several key procedures, but also the materials for refining pills are more than several materials that can't be used at all."

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