"Boy, you want to die!" When Chu Zhongtian apologized to Huang and promised not to use the power of the spirit in the future, a figure suddenly appeared in the sand under the powdered tree.

Chu Zhongtian was startled by the sudden figure. After hearing the sad and angry curse of the figure, Chu Zhongtian knew that the strong man at the top of the king's territory was not dead.

Facing the power that can destroy everything just now, the strong ones at the top of the king's territory can resist it. He finally knew why old Huang died and advised him not to easily provoke the strong ones at the top of the king's territory.

Dare not observe the state of the strong at the peak of the king's territory, Chu Zhongtian mobilized the power of the divine soul just added by old Huang and planned to quickly escape the scene. As for the idea of entering the special artistic conception, whether it will eventually lose the opportunity, he can't care so much for the time being. In this case, life protection is the most important.

"Chu boy, wait a minute!" However, just before he came and left, Huang Lao in his mind suddenly warned.

"Huang Lao, what's the matter?" He didn't stop mobilizing the power of the spirit, but Chu Zhongtian turned around and interrogated Huang Lao while looking up to see the state of the top strong man in the king's territory.

When he saw the state of the top strong man in the king's territory, he was secretly relieved. At the same time, he also understood why old Huang wanted him to wait.

Because the top strongman of the king's realm who came out from the ground looked terrible at this time. He not only lacked arms and legs, but also lost half of his head. At the same time, the breath on each other's body is very light and dark, so light and dark that it can't even reach the realm of divine soul period.

"Chu boy, it seems that your judgment is correct. When the king's top strongman was fighting with the empty eater, his body suffered unimaginable heavy damage, and even the power of God and soul was hurt to at least eight layers. Otherwise, with the power of God and soul of the king's top strongman, it only needs four layers of God and soul power to easily block the power of mieqi fist."

Chu Zhongtian can only see the physical injury of the top strong man in the king's realm, but he can't see his internal injury. However, as a once supreme strong man, Huang can see the injury of the other party's divine soul.

"Old Huang, is there any threat to me from the top of the king's realm of the evil heart sect?" Although the other party was seriously injured, the mieqi fist formed such a terrible force just now that it could not kill the other party. Chu Zhongtian began to think of Huang's saying that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and asked nervously.

"Chu boy, I'm afraid now. You didn't have great courage at the beginning." Feeling the tension in Chu Zhongtian's heart, old Huang looked very unhappy and asked.

"Huang Lao, it was the boy who was obsessed for a while. Don't be angry with the boy!" Hearing the displeasure in Huang Lao's tone, Chu Zhongtian quickly apologized and said good words.

"Hum!" In the face of Chu Zhongtian's humble words, old Huang snorted coldly to show that he would not forgive easily, but he still truthfully told Chu Zhongtian the real situation of the other party.

"Don't worry, Chu boy! The other party's body is not only destroyed, but also the power of God and soul is difficult to gather. They can only reluctantly give full play to their high-level strength in the qi transformation period. There is no great threat to you."

Speaking of this, Huang Lao's tone suddenly turned and said in a somewhat contradictory tone: "Chu boy, there's one thing I don't know if I should tell you!"

"Huang Lao, with our relationship, what else can't we say!" It is rare to see old Huang worried. Chu Zhongtian knew that his next words might involve some secrets, so he pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

Seeing Chu Zhongtian very interested, old Huang finally gritted his teeth and said something that made him feel contradictory.

"In addition to absorbing the soul power scattered between heaven and earth, the innate Lingbao dinghun can also actively absorb and refine the body and soul power, and convert it into pure energy. The transformed pure energy can not only accelerate the recovery of my soul power, but also help you quickly refine your mind."

"Huang Lao, do you want to use the soul fixing gourd to absorb the body of the soul that has been severely damaged in front of you!" He pointed to the top strongman in the king's realm who was trying to condense the body of the soul, and Chu Zhongtian asked.

"That's right!" Huang Lao admitted without denying.

"Then I'll absorb it directly. What are you doing?" After picking out the messy hair in front of his forehead, Chu Zhongtian asked puzzled.

Use the soul fixing God gourd to absorb the spirit body of the top strong in the king's territory, so as to restore his own spirit body and help him refine his mind. If there are such good things, we need to interrogate his attitude, which makes Chu Zhongtian very incomprehensible to Huang Lao's practice.

"Chu boy, I use the innate Lingbao to refine the body of other people's spirits. Don't you feel disgusted or angry!" Chu Zhongtian's insipid reaction made Huang Lao very uncomfortable.

Because refining the body of other people's gods and souls and becoming a means to increase their strength is taboo in the spiritual world. Anyone can hunt him down after discovering it.

How did the powerful spell master become extinct at the beginning? It's not because the spell master wizards created a skill that can refine the power of other people's spirits and enhance their spiritual power, which was chased by the most powerful people.

"No, I feel normal!" Chu Zhongtian responded calmly to Huang Lao's rhetorical question.

"Alas, Chu boy, I really don't understand you!" Chu Zhongtian's calm and understanding attitude made Huang Lao completely believe that he didn't mind refining the body of other people's spirits at all, which made him sigh.

"Huang Lao, I know what you mean." In fact, Chu Zhongtian knew what Huang meant when he began to interrogate him.

Originally, he didn't want to explain much, but he was afraid that Huang Lao would misunderstand himself. Finally, he explained his view on the body of refining the soul.

"Huang Lao, if you take the initiative to refine the body of other people's gods and souls, I'm sorry, I will definitely stop you, because this is completely the means of people in the devil's way."

"However, refining your opponent, especially the spirit body of the great enemy of life and death, I feel there is no problem. Moreover, if you don't refine the spirit body of your opponent, we'll try to make him disappear later. It's also a good thing to use waste!"

"I see!" Hearing Chu Zhongtian's explanation and thinking of Chu Zhongtian's clear character of love and hate and his arbitrary style of action, Huang finally understood why he was able to look at the state of mind of refining the soul.

"Chu boy, you don't need to intervene in refining the body of the spirit, so next you'd better look for the storage ring left after the death of the top strongman in the avenue period." After understanding Chu Zhongtian's idea, old Huang has no psychological burden on refining the spirit body of the top power in the king's realm.

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