With the help of the cover of the strong trees in the valley and the means of Huang Lao using the power of the divine soul to cover up his breath, taking advantage of the opportunity of the strong of the sword sect and the air eating beast, Chu Zhongtian chose a more hidden position with lightning speed to continue to observe the battle between the strong and the air eating beast in the period of the avenue.

As a powerful person who controls the power of the law, the sword technique of the strong person of the sword sect is not only extremely fierce, but also contains great destructive power in the sword Qi. Where the sword Qi passes, countless trees, branches, leaves and weeds are twisted into powder.

Facing the sword Qi of the powerful and powerful, which contains the power of law, the empty eater didn't pay attention at all. He just opened his mouth like yawning and let the sword Qi shoot into his mouth.

The sword Qi shot into the mouth of the empty devouring beast neither sent out the explosion sound nor saw any discomfort of the empty devouring beast. It seemed as if it yawned bored, and then looked at the strong man of the sword sect with disdain.

"Aoqun, get out of here quickly, find martial Uncle Wu and ask him to come and help!" Seeing the sword power of the law contained in his carefully prepared move, not only did he not hurt the wild beast in front of him, but also the wild beast dealt with it easily. The strong sects knew that they were probably not the opponent of the wild beast in front of them.

Therefore, he quickly ordered Lin aoqun, who was hidden in the dark, to hurry up and move the rescue soldiers.

"Uncle Lin, hold on. I'll invite Uncle Wu right away!" After hearing the instructions from the strong man of Jianzong, Lin aoqun hurriedly came out of the dark and left while exercising his body skills and martial arts skills. At the same time, he turned back and told the strong man of Jianzong.

"Old Huang, please pay attention to the battle between the air eating beast and the strong of the sword sect with your mind. I'll eliminate the hidden danger." Seeing that Lin aoqun was going to invite the strong man at the top of the king's territory, Chu Zhongtian's first reaction was to stop him.

Although the air eating beast in front of us is very strong and has the fighting power beyond its own level, it has not really grown up after all. It can surpass one of its own high-level opponents, or can cope with it, but I'm afraid it may not be an opponent if it surpasses two of its own high-level opponents.

The strong man at the peak of the king's realm of Wanyi sword sect came to help. Not only the precious wild beast of devouring the air will be obtained by the sword sect, but also the red heart fruit that can improve the physical grade will fall on his hand.

In any case, Chu Zhongtian couldn't let Lin aoqun invite the top strong in the king's territory.

In order to enable Lin aoqun to invite the top strongman of Jianzong King's realm smoothly, the strongman of Jianzong in the Da Dao period took the initiative to entangle the empty devouring beast, which led to the attention of one person and one beast in the battle and let Chu Zhongtian leave the hiding place smoothly.

When the figure was completely out of the sight of the strong sword sect and the empty devouring beast, Chu Zhongtian directly displayed the lower level body skills of Xuanpin, and quickly chased away according to the breath left by Lin aoqun.

Although Lin aoqun left first, the cultivation at the peak of the seventh floor during the qi transformation period and the special environment of the wilderness secret place limited his speed of leaving, which made him barely reach the speed of Huang pin's primary body method and martial arts.

Therefore, Chu Zhongtian, who started later, didn't take long to catch up and crossed Lin aoqun in an instant.

"It's you!" Seeing the person standing in front of him, it was Chu Zhongtian, who had been haunted and tortured in his dreams. A strong murderous spirit rose from Lin aoqun.

"Yes, it's me!" Nodded, Chu Zhongtian looked at Lin aoqun with disdain.

Seeing the enemy whose accomplishments are far better than his own, his first reaction is not to immediately look for an opportunity to escape, or to quickly find a way to ask for help. On the contrary, silk does not hide his murderous spirit. If Lin aoqun is not a fool, he is dazzled by hatred.

"Chu Zhongtian, the secret place of purgatory city. I dream of cutting off your head with my own hands to repay the humiliation I received that day." Take out the inferior life spirit sword, said Lin aoqun gnashing his teeth.

"Really! I almost forget who you are!" Shrugging his shoulders, Chu Zhongtian said indifferently.

"Chu Zhongtian, don't deceive people too much. Lin aoqun is an elite villain with peerless talent. He is one of the four gentlemen of Huashan sword sect. He is the future of Huashan sword sect...!" Seeing Chu Zhongtian's despised attitude, Lin aoqun, who felt insulted, retorted loudly.

Unfortunately, just when he boasted about how powerful he was and how noble his identity was, a cold light flashed across his neck and made the words that had not been boasted stop at his mouth.

"You, you, you don't keep your word!" Holding his neck in one hand and pointing to Chu Zhongtian in the other, Lin aoqun said sadly and angrily.

Then he closed his eyes and fell to the ground!

"Chu boy, such a person also deserves to be a hidden danger!" Looking at Lin aoqun who fell to the ground and died, Huang Lao's attitude was very disdainful and ironic.

"This...!" In the face of Huang Lao's satire, Chu Zhong Tianshi doesn't know how to answer.

In the secret realm of purgatory City, although Lin aoqun was too arrogant and confident at that time, his strength should not be underestimated.

Arrogance and self-confidence are just annoying, but they won't give people the feeling of idiocy, but Lin aoqun's reaction just now!

"Idiot!" Reach out and take away the storage bag around Lin aoqun's waist. After Chu Zhongtian leaves a comment, he plans to return to the place where the strong of Jianzong fights with the empty eating beast.

Due to the influence of cultivation and environment, Lin aoqun was not too far away from the battle site, so Chu Zhongtian soon returned to his original hiding place.

Through the gap between leaves and branches, Chu Zhongtian found that the battle between the strong of Jianzong and the empty eating beast was much more intense than he thought.

At the beginning, the empty devouring beast easily swallowed up the sword power of the sword sect, and exerted the sword Qi containing the power of law. Chu Zhongtian thought that the strong of the sword sect was far from the opponent of the empty devouring beast, and the killing of one person and one beast might not take too long.

However, after the real fight, he found that the air devouring beast was far from the opponent of the strong of the sword sect. The air devouring beast could devour the sword Qi containing the power of law, but its body defense could not resist the attack of the sword Qi.

After discovering this situation, the strong people of the sword sect began to use the exquisite sword technique and the power of inferior real weapons to attack its body. Moreover, the attack position can not be separated from the thin waist, back tail and forehead at the key points, which makes the air eating beast busy with evasion and defense and unable to fight back at all.

Looking at the empty eating beast gradually falling downwind, Chu Zhongtian was a little worried.

If the empty eater gains the upper hand and eventually devours or drives away the strong sword of Jianzong, he has a certain chance to pick the red heart fruit.

However, if the strong sword sect has the upper hand and kills or drives away the empty eating beast, I'm afraid liupin red heart fruit won't have its own share.

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